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import numpy as np
import torch

[docs]def space_timesteps(num_timesteps, section_counts): """ Based on Create a list of timesteps to use from an original diffusion process, given the number of timesteps we want to take from equally-sized portions of the original process. For example, if there's 300 timesteps and the section counts are [10,15,20] then the first 100 timesteps are strided to be 10 timesteps, the second 100 are strided to be 15 timesteps, and the final 100 are strided to be 20. If the stride is a string starting with "ddim", then the fixed striding from the DDIM paper is used, and only one section is allowed. :param num_timesteps: the number of diffusion steps in the original process to divide up. :param section_counts: either a list of numbers, or a string containing comma-separated numbers, indicating the step count per section. As a special case, use "ddimN" where N is a number of steps to use the striding from the DDIM paper. :return: a set of diffusion steps from the original process to use. """ if isinstance(section_counts, str): if section_counts.startswith("ddim"): _ini_sc = section_counts[len("ddim") :] section_counts = [ int(x) for x in section_counts[len("ddim") :].split(",") ] if len(section_counts) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Multiple section count strides not supported for DDIM. " f"This value \"{_ini_sc}\" should NOT be a comma separated list. " f"Instead, it should be a single str that can be converted to integer," f"for example: \"{str(section_counts[0])}\"" ) desired_count = int(section_counts[0]) for i in range(1, num_timesteps): if len(range(0, num_timesteps, i)) == desired_count: return set(range(0, num_timesteps, i)) raise ValueError( f"cannot create exactly {num_timesteps} steps with an integer stride" ) section_counts = [int(x) for x in section_counts.split(",")] size_per = num_timesteps // len(section_counts) extra = num_timesteps % len(section_counts) start_idx = 0 all_steps = [] for i, section_count in enumerate(section_counts): size = size_per + (1 if i < extra else 0) if size < section_count: raise ValueError( f"cannot divide section of {size} steps into {section_count}" ) if section_count <= 1: frac_stride = 1 else: frac_stride = (size - 1) / (section_count - 1) cur_idx = 0.0 taken_steps = [] for _ in range(section_count): taken_steps.append(start_idx + round(cur_idx)) cur_idx += frac_stride all_steps += taken_steps start_idx += size return set(all_steps)
[docs]def set_sampling_timesteps( num_diffusion_steps, num_inference_steps, custom_timesteps ): """ Computes timesteps to be used during sampling Args: num_diffusion_steps (`int`): Total number of steps the model was trained on num_inference_steps (`str`): string containing comma-separated numbers, indicating the step count per section. For example, if there's 300 `num_diffusion_steps` and num_inference_steps=`10,15,20` then the first 100 timesteps are strided to be 10 timesteps, the second 100 are strided to be 15 timesteps, and the final 100 are strided to be 20. Can either pass `custom_timesteps` (or) `num_inference_steps`, but not both. custom_timesteps (`List[int]`): User specified list of timesteps to be used during sampling. """ if custom_timesteps is not None: for i in range(1, len(custom_timesteps)): if custom_timesteps[i] >= custom_timesteps[i - 1]: raise ValueError( "`custom_timesteps` must be in descending order." ) if custom_timesteps[0] >= num_diffusion_steps: raise ValueError( f"`custom_timesteps` must start before `num_diffusion_steps`:" f" {num_diffusion_steps}." ) timesteps = np.array(custom_timesteps, dtype=np.int32) else: t = space_timesteps(num_diffusion_steps, num_inference_steps) timesteps = np.array(sorted(t, reverse=True), dtype=np.int32) return timesteps
[docs]def threshold_sample( sample: torch.FloatTensor, dynamic_thresholding_ratio, sample_max_value ) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ "Dynamic thresholding: At each sampling step we set s to a certain percentile absolute pixel value in xt0 (the prediction of x_0 at timestep t), and if s > 1, then we threshold xt0 to the range [-s, s] and then divide by s. Dynamic thresholding pushes saturated pixels (those near -1 and 1) inwards, thereby actively preventing pixels from saturation at each step. We find that dynamic thresholding results in significantly better photorealism as well as better image-text alignment, especially when using very large guidance weights." """ dtype = sample.dtype batch_size, channels, height, width = sample.shape if dtype not in (torch.float32, torch.float64): sample = ( sample.float() ) # upcast for quantile calculation, and clamp not implemented for cpu half # Flatten sample for doing quantile calculation along each image sample = sample.reshape(batch_size, channels * height * width) abs_sample = sample.abs() # "a certain percentile absolute pixel value" s = torch.quantile(abs_sample, dynamic_thresholding_ratio, dim=1) s = torch.clamp( s, min=1, max=sample_max_value ) # When clamped to min=1, equivalent to standard clipping to [-1, 1] s = s.unsqueeze( 1 ) # (batch_size, 1) because clamp will broadcast along dim=0 sample = ( torch.clamp(sample, -s, s) / s ) # "we threshold xt0 to the range [-s, s] and then divide by s" sample = sample.reshape(batch_size, channels, height, width) sample = return sample
[docs]def rescale_zero_terminal_snr(betas): """ Rescales betas to have zero terminal SNR Based on (Algorithm 1) Args: betas (`torch.FloatTensor`): the betas that the scheduler is being initialized with. Returns: `torch.FloatTensor`: rescaled betas with zero terminal SNR """ # Convert betas to alphas_bar_sqrt alphas = 1.0 - betas alphas_cumprod = torch.cumprod(alphas, dim=0) alphas_bar_sqrt = alphas_cumprod.sqrt() # Store old values. alphas_bar_sqrt_0 = alphas_bar_sqrt[0].clone() alphas_bar_sqrt_T = alphas_bar_sqrt[-1].clone() # Shift so the last timestep is zero. alphas_bar_sqrt -= alphas_bar_sqrt_T # Scale so the first timestep is back to the old value. alphas_bar_sqrt *= alphas_bar_sqrt_0 / ( alphas_bar_sqrt_0 - alphas_bar_sqrt_T ) # Convert alphas_bar_sqrt to betas alphas_bar = alphas_bar_sqrt ** 2 # Revert sqrt alphas = alphas_bar[1:] / alphas_bar[:-1] # Revert cumprod alphas =[alphas_bar[0:1], alphas]) betas = 1 - alphas return betas