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# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# This code is adapted from
# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Copyright 2018 The Google AI Language Team Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

import collections
import csv
import json
import os

import six
import tqdm

from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.utils import (

[docs]class SquadExample(object): """ A single training/test example for simple sequence classification. For examples without an answer, the start and end position are -1. """
[docs] def __init__( self, qas_id, question_text, doc_tokens, orig_answer_text=None, start_position=None, end_position=None, is_impossible=False, ): self.qas_id = qas_id self.question_text = question_text self.doc_tokens = doc_tokens self.orig_answer_text = orig_answer_text self.start_position = start_position self.end_position = end_position self.is_impossible = is_impossible
def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): s = "" s += "qas_id: %s" % (convert_to_unicode(self.qas_id)) s += ", question_text: %s" % (convert_to_unicode(self.question_text)) s += ", doc_tokens: [%s]" % (" ".join(self.doc_tokens)) if self.start_position: s += ", start_position: %d" % (self.start_position) if self.start_position: s += ", end_position: %d" % (self.end_position) if self.start_position: s += ", is_impossible: %r" % (self.is_impossible) return s
# A single sample of features of data InputFeatures = collections.namedtuple( "InputFeatures", [ "unique_id", "example_index", "doc_span_index", "tokens", "token_to_orig_map", "token_is_max_context", "input_ids", "input_mask", "segment_ids", "start_position", "end_position", "is_impossible", ], )
[docs]def read_squad_examples(input_file, is_training, version_2_with_negative): """ Read a SQuAD json file into a list of SquadExample. """ with open(input_file, "r") as reader: input_data = json.load(reader)["data"] def is_whitespace(c): if c == " " or c == "\t" or c == "\r" or c == "\n" or ord(c) == 0x202F: return True return False examples = [] for entry in input_data: for paragraph in entry["paragraphs"]: paragraph_text = paragraph["context"] doc_tokens = [] char_to_word_offset = [] prev_is_whitespace = True for c in paragraph_text: if is_whitespace(c): prev_is_whitespace = True else: if prev_is_whitespace: doc_tokens.append(c) else: doc_tokens[-1] += c prev_is_whitespace = False char_to_word_offset.append(len(doc_tokens) - 1) for qa in paragraph["qas"]: qas_id = qa["id"] question_text = qa["question"] start_position = None end_position = None orig_answer_text = None is_impossible = False if is_training: if version_2_with_negative: is_impossible = qa["is_impossible"] if not is_impossible: answer = qa["answers"][0] orig_answer_text = answer["text"] answer_offset = answer["answer_start"] answer_length = len(orig_answer_text) start_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset] end_position = char_to_word_offset[ answer_offset + answer_length - 1 ] # Only add answers where the text can be exactly recovered from the # document. If this CAN'T happen it's likely due to weird Unicode # stuff so we will just skip the example. # # Note that this means for training mode, every example is NOT # guaranteed to be preserved. actual_text = " ".join( doc_tokens[start_position : (end_position + 1)] ) cleaned_answer_text = " ".join( whitespace_tokenize(orig_answer_text) ) if actual_text.find(cleaned_answer_text) == -1: print( "Warning: Could not find answer: '%s' vs. '%s'" % (actual_text, cleaned_answer_text,) ) continue else: start_position = -1 end_position = -1 orig_answer_text = "" example = SquadExample( qas_id=qas_id, question_text=question_text, doc_tokens=doc_tokens, orig_answer_text=orig_answer_text, start_position=start_position, end_position=end_position, is_impossible=is_impossible, ) examples.append(example) return examples
[docs]def check_tokenizer_scheme(tokenizer_scheme): valid_schemes = ["bert", "t5"] if tokenizer_scheme not in valid_schemes: raise ValueError( f"Tokenizer scheme, {tokenizer_scheme}, is not currently supported, or a mistaken value has been passed in. Valid schemes are currently: {*valid_schemes,}" )
[docs]def convert_examples_to_features( examples, tokenize_fn, convert_tokens_to_ids_fn, max_seq_length, doc_stride, max_query_length, tokenizer_scheme, is_training, output_fn, ): """ Loads a data file into a list of `InputBatch`s. """ check_tokenizer_scheme(tokenizer_scheme) num_samples = 0 unique_id = 1000000000 total_examples = len(examples) for (example_index, example) in tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(examples), total=total_examples ): query_tokens = tokenize_fn(example.question_text) if len(query_tokens) > max_query_length: query_tokens = query_tokens[0:max_query_length] tok_to_orig_index = [] orig_to_tok_index = [] all_doc_tokens = [] for (i, token) in enumerate(example.doc_tokens): orig_to_tok_index.append(len(all_doc_tokens)) sub_tokens = tokenize_fn(token) for sub_token in sub_tokens: tok_to_orig_index.append(i) all_doc_tokens.append(sub_token) tok_start_position = None tok_end_position = None if is_training and example.is_impossible: tok_start_position = -1 tok_end_position = -1 if is_training and not example.is_impossible: tok_start_position = orig_to_tok_index[example.start_position] if example.end_position < len(example.doc_tokens) - 1: tok_end_position = ( orig_to_tok_index[example.end_position + 1] - 1 ) else: tok_end_position = len(all_doc_tokens) - 1 (tok_start_position, tok_end_position) = _improve_answer_span( all_doc_tokens, tok_start_position, tok_end_position, tokenize_fn, example.orig_answer_text, ) # The -3 accounts for [CLS], [SEP] and [SEP] special_token_adjuster = 3 if tokenizer_scheme == 'bert' else 0 max_tokens_for_doc = ( max_seq_length - len(query_tokens) - special_token_adjuster ) # We can have documents that are longer than the maximum sequence length. # To deal with this we do a sliding window approach, where we take chunks # of the up to our max length with a stride of `doc_stride`. _DocSpan = collections.namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name "DocSpan", ["start", "length"] ) doc_spans = [] start_offset = 0 while start_offset < len(all_doc_tokens): length = len(all_doc_tokens) - start_offset if length > max_tokens_for_doc: length = max_tokens_for_doc doc_spans.append(_DocSpan(start=start_offset, length=length)) if start_offset + length == len(all_doc_tokens): break start_offset += min(length, doc_stride) for (doc_span_index, doc_span) in enumerate(doc_spans): tokens = [] token_to_orig_map = {} token_is_max_context = {} segment_ids = [] # for T5 and other models we do not need the [CLS] and [SEP] tokens, but we want to keep the interface for BERT as it was when shipped to customers if tokenizer_scheme == 'bert': tokens.append("[CLS]") segment_ids.append(0) for token in query_tokens: tokens.append(token) segment_ids.append(0) if tokenizer_scheme == 'bert': tokens.append("[SEP]") segment_ids.append(0) for i in range(doc_span.length): split_token_index = doc_span.start + i token_to_orig_map[len(tokens)] = tok_to_orig_index[ split_token_index ] is_max_context = _check_is_max_context( doc_spans, doc_span_index, split_token_index ) token_is_max_context[len(tokens)] = is_max_context tokens.append(all_doc_tokens[split_token_index]) segment_ids.append(1) if tokenizer_scheme == 'bert': tokens.append("[SEP]") segment_ids.append(1) input_ids = convert_tokens_to_ids_fn(tokens) # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real # tokens are attended to. input_mask = [1] * len(input_ids) # Zero-pad up to the sequence length. while len(input_ids) < max_seq_length: input_ids.append(0) input_mask.append(0) segment_ids.append(0) assert len(input_ids) == max_seq_length assert len(input_mask) == max_seq_length assert len(segment_ids) == max_seq_length start_position = None end_position = None if is_training and not example.is_impossible: # For training, if our document chunk does not contain an annotation # we throw it out, since there is nothing to predict. doc_start = doc_span.start doc_end = doc_span.start + doc_span.length - 1 out_of_span = False if not ( tok_start_position >= doc_start and tok_end_position <= doc_end ): out_of_span = True if out_of_span: start_position = 0 end_position = 0 else: special_toks_offset = 2 if tokenizer_scheme == 'bert' else 0 doc_offset = len(query_tokens) + special_toks_offset start_position = tok_start_position - doc_start + doc_offset end_position = tok_end_position - doc_start + doc_offset if is_training and example.is_impossible: start_position = 0 end_position = 0 if example_index < 3: print("*** Example ***") print("unique_id: %s" % (unique_id)) print("example_index: %s" % (example_index)) print("doc_span_index: %s" % (doc_span_index)) print( "tokens: %s" % " ".join([convert_to_unicode(x) for x in tokens]) ) print( "token_to_orig_map: %s" % " ".join( [ "%d:%d" % (x, y) for (x, y) in six.iteritems(token_to_orig_map) ] ) ) print( "token_is_max_context: %s" % " ".join( [ "%d:%s" % (x, y) for (x, y) in six.iteritems(token_is_max_context) ] ) ) print("input_ids: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in input_ids])) print("input_mask: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in input_mask])) print( "segment_ids: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in segment_ids]) ) if is_training and example.is_impossible: print("impossible example") if is_training and not example.is_impossible: answer_text = " ".join( tokens[start_position : (end_position + 1)] ) print("start_position: %d" % (start_position)) print("end_position: %d" % (end_position)) print("answer: %s" % (convert_to_unicode(answer_text))) features = InputFeatures( unique_id=unique_id, example_index=example_index, doc_span_index=doc_span_index, tokens=tokens, token_to_orig_map=token_to_orig_map, token_is_max_context=token_is_max_context, input_ids=input_ids, input_mask=input_mask, segment_ids=segment_ids, start_position=start_position, end_position=end_position, is_impossible=example.is_impossible, ) # Run callback output_fn(features) unique_id += 1 num_samples += 1 return num_samples
[docs]def convert_examples_to_features_and_write( examples, tokenize_fn, convert_tokens_to_ids_fn, max_seq_length, doc_stride, max_query_length, output_dir, file_prefix, num_output_files, tokenizer_scheme, is_training=True, return_features=False, ): meta_data = collections.defaultdict(int) total_num_samples = 0 num_output_files = max(num_output_files, 1) output_files = [ os.path.join(output_dir, "%s-%04i.csv" % (file_prefix, fidx + 1)) for fidx in range(num_output_files) ] divided_examples = _divide_list(examples, num_output_files) all_features = list() for _examples, _output_file in zip(divided_examples, output_files): with open(_output_file, "w") as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter( csvfile, fieldnames=InputFeatures._fields, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, ) writer.writeheader() def write_fn(features): features_dict = features._asdict() writer.writerow(features_dict) if return_features: all_features.append(features) num_samples = convert_examples_to_features( examples=_examples, tokenize_fn=tokenize_fn, convert_tokens_to_ids_fn=convert_tokens_to_ids_fn, max_seq_length=max_seq_length, doc_stride=doc_stride, max_query_length=max_query_length, tokenizer_scheme=tokenizer_scheme, is_training=is_training, output_fn=write_fn, ) output_file = os.path.basename(_output_file) meta_data[output_file] += num_samples total_num_samples += num_samples if return_features: return total_num_samples, meta_data, all_features else: return total_num_samples, meta_data
def _divide_list(li, n): """ Yields n successive lists of equal size, modulo the remainder. Example: >>> a = list(range(10)) >>> list(_divide_list(a, 3)) [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] """ start = 0 for i in range(n): stop = start + len(li[i::n]) yield li[start:stop] start = stop def _improve_answer_span( doc_tokens, input_start, input_end, tokenize_fn, orig_answer_text ): """ Returns tokenized answer spans that better match the annotated answer. """ # The SQuAD annotations are character based. We first project them to # whitespace-tokenized words. But then after WordPiece tokenization, we can # often find a "better match". For example: # # Question: What year was John Smith born? # Context: The leader was John Smith (1895-1943). # Answer: 1895 # # The original whitespace-tokenized answer will be "(1895-1943).". However # after tokenization, our tokens will be "( 1895 - 1943 ) .". So we can match # the exact answer, 1895. # # However, this is not always possible. Consider the following: # # Question: What country is the top exporter of electornics? # Context: The Japanese electronics industry is the lagest in the world. # Answer: Japan # # In this case, the annotator chose "Japan" as a character sub-span of # the word "Japanese". Since our WordPiece tokenizer does not split # "Japanese", we just use "Japanese" as the annotation. This is fairly rare # in SQuAD, but does happen. # TODO not sure if this will be compatible tok_answer_text = " ".join(tokenize_fn(orig_answer_text)) for new_start in range(input_start, input_end + 1): for new_end in range(input_end, new_start - 1, -1): text_span = " ".join(doc_tokens[new_start : (new_end + 1)]) if text_span == tok_answer_text: return (new_start, new_end) return (input_start, input_end) def _check_is_max_context(doc_spans, cur_span_index, position): """ Check if this is the 'max context' doc span for the token. """ # Because of the sliding window approach taken to scoring documents, a single # token can appear in multiple documents. E.g. # Doc: the man went to the store and bought a gallon of milk # Span A: the man went to the # Span B: to the store and bought # Span C: and bought a gallon of # ... # # Now the word 'bought' will have two scores from spans B and C. We only # want to consider the score with "maximum context", which we define as # the *minimum* of its left and right context (the *sum* of left and # right context will always be the same, of course). # # In the example the maximum context for 'bought' would be span C since # it has 1 left context and 3 right context, while span B has 4 left context # and 0 right context. best_score = None best_span_index = None for (span_index, doc_span) in enumerate(doc_spans): end = doc_span.start + doc_span.length - 1 if position < doc_span.start: continue if position > end: continue num_left_context = position - doc_span.start num_right_context = end - position score = ( min(num_left_context, num_right_context) + 0.01 * doc_span.length ) if best_score is None or score > best_score: best_score = score best_span_index = span_index return cur_span_index == best_span_index