Train, Eval, and Predict

This section describes how to:

  • Run training, eval or prediction on the Cerebras system.

  • Without modifying your code, run training, eval or prediction on a CPU or a GPU.

You will use the csrun_wse script to accomplish this. See below.

See also

See The csrun_wse Script for detailed documentation on how to use this Bash script.




The following command executes the user command python --mode=train --cs_ip=, which initiates model training on the CS system at the given cs_ip address.

csrun_wse python --mode=train --cs_ip=

The following command executes the user command python --mode=train --cs_ip=, which initiates training using the trained model on the CS system at the given cs_ip address. The Slurm orchestrator uses 3 nodes, 5 tasks per worker and 16 CPUs per task for this training run.

csrun_wse --nodes=3 --tasks_per_worker=5 --cpus_per_task=16 python --mode=train --cs_ip=

The following command executes the user command python --mode train --params configs/your-params-file.yaml --model_dir your-model-dir  --cs_ip, which initiates training on the CS system at the IP address: If the Slurm variables are not passed to the csrun_wse script, then the values provided by system administrator in the csrun_cpu script are used. See config-csrun-cpu.

csrun_wse python --mode=train \
            --params configs/your-params-file.yaml \
            --model_dir your-model-dir \


csrun_wse python --mode=eval --cs_ip=
  • Executes the command python --mode=eval --cs_ip=, which initiates model evaluation on the CS system at the given cs_ip address.


csrun_wse python --mode=predict --cs_ip=
  • Executes the command python --mode=predict --cs_ip=, which initiates prediction using the trained model on the CS system at the given cs_ip address.


Also note another advantage after you ported your TensorFlow code to Cerebras: You can run training, eval or prediction on either the CS system or on CPU- and GPU-based systems without recoding your model.

Train on CPU, GPU

On a CPU within the Cerebras cluster

To train on a CPU, do not use Slurm to invoke the standard Singularity container. Instead, simply launch the training command with cs_cpu. See the following example:

csrun_cpu python

See also

See The csrun_cpu Script for detailed documentation on how to use this Bash script.

On a CPU or GPU outside the Cerebras cluster

To run on CPU or GPU outside of the CS system environment, you will not use the Cerebras container. However, you must use the version of CerebrasEstimator provided in the Cerebras Model Zoo repository. Follow these steps:

  • Clone the Cerebras Cerebras Model Zoo repository.

  • Import the versions of CerebrasEstimator and RunConfig from the repo.

  • Use these versions both within the Cerebras container and outside of the Cerebras environment to easily switch between the CS system and GPU.