.. _keras-model-to-cerebras-estimator: Keras Model to CerebrasEstimator ================================ The ``KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator`` function should be used to convert your Keras model to the ``CerebrasEstimator``. This section describes the ``KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator`` function. For more on ``CerebrasEstimator``, see :ref:`interface-cerebras-estimator`. .. _use-mixed-precision: Using the KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator --------------------------------------- The ``KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator`` is a wrapper that converts the Keras model so the model can be run using the ``CerebrasEstimator``. .. important:: Make sure that you use mixed precision by specifying ``mixed_float16`` while using the ``KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator`` wrapper. Example ~~~~~~~ The following example code shows how you can construct the ``KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator``: .. code-block:: python from cerebras.tf.cs_model_to_estimator import KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator, KerasModelToModelFn ... dtype = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy( 'mixed_float16', # Important: This is required. loss_scale=None ) tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy(dtype) ... estimator = KerasModelToCerebrasEstimator( model_fn=model_fn, model_dir=None, compile_dir=None, config: CSRunConfig=None, params=None, ) estimator.compile( input_fn=input_fn, ) where: - ``model_fn``: *Function*. Required. The Keras model function. - ``model_dir``: *String*. Optional. Same as the ``model_dir`` passed to the ``tf.estimator``. The location where your model and all the outputs such as checkpoints, summaries and event files are stored. Default value is ``None``. See also `tf.estimator.Estimator `__. - ``compile_dir``: *String*. Optional. The directory where the compilation results are stored, and from which the compilation outputs are reloaded. Default value is ``model_dir``. - ``config``: *CSRunConfig*. Optional. A ``CSRunConfig`` object specifying the environment and runtime configuration options. These options are an extension of `TensorFlow RunConfig `__. Default value is ``None``. - ``params``: *Dictionary*. Optional. A parameters dictionary that contains additional configuration information that will be passed to ``model_fn`` and ``input_fn``. Default value is ``None``. After converting to the ``CerebrasEstimator``, you can run the compile on the model by calling the ``CerebrasEstimator`` method: ``estimator.compile()``.