Source code for modelzoo.transformers.pytorch.gpt2.sparse_mask

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np
import torch

[docs]def create_fixed_sparse_attention_mask( max_sequence_length, n_heads, dtype=None, local_attn_ctx=16, num_verts=64, vert_size=16, different_layout_per_head=False, ): """ Create GPT-3 Fixed Sparse mask. Adapted from :param int max_sequence_length: Max sequence length. :param dtype: Dtype of the resulting mask. Returns: The autoregressive fixed sparse mask of shape [n_heads, max_sequence_length, max_sequence_length]. """ n_ctx = max_sequence_length assert n_heads % num_verts == 0 stride = local_attn_ctx assert vert_size <= stride assert stride % vert_size == 0 indices = [i for i in range(stride - 1, -1, -1)] indices = np.array(indices).reshape([-1, vert_size]) if num_verts == 1: layout = np.zeros([n_ctx, n_ctx]) for idx in indices[0]: layout[:, idx::stride] = 1 for q_idx in range(n_ctx): # Each thing can attend to its local block row = q_idx // stride layout[q_idx, row * stride : (row + 1) * stride] = 1 # Any query cannot attend to keys above it layout[q_idx, q_idx + 1 :] = 0 else: layouts = [] indices = indices[:num_verts] for h in range(n_heads): layout = np.zeros([n_ctx, n_ctx]) subindices = indices[h % num_verts] for idx in subindices: layout[:, idx::stride] = 1 for q_idx in range(n_ctx): # Each position can attend to its local block row = q_idx // stride layout[q_idx, row * stride : (row + 1) * stride] = 1 # Any query cannot attend to keys above it layout[q_idx, q_idx + 1 :] = 0 layouts.append(layout) layout = np.array(layouts) if not different_layout_per_head: layout = layout[0, :, :] # Swap 0s and 1s since we use 1 to indicate masked positions mask = 1 - layout fixed_sparse_attn_mask = torch.Tensor(mask).to(dtype) return fixed_sparse_attn_mask