Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
from enum import Enum

[docs]class BlockType(Enum): ADALN_ZERO = "adaln_zero" @classmethod def values(cls): return [b.value for b in BlockType] @classmethod def get(cls, blk): if isinstance(blk, str): return BlockType(blk) elif isinstance(blk, Enum): return blk else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported type {type(blk)}, supported are `str` and `Enum`" )
[docs]def set_defaults(params): """ Update any missing parameters in the params dictionary with default values Args: params: The dictionary containing the params """ tparams = params["train_input"] eparams = params["eval_input"] mparams = params["model"] runconfig = params["runconfig"] # train input_required parameters _set_input_defaults(params) _set_model_defaults(params) _copy_params_across(params) # Runconfig related if runconfig["checkpoint_steps"] == 0: logging.warning( "Setting `runconfig.checkpoint_steps` to `runconfig.max_steps`. Setting to 0 only saves initial checkpoint" ) runconfig["checkpoint_steps"] = runconfig["max_steps"] return params
def _set_model_defaults(params): # model related parameters mparams = params["model"] tparams = params["train_input"] mparams["num_diffusion_steps"] = tparams["num_diffusion_steps"] mparams["num_classes"] = tparams["num_classes"] mparams["beta_start"] = mparams.get("beta_start", 0.0001) mparams["beta_end"] = mparams.get("beta_end", 0.02) tparams["vae_scaling_factor"] = params["model"]["vae"]["scaling_factor"] params["eval_input"]["vae_scaling_factor"] = params["model"]["vae"][ "scaling_factor" ] mparams["vae"]["in_channels"] = tparams["image_channels"] mparams["vae"]["out_channels"] = tparams["image_channels"] mparams["vae"]["scaling_factor"] = mparams["vae"].get( "scaling_factor", 0.18215 ) mparams["latent_channels"] = mparams.get( "latent_channels", mparams["vae"]["latent_channels"] ) mparams["latent_size"] = mparams.get( "latent_size", mparams["vae"]["latent_size"] ) image_dims = [tparams["image_channels"]] + tparams["image_size"] latent_dims = [mparams["latent_channels"]] + mparams["latent_size"] f"Using Image Dimensions (C, H, W): {image_dims} and VAE output Dimensions (C, H, W): {latent_dims}" ) mparams["block_type"] = mparams.get( "block_type", BlockType.ADALN_ZERO.value ) if mparams["block_type"] not in BlockType.values(): raise ValueError( f"Unsupported DiT block type {mparams['block_type']}. ", f"Supported values are {BlockType.values()}.", )"Using DiT block type : {mparams['block_type']}") if mparams["use_bfloat16"]: params["optimizer"]["loss_scaling_factor"] = 1.0 # Regression Head # False -> linear + unpatchify for regression head mparams["use_conv_transpose_unpatchify"] = mparams.get( "use_conv_transpose_unpatchify", True ) if not mparams["use_conv_transpose_unpatchify"]: raise ValueError( f"Using linear layer + unpatchify in RegressionHead is unsupported at this time, " f"please set `model.use_conv_transpose_unpatchify` to True" ) _set_layer_initializer_defaults(params) _set_reverse_process_defaults(params) def _set_reverse_process_defaults(params): mparams = params["model"] rparams = mparams.get("reverse_process", {}) if rparams: rparams["sampler"]["num_diffusion_steps"] = rparams["sampler"].get( "num_diffusion_steps", mparams["num_diffusion_steps"] ) rparams["batch_size"] = rparams.get("batch_size", 32) rparams["pipeline"]["num_classes"] = rparams["pipeline"].get( "num_classes", mparams["num_classes"] ) rparams["pipeline"]["custom_labels"] = rparams["pipeline"].get( "custom_labels", None ) # For DDPM Sampler only if rparams["sampler"]["name"] == "ddpm": rparams["sampler"]["variance_type"] = "fixed_small" def _set_layer_initializer_defaults(params): # Modifies in-place mparams = params["model"] # Patch Embedding mparams["projection_initializer"] = {"name": "xavier_uniform", "gain": 1.0} mparams["init_conv_like_linear"] = mparams.get( "init_conv_like_linear", mparams["use_conv_patchified_embedding"] ) # Timestep Embedding MLP mparams["timestep_embeddding_initializer"] = { "name": "normal", "mean": 0.0, "std": mparams["initializer_range"], } # Label Embedding table mparams["label_embedding_initializer"] = { "name": "normal", "mean": 0.0, "std": mparams["initializer_range"], } # Attention mparams["attention_initializer"] = {"name": "xavier_uniform", "gain": 1.0} # ffn mparams["ffn_initializer"] = {"name": "xavier_uniform", "gain": 1.0} # Regression Head FFN mparams["head_initializer"] = {"name": "zeros"} def _set_input_defaults(params): # Modifies in place # train input_required parameters tparams = params["train_input"] tparams["shuffle"] = tparams.get("shuffle", True) tparams["shuffle_seed"] = tparams.get("shuffle_seed", 4321) tparams["num_classes"] = tparams.get("num_classes", 1000) tparams["noaugment"] = tparams.get("noaugment", False) tparams["drop_last"] = tparams.get("drop_last", True) tparams["num_workers"] = tparams.get("num_workers", 0) tparams["prefetch_factor"] = tparams.get("prefetch_factor", 10) tparams["persistent_workers"] = tparams.get("persistent_workers", True) if tparams["noaugment"]: tparams["transforms"] = None f"Since `noaugment`={tparams['noaugment']}, the transforms are set to None" ) tparams["use_worker_cache"] = tparams.get("use_worker_cache", False) # eval input_required parameters eparams = params["eval_input"] eparams["shuffle"] = eparams.get("shuffle", False) eparams["shuffle_seed"] = eparams.get("shuffle_seed", 4321) eparams["noaugment"] = eparams.get("noaugment", False) eparams["drop_last"] = eparams.get("drop_last", True) eparams["num_workers"] = eparams.get("num_workers", 0) eparams["prefetch_factor"] = eparams.get("prefetch_factor", 10) eparams["persistent_workers"] = eparams.get("persistent_workers", True) if eparams["noaugment"]: eparams["transforms"] = None f"Since `noaugment`={eparams['noaugment']}, the transforms are set to None" ) eparams["use_worker_cache"] = eparams.get("use_worker_cache", False) def _copy_params_across(params): # Pass model settings into data loader. _model_to_input_map = [ # latent shape "label_dropout_rate", "latent_size", "latent_channels", # Other params "mixed_precision", "use_bfloat16", # diffusion & related params for performing gd "schedule_name", ] for _key_map in _model_to_input_map: if isinstance(_key_map, tuple): assert len(_key_map) == 2, f"Tuple {_key_map} does not have len=2" model_key, input_key = _key_map else: model_key = input_key = _key_map for section in ["train_input", "eval_input"]: params[section][input_key] = params["model"][model_key]