Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import random
from inspect import getfullargspec, signature

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms import autoaugment, transforms
from torchvision.transforms.functional import InterpolationMode

__all__ = [

    # Transforms on PIL Image and torch.*Tensor
    # Transforms on torch.*Tensor only
    # Conversion transforms
    # Automatic augmentation transforms
    # "augmix", # available from torchvision 0.13
    # transforms on PIL image only

def get_or_use_default(transform_spec, key, default_val):
    name = transform_spec.get("name")
    val = transform_spec.get(key)
    if val is None:
            f"Transform {name}'s {key} parameter is not specified. "
            f"Using default value {default_val}."
        val = default_val
    return val

[docs]def create_transform(transform_spec): """ Create the specified transform. For each transform, the parameter list (name and default value) follows those in torchvision 0.12 ( Args: name (str): name of the transform args (dict): a dictionary of parameters used to initialize the transform. Default is None. """ name = transform_spec["name"].lower() if "interpolation" in transform_spec.keys(): transform_spec["interpolation"] = InterpolationMode( transform_spec["interpolation"] ) # Transforms on PIL Image and torch.*Tensor if name == "center_crop": return transforms.CenterCrop(size=transform_spec.get("size")) elif name == "color_jitter_with_prob": transform = transforms.ColorJitter( brightness=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "brightness", 0), contrast=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "contrast", 0), saturation=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "saturation", 0), hue=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "hue", 0), ) color_jitter_prob = get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "p", 0) if color_jitter_prob > 0: transform = transforms.RandomApply([transform], p=color_jitter_prob) return transform elif name == "random_crop": pad_if_needed = get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "pad_if_needed", False ) if pad_if_needed: f"For RandomCrop, pad_if_needed is set to {pad_if_needed}, which " f"is different from torchvision's default (False)." ) fill = get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "fill", 0) if fill != 0: f"For RandomCrop, fill is set to {fill}, which is different " f"from torchvision's default (0)." ) padding_mode = get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "padding_mode", "constant" ) if padding_mode != "constant": f"For RandomCrop, padding_mode is set to {padding_mode}, which " f"is different from torchvision's default (`constant`)." ) return transforms.RandomCrop( size=transform_spec.get("size"), padding=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "padding", None), pad_if_needed=pad_if_needed, fill=fill, padding_mode=padding_mode, ) elif name == "random_grayscale": return transforms.RandomGrayscale( p=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "p", 0.1), ) elif name == "random_horizontal_flip": return transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip( p=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "p", 0.5), ) elif name == "random_resized_crop": return transforms.RandomResizedCrop( size=transform_spec.get("size"), scale=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "scale", (0.08, 1.0)), ratio=get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "ratio", (0.75, 4.0 / 3.0) ), interpolation=get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "interpolation", InterpolationMode.BILINEAR ), ) elif name == "random_vertical_flip": return transforms.RandomVerticalFlip( p=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "p", 0.5), ) elif name == "resize": return transforms.Resize( size=transform_spec.get("size"), interpolation=get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "interpolation", InterpolationMode.BILINEAR ), max_size=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "max_size", None), antialias=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "antialias", None), ) # Transforms on torch.*Tensor only elif name == "normalize": inplace = get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "inplace", False) if inplace: f"For Normalize, inplace is set to {inplace}, which " f"is different from torchvision's default (False)." ) return transforms.Normalize( mean=transform_spec.get("mean"), std=transform_spec.get("std"), inplace=inplace, ) elif name == "random_erase": return transforms.RandomErasing( p=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "p", 0.5), scale=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "scale", (0.02, 0.33)), ratio=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "ratio", (0.3, 3.3)), value=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "value", 0), inplace=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "inplace", False), ) # Conversion transforms elif name == "to_dtype": return LambdaWithParam(dtype_transform, transform_spec.get("mp_type")) elif name == "to_tensor": return transforms.ToTensor() elif name == "resize_center_crop_pil_image": # Used to DiT model image transform return LambdaWithParam( resize_center_crop_pil_image, transform_spec.get("size") ) # Automatic augmentation transforms elif name == "autoaug": policy = get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "policy", "imagenet") interpolation = get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "interpolation", InterpolationMode.NEAREST ) if interpolation != InterpolationMode.NEAREST: f"For AutoAugment, interpolation is set to {interpolation}, which " f"is different from torchvision's default (InterpolationMode.NEAREST)." ) return autoaugment.AutoAugment( policy=autoaugment.AutoAugmentPolicy(policy), interpolation=interpolation, fill=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "fill", None), ) elif name == "randaug": magnitude = get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "magnitude", 9) # magnitude_std and magnitude_max are extra parameters to keep # consistent with timm's implementation: magnitude_std = get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "magnitude_std", 0) # If magnitude_std is > 0, we introduce some randomness in the fixed # policy and sample magnitude from a normal distribution with mean # `magnitude` and std-dev of `magnitude_std`. if magnitude_std > 0: # If magnitude_std is inf, we sample from a uniform distribution f"RandAugment's magnitude_std={magnitude_std}. We will " f"introduce some randomness in the usually fixed policy and " f"sample from a distribution according to timm." ) if magnitude_std == float("inf"): magnitude = random.uniform(0, magnitude) else: magnitude = random.gauss(magnitude, magnitude_std) upper_bound = get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "magnitude_max", 10) if magnitude > upper_bound: f"Capping magnitude for RandAugment from {magnitude} to " f"magnitude_max={upper_bound} following timm." ) magnitude = max(0.0, min(magnitude, upper_bound)) return autoaugment.RandAugment( num_ops=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "num_ops", 2), magnitude=magnitude, num_magnitude_bins=get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "num_magnitude_bins", 31 ), interpolation=get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "interpolation", InterpolationMode.NEAREST ), fill=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "fill", None), ) elif name == "trivialaug": return autoaugment.TrivialAugmentWide( num_magnitude_bins=get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "num_magnitude_bins", 31 ), interpolation=get_or_use_default( transform_spec, "interpolation", InterpolationMode.NEAREST ), fill=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "fill", None), ) # Only available starting torchvision 0.13 # elif name == "augmix": # return autoaugment.AugMix( # severity=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "severity", 3), # mixture_width=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "mixture_width", 3), # chain_depth=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "chain_depth", -1), # alpha=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "alpha", 1.0), # all_ops=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "all_ops", True), # interpolation=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "interpolation", InterpolationMode.BILINEAR), # fill=get_or_use_default(transform_spec, "fill", None), # ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or invalid transform name: {name}.")
def dtype_transform(x, mp_type, *args, **kwargs): return def resize_center_crop_pil_image(pil_image, image_size, *args, **kwargs): """ Using same cropping mechanism as source DiT repo Based on Center cropping implementation from ADM. """ assert ( image_size[0] == image_size[1] ), f"This transform is supported only for resizing to square shapes" image_size = image_size[0] while min(*pil_image.size) >= 2 * image_size: pil_image = pil_image.resize( tuple(x // 2 for x in pil_image.size), resample=Image.BOX ) scale = image_size / min(*pil_image.size) pil_image = pil_image.resize( tuple(round(x * scale) for x in pil_image.size), resample=Image.BICUBIC ) arr = np.array(pil_image) crop_y = (arr.shape[0] - image_size) // 2 crop_x = (arr.shape[1] - image_size) // 2 return Image.fromarray( arr[crop_y : crop_y + image_size, crop_x : crop_x + image_size] ) class LambdaWithParam(object): def __init__(self, lambd, *args, **kwargs): assert callable(lambd), ( repr(type(lambd).__name__) + " object is not callable" ) self.lambd = lambd self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs ll_sig = getfullargspec(lambd) if not ll_sig.varargs or not ll_sig.varkw: raise TypeError( "User-defined lambda transform function must have signature: " "function(img, positional args, *args, **kwargs). Instead, " f"got function{str(signature(lambd))}." ) def __call__(self, img): return self.lambd(img, *self.args, **self.kwargs) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '(args={0}, kwargs={1})'.format( self.args, self.kwargs )