Source code for modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.scripts.chunk_preprocessing.data_reader

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module contains helper functions and classes to read data from different
formats, process them, and save in HDF5 format. It supports JSONL, GZipped JSON,
Parquet, ZST compressed JSONL, and TAR archives of ZST compressed JSONL files.

        An object to hold and process data with the ability to serialize itself
        into an HDF5 format.

        Provides a mechanism to read data from multiple file formats, process it,
        and yield in manageable chunks.

import gzip
import io
import json
import os
import tarfile
from logging import Logger
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

import h5py
import jsonlines
import numpy as np
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import zstandard

from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.scripts.chunk_preprocessing.lm_data_token_generator import (

[docs]def set_doc_idx(df, file_idx, start_doc_idx, previous_doc_idx): df.file_idx = file_idx df.start_doc_idx = start_doc_idx df.end_doc_idx = previous_doc_idx assert ( df.end_doc_idx >= df.start_doc_idx ), "Dataframe's ending document idx must not be less than it's starting document idx"
[docs]def get_data_size(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> int: """ Compute the size of the given data. Args: data (Union[str, bytes]): Data whose size needs to be determined. Returns: int: Size of the given data in bytes. """ if isinstance(data, tuple): return len(data[0].encode("utf-8")) + len(data[1].encode("utf-8")) elif isinstance(data, str): return len(data.encode("utf-8")) elif isinstance(data, bytes): return len(data) return 0
[docs]def find_last_paragraph_or_sentence_end(buffer: str) -> int: """ Find the last end of a paragraph (denoted by '\n\n') or a sentence in the buffer. Args: buffer (str): The text buffer. Returns: int: The position of the last end of the paragraph or sentence. """ # Check for the end of a paragraph first para_end_pos = buffer.rfind('\n\n') if para_end_pos != -1: return para_end_pos + 2 # If no end of paragraph is found, check for the end of a sentence sentence_endings = ['.', '!', '?'] for i in range(len(buffer) - 1, -1, -1): if buffer[i] in sentence_endings: return i + 1 return None
[docs]def split_entry_by_paragraph_or_sentence( entry: str, entry_size: int, chunk_size: int ) -> Iterator[str]: """ Split a large entry into chunks by sentence or paragraph end. Args: entry (str): The text entry. entry_size (int): Size of the input entry. chunk_size (int): The desired chunk size. Returns: Iterator[str]: Yields chunks of the text. """ while entry_size > chunk_size: end_pos = find_last_paragraph_or_sentence_end(entry[:chunk_size]) if end_pos: yield entry[:end_pos] entry = entry[end_pos:] entry_size -= end_pos else: # Fallback: chunk at chunk_size if no sentence-ending is found yield entry[:chunk_size] entry = entry[chunk_size:] entry_size -= chunk_size if entry: yield entry
[docs]class DataFrame:
[docs] def __init__(self, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ Initialize the DataFrame object. Args: keys (List[str], optional): Keys for the data entries. Defaults to ['text']. """ if keys is None: self.keys = ["text"] else: self.keys = keys self.raw_data = {key: [] for key in self.keys} self.tokenized_data = ( [] ) ## assuming that we get a single tokenized list for each entry in the df self.file_idx = None ## stores the file idx from the list of files to which current dataframe belongs self.start_doc_idx = None ## stores the starting doc index of the current df in the current file self.end_doc_idx = None ## stores the ending doc index of the current df in the current file self.entry_sizes = {} self.size = 0 self.data_stats = { "discarded": 0, "processed": 0, "successful": 0, "raw_chars_count": 0, "raw_bytes_count": 0, "num_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, "normalized_chars_count": 0, "normalized_bytes_count": 0, }
[docs] def save_to_hdf5( self, h5file: Any, write_in_batch: bool, dtype: str = "i4", compression: str = "gzip", ) -> None: """ Save the DataFrame object to an HDF5 file. Args: h5file: An HDF5 file handle. data_frame_num (int): Unique identifier for the data frame. """ data_label = "data" _data = np.concatenate(self.tokenized_data, axis=0) n_examples, _, max_seq_length = _data.shape if write_in_batch: h5file.attrs["n_examples"] = n_examples h5file.create_dataset( data_label, data=_data, dtype=dtype, chunks=(1, 3, max_seq_length), compression=compression, ) else: h5file.attrs["n_examples"] = n_examples dset = h5file.create_dataset( data_label, shape=_data.shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=(1, 3, max_seq_length), compression=compression, ) for idx, f in enumerate(_data): dset[idx] = f
[docs] def append_to_hdf5( self, output_dir, total_chunks, pid, dtype="i4", compression="gzip" ): """ Appends the different examples in a dataFrame object to different HDF5 files. This API is called when online shuffling is used Args: output_dir: Output dir where HDF5 data is supposed to be dumped. total_chunks: Total number of estimated output chunks. pid: Process id of the writer process. """ if len(self.tokenized_data) == 0: return 0 _data = np.concatenate(self.tokenized_data, axis=0) n_examples, _, max_seq_length = _data.shape shuffled_indices = np.random.choice( np.arange(total_chunks), _data.shape[0] ) for idx, sequence in enumerate(_data): idx_seq = shuffled_indices[idx] output_file_name = os.path.join( output_dir, f"output_chunk_{pid}_{idx_seq}.h5", ) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "a") as h5f: data = sequence.reshape(1, 3, max_seq_length) data_label = "data" if data_label not in h5f: h5f.attrs["n_examples"] = 1 h5f.create_dataset( data_label, data=data, dtype='i4', chunks=(1, 3, max_seq_length), maxshape=(None, 3, max_seq_length), compression='gzip', ) else: h5f.attrs["n_examples"] += 1 h5f[data_label].resize( (h5f[data_label].shape[0] + data.shape[0]), axis=0 ) h5f[data_label][-data.shape[0] :] = data return n_examples
[docs] def add(self, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Add an entry to the DataFrame. Args: value (Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]): Entry to be added. """ if not isinstance(value, dict): value = {self.keys[0]: value} for k, v in value.items(): if k in self.raw_data: size_before = get_data_size(v) self.raw_data[k].append(v) self.size += size_before
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the data and reset size. """ for k in self.raw_data: self.raw_data[k].clear() self.size = 0 self.entry_sizes.clear() self.file_idx = None self.start_doc_idx = None self.end_doc_idx = None
[docs] def tokenize(self, dataset_processor: Any, pad_token_id: int,) -> None: """ Tokenize the data values. Args: dataset_processor: Dataset Processor to be used for processing the data. use_ftfy (bool): Whether to use ftfy for text normalization. ftfy_normalizer (str): Normalization technique for ftfy. pad_token_id (int): ID of the pad token. """ if isinstance(dataset_processor, LMDataTokenGenerator): values = self.raw_data[self.keys[0]] else: values = zip( self.raw_data[self.keys[0]], self.raw_data[self.keys[1]] ) for value in values: tokenized_value, data_stats = dataset_processor.encode(value) for key in data_stats: self.data_stats[key] += data_stats[key] if tokenized_value == []: continue else: self.tokenized_data.append(tokenized_value)
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ String representation of the DataFrame object. Returns: str: Description of the DataFrame. """ output = [f"DataFrame(size={self.size}):"] for values in self.tokenized_data: if len(values) >= 6: # Get the first and last three values start_values = values[:3] end_values = values[-3:] output.append( f"[{', '.join(map(str, start_values))}, ... , {', '.join(map(str, end_values))}] ({len(values)} entries)" ) elif values: # If there are less than 6 values, print them all output.append( f"[{', '.join(map(str, values))}] ({len(values)} entries)" ) else: output.append(f"[] (0 entries)") # Adding statistics to the representation output.append("\nStatistics:") for stat, value in self.data_stats.items(): output.append(f"{stat}: {value}") return "\n".join(output)
[docs]class Reader:
[docs] def __init__( self, file_list: List[str], max_chunk_size: int, logger: Logger, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize the Reader instance. Args: file_list (List[str]): List of file paths to be read. max_chunk_size (int): Maximum chunk size for accumulated data. keys (Optional[List[str]]): List of keys to filter data. Defaults to ['text']. """ self.file_list = file_list self.max_chunk_size = max_chunk_size self.logger = logger self.keys = keys if keys is not None else ["text"]
[docs] def handle_jsonl( self, jsonl_reader: Any, start_doc_idx: int, get_meta: bool, autojoin_paragraphs: bool, para_joiner: str, ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Handle JSONL data and yield processed entries. Args: jsonl_reader (Any): The JSONL reader object. start_doc_idx (int): Contains the current document starting index get_meta (bool): Flag to determine if meta data should be extracted. autojoin_paragraphs (bool): Flag to auto join paragraphs. para_joiner (str): Paragraph joiner string. Returns: Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: Yields processed data entries. """ for idx, ob in enumerate(jsonl_reader): if ( idx < start_doc_idx ): ## resume streaming data from the current document starting index continue if isinstance(ob, str): assert not get_meta yield {"text": ob, "doc_idx": idx} continue entry = {} for key in self.keys: if key in ob: text = ob[key] if autojoin_paragraphs and isinstance(text, list): text = para_joiner.join(text) entry[key] = text if get_meta and "meta" in ob: entry["meta"] = ob["meta"] entry["doc_idx"] = idx yield entry
[docs] def accumulate_and_yield( self, data_gen: Iterator[Dict[str, Any]], file_idx ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Accumulate data and yield in chunks. Args: data_gen (Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]): Generator yielding data entries. file_idx (int): Current file index Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields accumulated data chunks. """ df = DataFrame(self.keys) start_doc_idx = None previous_doc_idx = -1 for entry in data_gen: if start_doc_idx is None: start_doc_idx = entry["doc_idx"] entry_size = sum(get_data_size(val) for val in entry.values()) # If there's only one key and its size exceeds the chunk size if len(entry) == 1 and entry_size > self.max_chunk_size: if df.size > 0: set_doc_idx(df, file_idx, start_doc_idx, previous_doc_idx) yield df df = DataFrame(self.keys) start_doc_idx = entry["doc_idx"] key = next(iter(entry)) set_doc_idx(df, file_idx, start_doc_idx, start_doc_idx) for chunk in split_entry_by_paragraph_or_sentence( entry[key], entry_size, self.max_chunk_size ): new_entry = {key: chunk} df.add(new_entry) yield df df = DataFrame(self.keys) start_doc_idx = None continue elif df.size + entry_size > self.max_chunk_size and df.size != 0: set_doc_idx(df, file_idx, start_doc_idx, previous_doc_idx) yield df start_doc_idx = entry["doc_idx"] df = DataFrame(self.keys) df.add(entry) previous_doc_idx = entry["doc_idx"] if df.size > 0: df.file_idx = file_idx df.start_doc_idx = start_doc_idx df.end_doc_idx = previous_doc_idx assert ( df.end_doc_idx >= df.start_doc_idx ), "Dataframe's ending document idx must not be less than it's starting document idx" yield df
[docs] def read_txt(self, file: str, checkpoint_args: tuple) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Read and process text file. Args: file (str): Path to the .txt file. checkpoint_args (tuple): Contains the current file starting index , current document starting index Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields processed data lines. """ current_file_idx, start_doc_idx = checkpoint_args with open(file, "r") as fh: text = entry = {"text": text, "doc_idx": start_doc_idx} df = DataFrame(self.keys) set_doc_idx(df, current_file_idx, start_doc_idx, start_doc_idx) df.add(entry) yield df
[docs] def read_jsongz(self, file: str, checkpoint_args: tuple,) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Read and process gzipped JSON file. Args: file (str): Path to the .json.gz file. checkpoint_args (tuple): Contains the current file starting index , current document starting index Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields processed data entries. """ current_file_idx, start_doc_idx = checkpoint_args with, "rb") as f: data_gen = ( { "text": json.loads(line.decode("utf-8")).strip(), "doc_idx": idx, } for idx, line in enumerate(f) if idx >= start_doc_idx ) yield from self.accumulate_and_yield(data_gen, current_file_idx)
[docs] def read_jsonl( self, file: str, checkpoint_args: tuple, get_meta: bool = False, autojoin_paragraphs: bool = True, para_joiner: str = "\n\n", ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Read and process JSONL file. Args: file (str): Path to the .jsonl file. checkpoint_args (tuple): Contains the current file starting index , current document starting index get_meta (bool): Flag to determine if meta data should be extracted. autojoin_paragraphs (bool): Flag to auto join paragraphs. para_joiner (str): Paragraph joiner string. Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields processed data entries. """ current_file_idx, start_doc_idx = checkpoint_args with open(file, "r") as fh: rdr = jsonlines.Reader(fh) data_gen = self.handle_jsonl( rdr, start_doc_idx, get_meta, autojoin_paragraphs, para_joiner ) yield from self.accumulate_and_yield(data_gen, current_file_idx)
[docs] def read_jsonl_zst( self, file: str, checkpoint_args: tuple, get_meta: bool = False, autojoin_paragraphs: bool = True, para_joiner: str = "\n\n", ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Read and process ZST compressed JSONL file. Args: file (str): Path to the .jsonl.zst file. checkpoint_args (tuple): Contains the current file starting index , current document starting index get_meta (bool): Flag to determine if meta data should be extracted. autojoin_paragraphs (bool): Flag to auto join paragraphs. para_joiner (str): Paragraph joiner string. Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields processed data entries. """ current_file_idx, start_doc_idx = checkpoint_args with open(file, "rb") as fh: cctx = zstandard.ZstdDecompressor() reader = io.BufferedReader(cctx.stream_reader(fh)) rdr = jsonlines.Reader(reader) data_gen = self.handle_jsonl( rdr, start_doc_idx, get_meta, autojoin_paragraphs, para_joiner ) yield from self.accumulate_and_yield(data_gen, current_file_idx)
[docs] def read_jsonl_tar( self, file: str, checkpoint_args: tuple, get_meta: bool = False, autojoin_paragraphs: bool = True, para_joiner: str = "\n\n", ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Read and process TAR archive containing ZST compressed JSONL files. Args: file (str): Path to the .jsonl.zst.tar file. checkpoint_args (tuple): Contains the current file starting index , current document starting index get_meta (bool): Flag to determine if meta data should be extracted. autojoin_paragraphs (bool): Flag to auto join paragraphs. para_joiner (str): Paragraph joiner string. Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields processed data entries. """ current_file_idx, start_doc_idx = checkpoint_args with, "r") as archive: for member in archive: with archive.extractfile(member) as f: cctx = zstandard.ZstdDecompressor() reader = io.BufferedReader(cctx.stream_reader(f)) rdr = jsonlines.Reader(reader) data_gen = self.handle_jsonl( rdr, start_doc_idx, get_meta, autojoin_paragraphs, para_joiner, ) yield from self.accumulate_and_yield( data_gen, current_file_idx )
[docs] def read_parquet(self, file: str, checkpoint_args: tuple) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Read and process Parquet file. Args: file (str): Path to the .parquet file. checkpoint_args (tuple): Contains the current file starting index , current document starting index Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields processed data rows. """ current_file_idx, start_doc_idx = checkpoint_args parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile(file) def entry_gen(start_doc_idx) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: global_doc_idx = 0 for row_group_index in range(parquet_file.num_row_groups): table = parquet_file.read_row_group(row_group_index) columns = {key: table.column(key) for key in self.keys} for i in range(table.num_rows): if global_doc_idx < start_doc_idx: global_doc_idx += 1 continue else: entry = { key: col[i].as_py() for key, col in columns.items() } entry["doc_idx"] = global_doc_idx yield entry global_doc_idx += 1 yield from self.accumulate_and_yield( entry_gen(start_doc_idx), current_file_idx )
[docs] def stream_data( self, checkpoint_args, get_meta: bool = False ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Stream and process data from multiple file formats. Args: get_meta (bool): Flag to determine if meta data should be extracted. checkpoint_args (tuple): Contains the current file starting index , current document starting index Returns: Iterator[Any]: Yields processed data chunks. """ file_idx, start_doc_idx = checkpoint_args zipped_file_list = list(zip(range(len(self.file_list)), self.file_list)) file_list = zipped_file_list[file_idx:] for idx, f in file_list: checkpoint_args = (idx, start_doc_idx) if f.endswith(".jsonl"): yield from self.read_jsonl(f, checkpoint_args, get_meta) elif f.endswith(".jsonl.zst"): yield from self.read_jsonl_zst(f, checkpoint_args, get_meta) elif f.endswith(".jsonl.zst.tar"): yield from self.read_jsonl_tar(f, checkpoint_args, get_meta) elif f.endswith(".txt"): assert not get_meta yield from self.read_txt(f, checkpoint_args) elif f.endswith(".json.gz"): assert not get_meta yield from self.read_jsongz(f, checkpoint_args) elif f.endswith(".parquet"): assert not get_meta yield from self.read_parquet(f, checkpoint_args) else: self.logger.warning( f"Skipping {f} as streaming for that filetype is not implemented" )