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# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from pathlib import Path

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from torchvision import transforms

from import (
from import (

[docs]class Hdf5DataProcessor(Hdf5BaseDataProcessor): """ A HDF5 dataset processor for UNet HDF dataset. Performs on-the-fly augmentation of image and labek. Functionality includes: Reading data from HDF5 documents Augmenting data :param dict params: dict containing training input parameters for creating dataset. Expects the following fields: - "data_dir" (str or list of str): Path to dataset HDF5 files - "num_classes (int): Maximum length of the sequence to generate - "image_shape" (int): Expected shape of output images and label, used in assert checks. - "loss" (str): Loss type, supported: {"bce", "multilabel_bce", "ssce"} - "normalize_data_method" (str): Can be one of {None, "zero_centered", "zero_one"} - "batch_size" (int): Batch size. - "shuffle" (bool): Flag to enable data shuffling. - "shuffle_buffer" (int): Size of shuffle buffer in samples. - "shuffle_seed" (int): Shuffle seed. - "num_workers" (int): How many subprocesses to use for data loading. - "drop_last" (bool): If True and the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size, the last incomplete batch will be dropped. - "prefetch_factor" (int): Number of samples loaded in advance by each worker. - "persistent_workers" (bool): If True, the data loader will not shutdown the worker processes after a dataset has been consumed once. """ def _shard_files(self, is_training=False): # Features in HDF5 record files self.features_list = ["image", "label"] assert self.batch_size > 0, "Batch size should be positive." p = Path(self.data_dir) assert p.is_dir() files = sorted(p.glob('*.h5')) if not files: raise RuntimeError('No hdf5 datasets found') all_files = [str(file.resolve()) for file in files] self.all_files = [] self.files_in_this_task = [] self.num_examples = 0 self.num_examples_in_this_task = 0 for idx, file_path in enumerate(all_files): with h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') as h5_file: num_examples_in_file = h5_file.attrs["n_examples"] file_details = (file_path, num_examples_in_file) self.all_files.append(file_details) self.num_examples += num_examples_in_file if idx % self.num_tasks == self.task_id: self.files_in_this_task.append(file_details) self.num_examples_in_this_task += num_examples_in_file # Prevent CoW which is effectively copy on read behavior for PT, # see: self.all_files = pd.DataFrame( self.all_files, columns=["file_path", "num_examples_in_file"] ) self.files_in_this_task = pd.DataFrame( self.files_in_this_task, columns=["file_path", "num_examples_in_file"], ) def _apply_normalization(self, x): return normalize_tensor_transform( x, normalize_data_method=self.normalize_data_method ) def _load_buffer(self, data_partitions): for file_path, start_idx, num_examples in data_partitions: with h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') as h5_file: for idx in range(start_idx, start_idx + num_examples): yield h5_file[f"example_{idx}"] def _maybe_shard_dataset(self, num_workers): per_worker_partition = {} idx = 0 files = ( self.all_files if self.disable_sharding else self.files_in_this_task ) for _, row in files.iterrows(): # Try to evenly distribute number of examples between workers file_path = row["file_path"] num_examples_in_file = row["num_examples_in_file"] num_examples_all_workers = [ (num_examples_in_file // num_workers) ] * num_workers for i in range(num_examples_in_file % num_workers): num_examples_all_workers[i] += 1 assert sum(num_examples_all_workers) == num_examples_in_file for file_idx in range(num_examples_in_file): per_worker_partition[idx] = (file_path, f"example_{file_idx}") idx += 1 return per_worker_partition def __len__(self): if self.disable_sharding: return self.num_examples else: return self.num_examples_in_this_task def __getitem__(self, index): """Get item at a particular index""" file_path, sample_name = self.data_partitions[index] example_dict = {} with h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') as h5_file: example = h5_file[sample_name] for _, feature in enumerate(self.features_list): example_dict[feature] = torch.from_numpy( np.array(example[feature]) ) image, label = self.transform_image_and_mask( example_dict["image"], example_dict["label"] ) return image, label def transform_image_and_mask(self, image, mask): if self.normalize_data_method: image = self.normalize_transform(image) if self.augment_data: do_horizontal_flip = torch.rand(size=(1,)).item() > 0.5 # n_rots in range [0, 3) n_rotations = torch.randint(low=0, high=3, size=(1,)).item() if self.tgt_image_height != self.tgt_image_width: # For a rectangle image n_rotations = n_rotations * 2 augment_transform_image = self.get_augment_transforms( do_horizontal_flip=do_horizontal_flip, n_rotations=n_rotations, do_random_brightness=True, ) augment_transform_mask = self.get_augment_transforms( do_horizontal_flip=do_horizontal_flip, n_rotations=n_rotations, do_random_brightness=False, ) image = augment_transform_image(image) mask = augment_transform_mask(mask) # Handle dtypes and mask shapes based on `loss_type` # and `mixed_precsion` if self.loss_type == "bce": mask = elif self.loss_type == "multilabel_bce": mask = torch.squeeze(mask, 0) # Only long tensors are accepted by one_hot fcn. mask = # out shape: (H, W, num_classes) mask = torch.nn.functional.one_hot( mask, num_classes=self.num_classes ) # out shape: (num_classes, H, W) mask = torch.permute(mask, [2, 0, 1]) mask = elif self.loss_type == "ssce": # out shape: (H, W) with each value in [0, num_classes) mask = torch.squeeze(mask, 0) # TODO: Add MZ tags here when supported. # SW-82348 workaround: Pass `labels` in `int32`` # PT crossentropy loss takes in `int64`, # view and typecast does not change the orginal `labels`. mask = if self.mixed_precision: image = return image, mask def get_augment_transforms( self, do_horizontal_flip, n_rotations, do_random_brightness ): augment_transforms_list = [] if do_horizontal_flip: horizontal_flip_transform = transforms.Lambda( lambda x: transforms.functional.hflip(x) ) augment_transforms_list.append(horizontal_flip_transform) if n_rotations > 0: rotation_transform = transforms.Lambda( lambda x: rotation_90_transform(x, num_rotations=n_rotations) ) augment_transforms_list.append(rotation_transform) if do_random_brightness: brightness_transform = transforms.Lambda( lambda x: adjust_brightness_transform(x, p=0.5, delta=0.2) ) augment_transforms_list.append(brightness_transform) return transforms.Compose(augment_transforms_list)