Cerebras job scheduling and monitoring

Resource management of the Cerebras Wafer-Scale Cluster is done by its management node. All jobs submitted to the Cerebras cluster are queued, and assigned to resources in a first come first served basis. You can interact with the resource management using a CLI tool preinstalled in the user node called csctl to:

  • Job Tracking: Inspect the state of submitted jobs, and cancel own jobs if necessary.

  • Queue Tracking: Review which jobs are queued and which jobs are running on the Cerebras cluster.

  • Get Mounted Volumes: Get a list of mounted volumes on the Cerebras cluster. These volumes can be used to stage code and training data.

  • Log Export: Export Cerebras cluster logs of a given job to the user node. These logs can be useful when debugging a job failure and working with Cerebras support team.

Use the csctl tool directly from the terminal of your user node. For example, to get the help message, you can do

$ csctl --help
Cerebras cluster command line tool.

 csctl [command]

Available Commands:
  cancel      Cancel job
  config      Modify csctl config files
  get         Get resources
  label       Label resources
  log-export  Gather and download logs.
  types       Display resource types

  --csconfig string   config file (default is $HOME/.cs/config) (default "$HOME/.cs/config")
  -d, --debug int         higher debug values will display more fields in output objects
  -h, --help              help for csctl

Use "csctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


csctl requires a cluster configuration file. The cluster configuration file is saved as /opt/cerebras/config when the user node installer is run. You can specify the path to the configuration file with the flag --csconfig as

csctl --csconfig /opt/cerebras/config

If the flag is not specified, csctl will use the configuration file at the path $HOME/.cs/config as default.

Job Tracking

Each training job submitted to the Cerebras cluster launches two sequential jobs: first, compilation job is launched; and when compilation is completed, a execution job is launched. These jobs are identified by a jobID. The jobID for these jobs will be printed on the terminal after they start running on the Cerebras Cluster. In the following example, we highlight the compilation and execution job

Extracting the model from framework. This might take a few minutes.
WARNING:root:The following model params are unused: precision_opt_level, loss_scaling
2023-02-05 02:00:00,450 INFO:   Compiling the model. This may take a few minutes.
2023-02-05 02:00:00,635 INFO:   Initiating a new compile wsjob against the cluster server.
2023-02-05 02:00:00,761 INFO:   Compile job initiated
2023-02-05 02:02:00,899 INFO:   Ingress is ready.
2023-02-05 02:02:00,899 INFO:   Cluster mgmt job handle: {'job_id': 'wsjob-aaaaaaaaaa000000000', 'service_url': 'cluster-server.cerebras.com:443', 'service_authority': 'wsjob-aaaaaaaaaa000000000-coordinator-0.cluster-server.cerebras.com', 'compile_dir_absolute_path': '/cerebras/cached_compile/cs_0000000000111111'}
2023-02-05 02:02:00,901 INFO:   Creating a framework GRPC client: cluster-server.cerebras.com:443, <grpc.ChannelCredentials object at 0xfffffffff>, wsjob-aaaaaaaaaa000000000-coordinator-0.cluster-server.cerebras.comp
2023-02-05 02:07:00,112 INFO:   Compile successfully written to cache directory: cs_000000000011111
2023-02-05 02:07:30,118 INFO:   Compile for training completed successfully!
2023-02-05 02:07:30,120 INFO:   Initiating a new execute wsjob against the cluster server.
2023-02-05 02:07:30,248 INFO:   Execute job initiated
2023-02-05 02:08:00,321 INFO:   Ingress is ready.
2023-02-05 02:08:00,321 INFO:   Cluster mgmt job handle: {'job_id': 'wsjob-bbbbbbbbbbb11111111', 'service_url': 'cluster-server.cerebras.com:443', 'service_authority': 'wsjob-bbbbbbbbbbb11111111-coordinator-0.cluster-server.cerebras.com', 'compile_artifact_dir': '/cerebras/cached_compile/cs_0000000000111111'}

The jobID is also recorded in the file run_meta.json during job submission. You will find a run_meta.json file in every directory where you have submitted a job. All jobIDs are appended in the run_meta.json . run_meta.json contains two sections: compile_jobs and execute_jobs. Once a training job is submitted and before compilation is done, the compile job will be recorded under compile_jobs. For this example you will see

     "compile_jobs": [
                    "id": "wsjob-aaaaaaaaaa000000000",
                    "log_path": "/cerebras/workdir/wsjob-aaaaaaaaaa000000000",
                    "start_time": "2023-02-05T02:00:00Z",

After the compilation job has been completed and the training job is scheduled, then the compile job will report additional log information and the jobID of the training job will be recorded under execute_jobs. To correlate between compilation job and training job, you can correlate between the available time of the compilation job and the start time of the training job. For this example, you will see

    "compile_jobs": [
            "id": "wsjob-aaaaaaaaaa000000000",
            "log_path": "/cerebras/workdir/wsjob-aaaaaaaaaa000000000",
            "start_time": "2023-02-05T02:00:00Z",
            "cache_compile": {
                "location": "/cerebras/cached_compile/cs_0000000000111111",
                "available_time": "2023-02-05T02:02:00Z"
    "execute_jobs": [
            "id": "wsjob-bbbbbbbbbbb11111111",
            "log_path": "/cerebras/workdir/wsjob-bbbbbbbbbbb11111111",
            "start_time": "2023-02-05T02:02:00Z"

Using the jobID, you can query information about status of a job in the system using

csctl [--csconfig path] [-d int] get job <jobID> [-o json|yaml]







Output Format: table, json, yaml

-d, –debug


Debug level. Choosing a higher level of debug prints more fields in the output objects

For example, with debug level equals to zero, the output is

$ csctl -d0 get job wsjob-000000000000 -oyaml
  createTime: "2022-12-07T05:10:16Z"
    label: customed_label
    user: user1
  name: wsjob-000000000000
  type: job
    gid: "1001"
    uid: "1000"
  - mountPath: /data
    name: data-volume-000000
    subPath: ""
  - mountPath: /dev/shm
    name: dev-shm
    subPath: ""
  phase: SUCCEEDED
  - systemCS2_1


Compilation and execution jobs are queued and executed sequentially in the Cerebras cluster. This means that the compilation job is completed before the execution job is scheduled. Compilation jobs do not require CS-2 resources, therefore they are executed immediatly after launching the job. Execution jobs require CS-2 resources, therefore they will be queued up until sufficient CS-2 resources are available. Compilation and execution jobs have different ``jobID``s.

Job Termination

You can terminate any compilation or execution job before completion by providing the jobID. More details on jobID in Job Tracking. To cancel a job, you can use

csctl [--csconfig path] cancel job <jobID>

Terminating a job releases all resources and sets the job to a cancelled state. An example output to cancel a job is

$ csctl cancel job wsjob-000000000000
Job cancelled success

Queue Tracking

To obtain a full list of jobs completed, running, and queued on the Cerebras cluster, you can use

csctl get jobs

By default, this command produces a table including:




jobID identification


Time since job submission




Customized labels by user

For example,

$ csctl get jobs
NAME                AGE  PHASE      SYSTEMS                   USER    LABELS
wsjob-000000000000  43h  SUCCEEDED  systemCS2_1               user1   label=custom_label_1
wsjob-000000000001  18h  RUNNING    systemCS2_1, systemCS2_2  user2   label=custom_label_2
wsjob-000000000002   1h  QUEUED                               user2   label=custom_label_3

To assign labels to your jobs, use the flag --job_labels when you submit your training job. You can use a list of equal-sign-separated key value pairs served as job labels. For example, to assign a job label to training a FCMNIST model using PyTorch, you would use

python run.py --appliance --job_labels custom_label --params params.yaml --num_csx=1 --model_dir=model_dir --mode train --credentials_path=<path to tls certificate> --mount_dirs <paths to data> --python_paths <paths to modelzoo and other python code if used>

And to assign a job label to training a FCMNIST model using Tensorflow, you would use

python run-appliance.py --job_labels custom_label --params params.yaml --num_csx=1  --model_dir model_dir --compile_only --mode train --credentials_path=<path to tls certificate> --mount_dirs <paths to data> --python_paths <paths to modelzoo and other python code if used>

Directly executing the command prints out a long list of current and past jobs. You can use grep to extract relevant information of what jobs are queued versus running and how many systems are occupied.

When you grep 'RUNNING', you see a list of jobs that are currently running on the cluster. For example, as shown below, there is one job running.

$ csctl get jobs | grep 'RUNNING'
wsjob-000000000001  18h  RUNNING    systemCS2_1, systemCS2_2  user2   label=custom_label_2

When you grep 'QUEUED', you see a list of jobs that are currently queued and waiting for system availability to start training. For example, at the same time of the above running job, there is another job currently queued, as shown below.:

$ csctl get jobs | grep 'QUEUED'
wsjob-000000000002   1h  QUEUED                               user2   label=custom_label_3

Get Mounted Volumes

To get a list of mounted volumes on the Cerebras cluster, you can use

csctl get volume

For example,

$ csctl get volume
training-data-volume  nfs   /ml    /ml         false

These volumes can be used to stage code and training data.

Log Export

To download Cerebras cluster logs of a given job to the user node, you can use

csctl [--csconfig path] log-export <jobID> [-b] [-p <path>]

with optional flags:


Default Value


-b, –binaries


Include binary debugging artifacts

-p, –path <string>


Specify the path where log archive will be downloaded.

-h, –help

Informative message for log-export

For example:

$ csctl log-export wsjob-example-0
Gathering log data within cluster...
Starting a fresh download of log archive.
Downloaded 0.55 MB.
Logs archive: ./wsjob-example-0.zip

Cerebras cluster logs can be useful when debugging a job failure and working with Cerebras support team.