Source code for modelzoo.transformers.pytorch.bert.fine_tuning.token_classifier.input.write_csv_ner

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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Use to create pre-processed CSV files for the Data Processor from the NER raw dataset CSV files.

Based on 
with minor modifications 

Example Usage:

python \
    --data_dir /cb/ml/language/datasets/blurb/data_generation/data/BC5CDR-chem/ \
    --vocab_file /cb/ml/language/datasets/pubmed_abstracts_baseline_fulltext_vocab/Pubmed_fulltext_vocab.txt \
    --output_dir /cb/ml/language/datasets/ner-pt/bc5cdr-chem-csv \


import csv
import os

# isort: off
import sys

# isort: on

from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../../../../.."))
from modelzoo.common.input.utils import save_params
from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.bert.ner_data_processor import (
from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.tokenizers.Tokenization import (
from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.utils import convert_to_unicode

[docs]def update_parser(parser): """ Add required command-line arguments. """ parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", required=False, default=os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "preprocessed_csv_dir" ), help="Directory to store pre-processed CSV files.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num_output_files", type=int, default=4, help="number of files on disk to separate csv files into. " "Defaults to 4.", )
InputFeatures = namedtuple("InputFeatures", ["tokens", "labels"])
[docs]def convert_single_example( ex_idx, example, label_list, max_seq_len, tokenizer, out_dir ): label_map = write_label_map_files(label_list, out_dir) tokens, labels = get_tokens_and_labels(example, tokenizer, max_seq_len) # add special token for input separation tokens.append("[SEP]") labels.append("[SEP]") # add special token for input start tokens.insert(0, "[CLS]") labels.insert(0, "[CLS]") if ex_idx < 5: print("*** Example ***") print("guid: %s" % (example.guid)) print( "tokens: %s" % " ".join( [ convert_to_unicode(t) + "__" + l for t, l in zip(tokens, labels) ] ) ) tokens = " ".join(tokens) labels = " ".join(labels) feature = InputFeatures(tokens, labels) return feature
[docs]def convert_examples_to_features_and_write( examples, label_list, max_seq_length, tokenizer, output_dir, file_prefix, num_output_files, ): num_output_files = max(num_output_files, 1) output_files = [ os.path.join(output_dir, f"{file_prefix}-{fidx + 1}.csv") for fidx in range(num_output_files) ] # create csv writers meta_data = defaultdict(int) writers = [] for output_file in output_files: csvfile = open(output_file, "w", newline="") writer = csv.DictWriter( csvfile, fieldnames=InputFeatures._fields, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, ) writer.writeheader() writers.append((writer, csvfile, output_file)) total_written = 0 writer_idx = 0 for ex_idx, example in enumerate(examples): if ex_idx % 5000 == 0: print(f"Writing example {ex_idx} of {len(examples)}...") features = convert_single_example( ex_idx, example, label_list, max_seq_length, tokenizer, output_dir ) # Write the dict into the csv file features_dict = features._asdict() writer, _, output_file = writers[writer_idx] writer.writerow(features_dict) writer_idx = (writer_idx + 1) % len(writers) total_written += 1 meta_data[os.path.basename(output_file)] += 1 for _, csvfile, _ in writers: csvfile.close() return total_written, meta_data
[docs]def write_csv_files(args): task_name = os.path.basename(args.data_dir.lower()) output_dir = os.path.abspath(args.output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) processor = NERProcessor() tokenizer = FullTokenizer( vocab_file=args.vocab_file, do_lower_case=args.do_lower_case ) to_write = [args.data_split_type] if args.data_split_type == "all": to_write = ["train", "test", "dev"] nexamples = {} for data_split_type in to_write: data_split_type_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, data_split_type) if not os.path.exists(data_split_type_dir): os.makedirs(data_split_type_dir) file_prefix = task_name + f"{data_split_type}" if data_split_type == 'train': examples = processor.get_train_examples(args.data_dir) elif data_split_type == 'dev': examples = processor.get_dev_examples(args.data_dir) elif data_split_type == 'test': examples = processor.get_test_examples(args.data_dir) label_list = processor.get_labels() num_output_files = 1 if data_split_type == 'train': num_output_files = args.num_output_files ( num_examples_written, meta_data, ) = convert_examples_to_features_and_write( examples, label_list, args.max_seq_length, tokenizer, data_split_type_dir, file_prefix, num_output_files, ) nexamples[data_split_type] = num_examples_written meta_file = os.path.join(data_split_type_dir, "meta.dat") with open(meta_file, "w") as fout: for output_file, num_lines in meta_data.items(): fout.write(f"{output_file} {num_lines}\n") # Write params passed and number of examples params_dict = vars(args) params_dict["num_examples"] = nexamples save_params(vars(args), model_dir=args.output_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = create_parser() update_parser(parser) args = parser.parse_args() print("***** Configuration *****") for key, val in vars(args).items(): print(' {}: {}'.format(key, val)) print("**************************") write_csv_files(args)