Source code for cerebras_pytorch.sparse.base

# Copyright 2016-2023 Cerebras Systems
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import functools
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable
from typing import List

import torch
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer

from .init import InitMethodType, make_init_method

[docs]class BaseSparsityOptimizer(Optimizer, ABC): r""" Abstract base class for a dynamic sparsity optimizer. Subclasses must implement :meth:`_get_target_sparsity_level_of_group` and :meth:`step`. Args: params (iterable): iterable of parameters to sparsify or dicts defining parameter groups to sparsify init_method (InitMethodType): method by which sparsity is initialized defaults (dict): Additional defaults for param_groups """
[docs] def __init__( self, params, init_method: InitMethodType = 'random', defaults=None ): defaults = defaults or {} defaults['init_method'] = init_method super().__init__(params, defaults) self.optimizers_and_state_names = [] self._init_sparsity_called = False self._hook_module_called = False self._apply_sparsity_called = False self._param_grad_hooks = {} from cerebras_pytorch.backend import current_backend_impl self.backend = current_backend_impl() self.backend.register_optimizer(self)
[docs] def initialize_sparsity(self): """ Compute the initial sparsity pattern for each parameter. """ if self._init_sparsity_called: # Don't re-initialize return self._init_sparsity_called = True num_params = sum(len(group["params"]) for group in self.param_groups) # Set up intiailization progress bar if self.backend.progress_tracker is not None: self.backend.progress_tracker.reset(total=num_params) self.backend.progress_tracker.set_postfix() self.backend.progress_tracker.set_description( "Initializing sparsity patterns" ) with self.backend.device: for group in self.param_groups: self._init_sparsity_of_group(group) self.visit_state(lambda x: # After initializing new masks, we'll need to double check that # apply_sparsity() gets called once before step() self._apply_sparsity_called = False
def _init_sparsity_of_group(self, group): """ Compute the initial sparsity pattern for each of the parameters in the given group. """ # This simple scalar computation does not need to be traced with torch.device("cpu"): sparsity = self._get_target_sparsity_level_of_group(group) # Use the CPU device if doing eager initialization on CSX. # Otherwise, use the parameter's device. # This allows us to trace the mask initialization during # lazy initialization. device = None if ( self.backend.is_csx and not self.backend.device.config.lazy_initialization ): device = "cpu" initializer = group['init_method'] for p in group['params']: self.state[p]["mask"] = initializer(p, sparsity, device=device) if self.backend.progress_tracker is not None: self.backend.progress_tracker.update() @abstractmethod def _get_target_sparsity_level_of_group(self, group) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Returns the target sparsity level for parameters in the group. Returns: sparsity_level: a rankless FloatTensor holding the sparsity level """
[docs] def manage_optimizer_state_sparsity( self, optimizer: Optimizer, state_names: List[str] ): """ Manage the sparsity of an optimizer's state. For any parameters that this SparsityOptimizer manages, apply the sparsity pattern to all states named `state_names` """ self.optimizers_and_state_names.append((optimizer, state_names))
def _yield_optimizer_states(self, p): """ Yield the given parameter's optimizer states which need sparsity applied. """ for opt, state_names in self.optimizers_and_state_names: if p in opt.state: state = opt.state[p] for s_name in state_names: if s_name in state: yield state[s_name]
[docs] def annotate_sparsity(self): """ Annotate sparsity as performance hints for the cerebras compiler """ for group in self.param_groups: sparsity = group.get("csx_annotated_sparsity") if sparsity is None: continue min_v, max_v, ending_v = sparsity for p in group['params']: self.backend.set_attribute(p, "min_sparsity", min_v) self.backend.set_attribute(p, "max_sparsity", max_v) self.backend.set_attribute(p, "sparsity", ending_v) for state in self._yield_optimizer_states(p): self.backend.set_attribute(state, "min_sparsity", min_v) self.backend.set_attribute(state, "max_sparsity", max_v) self.backend.set_attribute(state, "sparsity", ending_v)
[docs] def hook_module(self, module: torch.nn.Module): """ Hook the given module such that the sparsity pattern is applied to both the parameters before forward() and gradients after backward() """ self._hook_module_called = True def forward_pre_hook(module, input): self.annotate_sparsity() self.apply_sparsity() module.register_forward_pre_hook(forward_pre_hook)
def _ensure_sparsity_applied(self): if not self._apply_sparsity_called: error = ( "apply_sparsity() must be called before forward() to apply " "sparsity to parameters and optimizer state. " ) if self._hook_module_called: error += ( "A module hook was installed which should have taken care " "of calling it, but did not. Check that you have not " "disabled module hooks." ) else: error += ( "For your convenience, the SparsityOptimizer method " "``.hook_module()`` can add a torch.nn.Module forward_pre " "hook to automatically apply sparsity." ) raise RuntimeError(error)
[docs] def zero_grad(self, set_to_none: bool = True): """ Override default torch.optim.Optimizer to never zero gradients: This optimizer is slightly unique in that it isn't responsible for the `main` weight update of the params it manages (and thus doesn't consult or "maintain" their gradients), but it does manage the sparsity pattern of the params. Can be further overriden in other SparsityOptimizers if they deal with gradients (like RigL). """
def state_dict(self): # Adapted from torch.optim.Optimizer, but we use param_names # param_names used in place of params param_groups = [] # map parameter -> name name_map = {} for group in self.param_groups: name_map.update(dict(zip(group["params"], group["param_names"]))) group = group.copy() del group["params"] # Some objects may themselves be stateful, so we store their state # instead of them for k, v in list(group.items()): if hasattr(v, "state_dict"): group[k] = v.state_dict() elif callable(v): # Don't serialize callable objects del group[k] param_groups.append(group) state = {name_map[p]: v for p, v in self.state.items()} return {"state": state, "param_groups": param_groups} def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): # Adapted from torch.optim.Optimizer, but we use param_names # Validate the state_dict groups = self.param_groups saved_groups = state_dict['param_groups'] if len(groups) != len(saved_groups): raise ValueError( "loaded state dict has a different number of parameter groups" ) # map name -> parameter name_map = {} for group in self.param_groups: name_map.update(dict(zip(group["param_names"], group["params"]))) for group, saved_group in zip(groups, saved_groups): if group["param_names"] != saved_group["param_names"]: raise ValueError( "loaded state dict contains different parameters than " "the current optimizer" ) def to_device(param, value): """ Transfer each value to the same device as param. """ if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): return elif isinstance(value, dict): return {k: to_device(param, v) for k, v in value.items()} elif isinstance(value, Iterable): return type(value)(to_device(param, v) for v in value) else: return value # Copy state associated with params (moving tensors to param device). state = defaultdict(dict) for param_name, v in state_dict['state'].items(): param = name_map[param_name] state[param] = to_device(param, v) # Update parameter groups, resetting their 'params' value def update_group(group, new_group): new_group['params'] = group['params'] # Some Sparsity param_group entries are complex and need to be # serialized specially. for k, v in group.items(): if hasattr(v, "load_state_dict"): # Use the old object, but with loaded state. v.load_state_dict(new_group[k]) new_group[k] = v elif k not in new_group: # Some items were omitted from the state_dict. Keep their # old value. new_group[k] = v return new_group param_groups = [ update_group(g, ng) for g, ng in zip(groups, saved_groups) ] self.__setstate__({'state': state, 'param_groups': param_groups}) # Loading state counts as initializing it, don't re-init self._init_sparsity_called = True
[docs] def visit_state(self, fn): """ Applies a lambda to each stateful value. """ for state in self.state.values(): for key, val in state.items(): new_val = fn(val) if new_val is not None: state[key] = new_val for group in self.param_groups: for v in group.values(): if hasattr(v, "visit_state"): v.visit_state(fn)
def add_param_group(self, param_group): # SparsityOptimizer accepts named_params tuples instead named_params = param_group["params"] if isinstance(named_params, list): # list of tuples names, params = zip(*named_params) elif isinstance(named_params, tuple): # single tuple names, params = named_params params = [params] names = [names] param_group["params"] = params param_group["param_names"] = names super().add_param_group(param_group) # Hydrate the initializer param_group["init_method"] = make_init_method( param_group["init_method"] ) # Ensure every group has a name if "name" not in param_group: if len(names) == 1: # Single weight group param_group["name"] = names[0] else: param_group["name"] = f"group_{len(self.param_groups)}" # Return the newly added param_group return self.param_groups[-1] @torch.no_grad() def apply_sparsity(self): """ Apply the sparsity pattern to the parameters and optimizer states. """ if not self._init_sparsity_called: if self.backend.is_csx: raise RuntimeError( "Sparsity must be initialized before execution" ) # We can init lazily on CPU/GPU though. self.initialize_sparsity() self._apply_sparsity_called = True self._apply_masks_to_params() self._apply_masks_to_opt_state() def _grad_hook(self, p, grad): # In the case there any NaNs in the unused gradients that correspond to # zero'd out weights, we use a selection to replace these NaNs with # zeros. (multiplying with the mask would preserve them). # DLS will skip a weight update if there is a NaN in the gradient, but # we only want this to happen if there is a NaN in gradients # corresponding to non-zero weights. This is the behavior of the CS2 # which doesn't even compute the full gradients on most steps. zero = torch.zeros_like(grad) mask = self.state[p]['mask'] # Return modified gradient. return torch.where(mask, grad, zero) @torch.no_grad() def _apply_masks_to_params(self): for group in self.param_groups: for p in group['params']: # Apply sparsity. p.mul_(self.state[p]['mask']) # Set up autograd to apply sparsity to gradients too. if p not in self._param_grad_hooks: self._param_grad_hooks[p] = p.register_hook( functools.partial(self._grad_hook, p) ) @torch.no_grad() def _apply_masks_to_opt_state(self): for group in self.param_groups: for p in group['params']: for state in self._yield_optimizer_states(p): state.mul_(self.state[p]['mask'])