Source code for modelzoo.transformers.pytorch.gpt2.input.scripts.data_processor_utils

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import random

import numpy as np

from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.tokenizers.BPETokenizer import (

[docs]def training_data_generator( input_files, vocab_file, encoder_file, max_sequence_length, buffer_size=1e6, overlap_size=None, short_seq_prob=0, inverted_mask=False, add_special_tokens=True, eos_token="<|endoftext|>", pad_token="<|endoftext|>", input_ids_dtype="int32", input_mask_dtype="int32", labels_dtype="int32", ): """ Generator function used to create input dataset for GPT2Model. :param list[str] input_files: List of input files. :param str vocab_file: Vocabulary file, to build tokenization from :param str encoder_file: Encoder file, map from word-pieces to token IDs for tokenization :param int max_sequence_length: Maximum length of the sequence to generate :param int short_seq_prob: Probability of a short sequence. Defaults to 0. Sometimes we want to use shorter sequences to minimize the mismatch between pre-training and fine-tuning. :param int buffer_size: Read buffer size. Defaults to 1MB. :param int overlap_size: Size of overlap when forming sequences from buffered token ids in a sliding window fashion. Defaults to None, which sets the overlap of max_sequence_length/4. :param bool inverted_mask: If set to False, has 0's on padded positions and 1's elsewhere. Otherwise, "inverts" the mask, so that 1's are on padded positions and 0's elsewhere. :param str eos_token: End of sequence token. Defaults to "<|endoftext|>". :param str pad_token: Pad token. Defaults to "<|endoftext|>". :param str input_ids_dtype: Type of input ids. Defaults to "int32". :param str input_mask_dtype: Type of mask. Defaults to "int32". :param str labels_dtype: Type of labels. Defaults to "int32". :returns: yields training examples (feature, label) """ assert ( eos_token == "<|endoftext|>" and pad_token == "<|endoftext|>" ), "EOS and PAD tokens are given by '<|endoftext|>' for now." num_input_files = len(input_files) rng = random.Random() tokenizer = BPETokenizer(vocab_file, encoder_file) # id("<|endoftext|>") = 50256 eos_id = 50256 pad_id = 50256 def _generate_train_example(token_ids): return _create_features_labels( token_ids, max_sequence_length, short_seq_prob, inverted_mask, pad_id, input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype, rng, ) if overlap_size is None: overlap_size = int(max_sequence_length / 4) assert overlap_size >= 0, "overlap_size must be non-negative." buffer_token_ids = [eos_id] if add_special_tokens else [] for _file_num, _file in enumerate(input_files): with open(_file, 'r') as _fin: document_text = token_ids = tokenizer.encode(document_text) # skip empty documents if len(token_ids) == 0: continue if add_special_tokens: token_ids.append(eos_id) buffer_token_ids.extend(token_ids) # if buffer_size hasn't been reached # and current document is not the last one, # then continue adding elements into buffer if ( len(buffer_token_ids) < buffer_size and _file_num < num_input_files - 1 ): continue # generate sequences from buffer # in a sliding window fashion start_idx = 0 end_idx = max_sequence_length + 1 while end_idx <= len(buffer_token_ids): # need n+1 tokens to generate # (feature, label) of length n yield _generate_train_example( buffer_token_ids[start_idx:end_idx] ), _file_num start_idx = end_idx - overlap_size - 1 end_idx = start_idx + max_sequence_length + 1 # generate last example from buffer if start_idx < len(buffer_token_ids) - 1: yield _generate_train_example( buffer_token_ids[-max_sequence_length - 1 :], ), _file_num buffer_token_ids = [eos_id] if add_special_tokens else []
def _create_features_labels( token_ids, max_sequence_length, short_seq_prob=0, inverted_mask=False, pad_id=0, input_ids_dtype="int32", input_mask_dtype="int32", labels_dtype="int32", rng=random.Random(), ): """ Given a list of token_ids, generate input sequence and labels. """ assert len(token_ids) >= 2, "token_ids must have at least 2 elements." if rng.random() < short_seq_prob: token_ids = token_ids[0 : rng.randint(2, max_sequence_length - 1)] input_ids = token_ids[:-1] labels = token_ids[1:] input_mask = [1] * len(input_ids) # padding num_pad = max_sequence_length - len(input_ids) padding = [pad_id] * num_pad input_ids.extend(padding) labels.extend(padding) input_mask.extend([0] * num_pad) # assertions to ensure correct output shapes assert ( len(input_ids) == max_sequence_length and len(labels) == max_sequence_length and len(input_mask) == max_sequence_length ), "Wrong sequence length" # create feature dict features = dict() features["input_ids"] = getattr(np, input_ids_dtype)(input_ids) features["attention_mask"] = getattr(np, input_mask_dtype)(input_mask) if inverted_mask: features['attention_mask'] = np.equal( features['attention_mask'], 0 ).astype(features['attention_mask'].dtype) labels = getattr(np, labels_dtype)(labels) features['labels'] = labels return features