.. _using-tensorboard: Using TensorBoard ================= To use TensorBoard with the Cerebras software container, follow these steps: 1. Open a new Terminal window. 2. Log in to any compute node in the CS system cluster. ``ssh [username]@worker1`` 3. Run Cerebras Singularity container in interactive mode. ``singularity shell /data/shared/software/singularity/cbcore_latest.sif`` 4. Run TensorBoard command in the Singularity shell. ``tensorboard --bind_all --logdir=[PATH_TO_MODEL_DIR]`` 5. Open the TensorBoard-generated link in your local browser. Depending on how your internal environment is set up, you may need to use port forwarding to view the link locally. Saving summaries ---------------- To save summaries, set ``save_summary_steps`` in ``CSRunConfig``. See an example in the :ref:`csestimator-csrunconfig` section. .. _using-summary-ops: Writing summary data -------------------- Use summary ops to write the summary data as you would in TensorFlow, by using the `tf.summary `__ module in your model function. .. seealso:: `Using TensorBoard with other methods `__. In addition, to enable the summaries, you must wrap your Estimator call with the following: .. code-block:: python from cerebras.tf.summary import cs1_enable_summaries with cs1_enable_summaries(): # estimator code