Source code for modelzoo.common.run_utils.cli_parser

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

""" CLI Utilities"""
import argparse
import collections
import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Callable, List, Optional

import yaml

from modelzoo.common.run_utils.utils import DeviceType

[docs]def read_params_file(params_file: str) -> dict: """ Helper for loading params file. """ with open(params_file, 'r') as stream: params = yaml.safe_load(stream) return params
[docs]def get_params(params_file: str,) -> dict: """Reads params from file and returns them as a dict. Args: params_file: The YAML file holding the params. config: Optional config to load from the params. If None, the default config is returned. Defaults to None. Returns: A dict containing the params. """ params = read_params_file(params_file) return params
[docs]def get_all_args( extra_args_parser_fn: Optional[ Callable[[], List[argparse.ArgumentParser]] ] = None, ): """Helper for returning all valid params for each device.""" parser = get_parser( first_parse=False, extra_args_parser_fn=extra_args_parser_fn ) # Only the top level parser is exposed when get_parser() is called. # All subparsers will inherit the extra_arg_parser, so we can use the CPU # parser to get the required args to grab the required args and make # un-required. # parser._action_groups[0]._actions[1].choices["CPU"] accesses the CPU subparser # doing (CPU subparser)._action_groups[0]._actions gets a list of all args for arg in ( parser._action_groups[0] ._actions[1] .choices["CPU"] ._action_groups[0] ._actions ): if arg.required: arg.required = False cpu_args = parser.parse_args([DeviceType.CPU]) gpu_args = parser.parse_args([DeviceType.GPU]) csx_args = parser.parse_args([DeviceType.CSX]) return cpu_args, gpu_args, csx_args
[docs]def discard_params( device: str, extra_args_parser_fn: Optional[ Callable[[], List[argparse.ArgumentParser]] ] = None, ): """ External utility for determining invalid parameters for the current device type. """ cpu_args, gpu_args, csx_args = get_all_args(extra_args_parser_fn) if device == DeviceType.CPU: curr_device_args = vars(cpu_args).keys() elif device == DeviceType.GPU: curr_device_args = vars(gpu_args).keys() elif device == DeviceType.CSX: curr_device_args = vars(csx_args).keys() else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid entry for device {device}.") all_params = ( vars(cpu_args).keys() | vars(gpu_args).keys() | vars(csx_args).keys() ) discard_params_list = set(all_params) - (set(curr_device_args)) return discard_params_list
[docs]def assemble_disallowlist( params: dict, extra_args_parser_fn: Optional[ Callable[[], List[argparse.ArgumentParser]] ] = None, ) -> list: """Determine invalid parameters for the current device type. """ # cpu parser does not currently contain any additional information # or parameters but will parse through its elements as well just # in case that changes in the future. cpu_args, gpu_args, csx_args = get_all_args(extra_args_parser_fn) all_params_template = { **vars(cpu_args), **vars(gpu_args), **vars(csx_args), } unacceptable_params = set(all_params_template.keys()).difference( set(params.keys()) ) return all_params_template, list(unacceptable_params)
[docs]def add_general_arguments( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, default_model_dir: str, first_parse: bool = True, modes: List[str] = ["train", "eval", "train_and_eval", "eval_all"], ): """Injects general parser arguments. Args: parser: Parser into which the arguments are being added. default_model_dir: String containing model directory path. first_parse: Boolean indicating whether this is the first time processing the arguments. If True, the "params" arg is required to get additional parameters, if False then the params file has already been read and is not required. modes: Optional list of valid modes to be passed under the `--mode` argument of the parser. We default to choices ["train", "eval", "train_and_eval", "eval_all"]. If an empty list if provided, then `--mode` isn't added as a parser arg. """ required_arguments = parser.add_argument_group("Required Arguments") required_arguments.add_argument( "-p", "--params", required=first_parse, help="Path to .yaml file with model parameters", ) if len(modes) > 1: required_arguments.add_argument( "-m", "--mode", required=True, choices=modes, help=( "Select mode of execution for the run. Can choose among " f"the following: {', '.join(modes)}" ), ) optional_arguments = parser.add_argument_group( "Optional Arguments, All Devices" ) if len(modes) == 1: optional_arguments.add_argument( "-m", "--mode", default=modes[0], choices=modes, help=( f"The mode of execution for the run. Defaults to {modes[0]}." ), ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "-o", "--model_dir", default=default_model_dir, help="Model directory where checkpoints will be written.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--checkpoint_path", default=None, help="Checkpoint to initialize weights from.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--disable_strict_checkpoint_loading", action="store_true", default=None, help=( "Disabled strict loading of the model state from the checkpoint." ), ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--load_checkpoint_states", default=None, help=( "Comma-separated string of keys to explicitly specify the components " "whose state should be loaded if present in a checkpoint. If this flag is " "used, then all component states that exist in a checkpoint, but are not " "specified to load via the flag will be ignored. For example, for fine-tuning " "runs on a different dataset, setting `--load_checkpoint_states=\"model\" will only " "load the model state; any `optimizer` or `dataloader` state present in the " "checkpoint will not be loaded. By default, the config is `None`, i.e. " "everything present in the checkpoint is loaded." ), ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--logging", default=None, help="Specifies the default logging level. Defaults to INFO.", ) class ParseToDict(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) is None: setattr(namespace, self.dest, dict()) for kv_pair in values: tokens = kv_pair.strip().split("=") if len(tokens) == 1: key = '' value = tokens[0] elif len(tokens) == 2: key = tokens[0] value = tokens[1] else: raise ValueError( f"'{kv_pair}' is an invalid label. Expecting a single value or the label key and " f"the label value to be separated by a single equal sign(=) character." ) getattr(namespace, self.dest)[key] = value optional_arguments.add_argument( "--wsc_log_level", action=ParseToDict, nargs="+", help=( "Specifies the log level for particular Wafer-Scale Cluster servers." "A list of equal-sign-separated key value pairs (or just a value for global setting) of a " "server task and a log level which can be either an integer or a string (e.g. INFO, DEBUG, 10)." ), ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--max_steps", type=int, default=None, help="Specifies the maximum number of steps to run.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--eval_steps", type=int, default=None, help="Specifies the number of steps to run for eval.", ) return
[docs]def add_csx_arguments( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, first_parse: bool = True, ): """ Injects Cerebras System specific parser arguments. Args: parser: Parser into which the arguments are being added. first_parse: Boolean indicating whether this is the first time processing the arguments. If True, default args are ignored in case the other has them stored elsewhere. If False, default args are set. """ optional_arguments = parser.add_argument_group( "Optional Arguments, CSX Specific" ) group = optional_arguments.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "--compile_only", action="store_true", default=None, help="Enables compile only workflow. Defaults to None.", ) group.add_argument( "--validate_only", action="store_true", default=None, help="Enables validate only workflow" "validate_only stops the compilation at ws_km stage for weight streaming mode." "for pipeline mode, the compilation is stopped at the optimize_graph stage." "Defaults to None.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--num_workers_per_csx", default=None if first_parse else 0, type=int, help="Number of workers to use for streaming inputs per CS node. If " "0, a default value based on the model will be chosen. Defaults " "to 0.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "-c", "--compile_dir", default=None, help="Remote compile directory where compile artifacts will be written." " This path is appended to a base root directory common for all" " compiles on the Wafer-Scale Cluster and is written in the remote" " filesystem. Defaults to None.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--job_labels", nargs="+", help="A list of equal-sign-separated key value pairs served as job labels.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--debug_args_path", default=None, help="Path to debugs args file. Defaults to None.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--mount_dirs", nargs="+", help="A list of paths to be mounted to the appliance containers. " "It should generally contain path to the directory containing the " "Cerebras modelzoo.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--python_paths", nargs="+", help="A list of paths to be exported into PYTHONPATH for worker containers. " "It should generally contain path to the directory containing the " "Cerebras modelzoo, as well as any external python packages needed.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--credentials_path", default=None, help="Credentials for cluster access. Defaults to None. If None, the value from " "a pre-configured location will be used if available.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--mgmt_address", default=None, help="<host>:<port> for cluster management. Defaults to None. If None, the value from " "a pre-configured location will be used if available.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--job_time_sec", type=int, default=None, help="time limit in seconds for the appliance jobs. When the time limit " "is hit, the appliance jobs will be cancelled and the run will be terminated", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--disable_version_check", action="store_true", default=None, help="Disable version check for local experimentation and debugging", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--num_csx", default=None if first_parse else 1, type=int, help="Number of CS nodes. Defaults to 1", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--num_wgt_servers", default=None, type=int, help="Maximum number of weight servers to use in weight streaming " "execution strategy. Defaults to None.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--num_act_servers", default=None, type=int, help="Maximum number of activation servers to use per device. " "Defaults to None", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "--mgmt_namespace", default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) return
[docs]def add_gpu_arguments( gpu_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, first_parse: bool = True ): """ Injects GPU specific parser arguments. Args: gpu_parser: Parser into which the arguments are being added. """ optional_arguments = gpu_parser.add_argument_group( "Optional Arguments, GPU Specific" ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "-dist_addr", "--dist_addr", default=None if first_parse else "localhost:8888", help="To init master_addr and master_port of distributed. Defaults to localhost:8888.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "-dist_backend", "--dist_backend", choices=["nccl", "mpi", "gloo"], default=None if first_parse else "nccl", help="Distributed backend engine. Defaults to nccl.", ) optional_arguments.add_argument( "-init_method", "--init_method", default=None if first_parse else "env://", help="URL specifying how to initialize the process group. Defaults to env://", ) return
[docs]def get_parser( run_dir: Optional[str] = None, first_parse: bool = True, extra_args_parser_fn: Optional[ Callable[[], List[argparse.ArgumentParser]] ] = None, device_type: Optional[DeviceType] = None, parser_epilog: Optional[str] = None, csx_parser_epilog: Optional[str] = None, modes: List[str] = ["train", "eval", "train_and_eval", "eval_all"], ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Returns an ArgumentParser for parsing commandline options. Args: run_dir: String to be used to determine model directory. first_parse: Boolean indicating whether this is the first time processing the arguments. If True, the parser is being used to collect commandline inputs. If False, it is only being used for verification on existing params. extra_args_parser_fn: Parent parser passed in by models with unique specific arguments. device_type: The device type for which to fetch to add the args to the new parser. If None, all device type (CPU, GPU, CSX) args are added. parser_epilog: Optional helpful text to add to the end of the main parser's help message csx_parser_epilog: Optional helpful text to add to the end of the CSX subparser's help message modes: Optional list of valid modes to be passed under the `--mode` argument of the parser. We default to choices ["train", "eval", "train_and_eval", "eval_all"]. If an empty list if provided, then `--mode` isn't added as a parser arg. Returns: A parser instance. """ default_model_dir = None if first_parse: # Set default model dir to be inside same directory # as the top level if run_dir: default_model_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, "model_dir") if not default_model_dir: raise ValueError("Could not get default model directory") parents = [] extra_args = {} if extra_args_parser_fn: extra_args = extra_args_parser_fn() if isinstance(extra_args, argparse.ArgumentParser): # pylint: disable=protected-access extra_args._action_groups[ 1 ].title = "User-Defined and/or Model Specific Arguments" parents.append(extra_args) if not isinstance(extra_args, dict): # Rename the action groups of each parser passed into this parser generator if isinstance(extra_args, list): for item in extra_args: # pylint: disable=protected-access item._action_groups[ 1 ].title = "User-Defined and/or Model Specific Arguments" extra_args = {DeviceType.ANY: extra_args} parents.extend(extra_args.get(DeviceType.ANY, [])) parent = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=parents, add_help=False) add_general_arguments(parent, default_model_dir, first_parse, modes) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog=( "Please run 'python {CPU,GPU,CSX} -h'. \n \n" "Here are some example commands for running on different devices: \n \n" " python CSX --params /path/to/params --mode train --num_csx 1 \n \n" " python CPU --params /path/to/params --mode eval --checkpoint_path /path/to/checkpoint \n \n" ) if parser_epilog is None else parser_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) sp = parser.add_subparsers(title="Target Device", dest="target_device") sp.required = True if device_type == None or device_type == DeviceType.CPU: sp.add_parser( DeviceType.CPU, parents=[parent] + extra_args.get(DeviceType.CPU, []), help="Run on CPU", ) if device_type == None or device_type == DeviceType.GPU: gpu_parser = sp.add_parser( DeviceType.GPU, parents=[parent] + extra_args.get(DeviceType.GPU, []), help="Run on GPU", ) add_gpu_arguments(gpu_parser, first_parse) if device_type == None or device_type == DeviceType.CSX: csx_parser = sp.add_parser( DeviceType.CSX, help="Run on Cerebras System", parents=[parent] + extra_args.get(DeviceType.CSX, []), epilog=( "To see a complete list of all available arguments for \n" "please run 'python CSX -h'. \n\n" "Here is an example command for running with CSX: \n \n" " python CSX --params /path/to/params --mode train --num_csx 1 \n \n" "When running from the Cerebras Model Zoo, you generally specify --python_paths and \n" "--mount_dirs. This can be done here or in your params.yaml under the 'runconfig' section. \n" "Both should at least include a path \n" "to the directory in which the Cerebras Model Zoo resides. \n" ) if csx_parser_epilog is None else csx_parser_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) add_csx_arguments(csx_parser, first_parse) return parser
[docs]def update_defaults(params: dict, default_params: dict) -> dict: """Updates the params dict with global default for a key if a key is not present. Works on nested dictionaries and recursively updates defaults for nested dictionaries. All other types, apart from dict are considered as base type and aren't updated recursively. Args: params: dict holding the params. default_params: dict holding the default params. Returns: A dict containing the params, with the defaults updated """ for k, v in default_params.items(): if isinstance(v, params[k] = update_defaults(params.get(k, {}), v) elif k not in params: params[k] = v return params
[docs]def update_params_from_file(params, params_file): """Update provided params from provided file""" if os.path.exists(params_file): default_params = read_params_file(params_file) update_defaults(params, default_params)
[docs]def update_params_from_args( args: argparse.Namespace, params: dict, sysadmin_params: dict ): """Update params in-place with the arguments from args. Args: args: The namespace containing args from the commandline. params: The params to be updated. first_parse: Indicates whether to keep in the params path. """ # First checking to see if wsc_log_level was given as a string. # If so, convert to dict so that we can merge with the dict # generated by cli. wsc_log_level = params.get("wsc_log_level", None) if wsc_log_level: if isinstance(wsc_log_level, str): wsc_log_level = {'': wsc_log_level} params["wsc_log_level"] = wsc_log_level else: assert isinstance( wsc_log_level, dict ), "wsc_log_level must be a string or dict." if args: for (k, v) in list(vars(args).items()): if k in ["config", "params"]: continue if k == "wsc_log_level": # merge wsc logger level if v: if k in params: params[k].update(v) else: params[k] = v continue if k in ["python_paths", "mount_dirs"]: append_args = [] if v is not None: append_args.extend([v] if isinstance(v, str) else v) if params.get(k) is not None:[k]) append_args.extend( [params[k]] if isinstance(params[k], str) else params[k] ) if sysadmin_params.get(k) is not None:[k]) append_args.extend( [sysadmin_params[k]] if isinstance(sysadmin_params[k], str) else sysadmin_params[k] ) if append_args: params[k] = append_args continue params[k] = ( v if v is not None else (params.get(k) or sysadmin_params.get(k)) ) mode = params.get("mode") # Nice to have warning for users to understand behavior for # --load_checkpoint_states and --checkpoint_path if mode == "train" and params.get("checkpoint_path"): if params.get("load_checkpoint_states"): checkpoint_keys_to_load = set( params["load_checkpoint_states"].split(",") ) if ( len(checkpoint_keys_to_load) == 1 and "model" in checkpoint_keys_to_load ): # Load model state only "A checkpoint path is provided, and `--load_checkpoint_states=\"model\"` is " "set which is loading state for the model only. This will load the model " "model weights from the checkpoint, reset the optimizer states and start " "training from step 0." ) else: states = ( "All" if len(checkpoint_keys_to_load) == 0 else (", ".join(checkpoint_keys_to_load)) ) f"{states} states from the checkpoint will be loaded (if present). " "To only include a subset of components to load, specify " "`--load_checkpoint_states` with the components to include." ) model_dir = params["model_dir"] os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True)
[docs]def update_params_from_args_and_env(args: argparse.Namespace, params: dict): """Update params in-place with the arguments from args and the cerebras sysadmin overrides.. Args: args: The namespace containing args from the commandline. params: The params to be updated. """ sysadmin_file = os.getenv('CEREBRAS_WAFER_SCALE_CLUSTER_DEFAULTS') sysadmin_params = ( get_params(sysadmin_file) if sysadmin_file is not None else {} ) return update_params_from_args(args, params, sysadmin_params)
[docs]def post_process_params( params: dict, valid_arguments: list, invalid_arguments: list ) -> list: """Removes arguments that are not used by this target device. """ target_device = params["runconfig"].pop("target_device", None) assert target_device is not None new_command, invalid_params = [], [] new_command.append(target_device) for k, v in params["runconfig"].copy().items(): if v == None or v == False: continue if k == "wsc_log_level": # Undo the ArgParse action... v = [f"{ik}={iv}" for ik, iv in v.items()] # Ignore arguments from params.yaml that apply to different devices if k in invalid_arguments: invalid_params.append(k) params["runconfig"].pop(k) # Construct new parser input ignoring extra args that the parser # does not handle, such as num_epochs elif k in valid_arguments: new_command.append(f"--{k}") if isinstance(v, list): new_command.extend(map(str, v)) elif not isinstance(v, bool): new_command.append(f"{v}") if invalid_params: f"User specified a {target_device} run, but the following " f"non-{target_device} configurations were found in params file: " f"{str(invalid_params)}. Ignoring these arguments and continuing." ) return new_command
[docs]def get_params_from_args( run_dir: Optional[str] = None, argv: Optional[List] = None, extra_args_parser_fn: Optional[ Callable[[], List[argparse.ArgumentParser]] ] = None, device_type: Optional[DeviceType] = None, **parser_args, ) -> dict: """ Parse the arguments and get the params dict from the resulting args Args: run_dir: The path to the `` file argv: The args to be parse. Defaults to sys.argv if not provided extra_args_parser_fn: An optional callable that adds any extra parser args in the parser. device_type: The device type for which to fetch to add the args to the new parser. If None, all device type (CPU, GPU, CSX) args are added. parser_args: Any extra keyword arguments to be passed to the `get_parser` method for constructing the parser """ parser = get_parser( run_dir, extra_args_parser_fn=extra_args_parser_fn, device_type=device_type, **parser_args, ) args = parser.parse_args(argv if argv else sys.argv[1:]) params_template, invalid_params = assemble_disallowlist( vars(args), extra_args_parser_fn=extra_args_parser_fn ) params = get_params(args.params,) update_params_from_args_and_env(args, params["runconfig"]) rerun_command = post_process_params( params, params_template.keys(), invalid_params ) parser = get_parser( run_dir, first_parse=False, extra_args_parser_fn=extra_args_parser_fn, device_type=device_type, **parser_args, ) try: params_final = parser.parse_args(rerun_command) except SystemExit: logging.error( f"A mismatch was detected between your params.yaml file " f"and specified command-line arguments. " f"Please correct the error and run again." ) raise params["runconfig"] = {**params["runconfig"], **vars(params_final)} params["runconfig"] = {**params_template, **params["runconfig"]} params["runconfig"].pop("config", None) params["runconfig"].pop("params", None) return params