Source code for modelzoo.common.pytorch.layers.BatchChannelNorm

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from functools import partial

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from modelzoo.common.pytorch.layers.utils import ModuleWrapperClass

[docs]class BatchChannelNorm2D(nn.Module): """ Implements Batch Channel Normalization proposed in `Micro-Batch Training with Batch-Channel Normalization and Weight Standardization` <> Args: num_groups (int): number of groups to separate the channels into. num_channels (int): number of channels. `C` from an expected input of size (N, C, H, W). eps (float): a value added to the denominator for numerical stability. Default: 1e-5. momentum (float): The `Update rate` value used for the `running_mean` and `running_var` computation. Default: 0.1. device (torch.device): Device to place the learnable parameters. dtype (torch.dtype): Data type of learnable parameters. Shape: input: `(N, C, H, W)` output: `(N, C, H, W)` (same shape as input) """
[docs] def __init__( self, num_groups, num_channels, eps=1.0e-5, momentum=0.1, device=None, dtype=None, ): factory_kwargs = {'device': device, 'dtype': dtype} super(BatchChannelNorm2D, self).__init__() if num_channels % num_groups != 0: raise ValueError('num_channels must be divisible by num_groups') self.num_channels = num_channels self.num_groups = num_groups self.eps = eps self.momentum = momentum self.weight = nn.Parameter( torch.empty(1, num_groups, 1, **factory_kwargs) ) self.bias = nn.Parameter( torch.empty(1, num_groups, 1, **factory_kwargs) ) self.batchnorm = nn.BatchNorm2d( num_channels, eps=self.eps, momentum=self.momentum, affine=True, **factory_kwargs, ) cn = partial( nn.functional.batch_norm, running_mean=None, running_var=None, weight=None, bias=None,, momentum=0, eps=self.eps, ) self.channelnorm = ModuleWrapperClass( fcn=cn, name='ChannelNorm', kwargs={ "momentum": 0, "eps": self.eps, "affine": False, "track_running_stats": False, }, ) self.reset_parameters()
def forward(self, input): out = self.batchnorm(input) out = out.reshape(1, input.shape[0] * self.num_groups, -1) out = self.channelnorm(out) out = out.reshape(input.shape[0], self.num_groups, -1) out = self.weight * out + self.bias out = out.reshape(input.shape) return out def reset_parameters(self) -> None: nn.init.ones_( nn.init.zeros_( nn.init.ones_(self.weight) nn.init.zeros_(self.bias)