Source code for cerebras_pytorch.sparse.rigl

# Copyright 2016-2023 Cerebras Systems
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

Provide an optimizer implementing RigL for use with the WSE.
from functools import partial

import torch
from torch.optim.optimizer import required

from .dynamic import DynamicSparsityOptimizer, InitMethodType, ScheduleType
from .utils import (

[docs]class RigLSparsityOptimizer(DynamicSparsityOptimizer): r"""Implements Rigging the Lottery (RigL) Sparsity levels stay constant throughout training, but the lowest magnitude weights are pruned and then regrown using a proxy measure of where a pruned connection would have had the most impact by finding the highest magnitude (dense) gradients of pruned weights. See: Args: params (iterable): iterable of parameters to sparsify or dicts defining parameter groups to sparsify init_method: Method to initialize sparsity pattern. Can either be the name of a built-in method or a lambda. sparsity: Sparsity, either constant or step-aware hyperparameter schedule: Sparsity update schedule. May be one of: * ``int``: Single regular update frequency. * ``list``: Irregular update on the given steps. * ``dict``: Containing ``{"start": start, "freq": freq, "stop": stop}`` for regular updates with start & stop. * ``ScheduleCallable`` : User function accepting a rankless ``torch.LongTensor`` and returning a rankless ``torch.BoolTensor`` drop_fraction: Fraction of non-pruned weights to drop each update step. Either a constant or a step-aware hyperparamter. Example: >>> optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( model.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.9 ) >>> sparsity_opt = RigLSparsityOptimizer( [p for n,p in model.named_parameters() if should_sparsify(n,p)], sparsity=0.9, schedule={"freq": 100, "stop": 1000}, drop_fraction={"type": "cosine", "init": 0.3, "half_period": 1000}, ) >>> sparsity_opt.hook_module(model) >>> sparsity_opt.initialize_sparsity() >>> optimizer.zero_grad() >>> loss_fn(model(input), target).backward() >>> optimizer.step() >>> sparsity_opt.step() """
[docs] def __init__( self, params, init_method: InitMethodType = "random", sparsity: HyperParameterType = required, schedule: ScheduleType = required, drop_fraction: HyperParameterType = 0.3, **kwargs, ): # drop_fraction is a required value for RigL though it has a default # value. Pass it as dynamic optimizer kwarg. It will be configured # on each param_group. kwargs["drop_fraction"] = drop_fraction self._dense_grads = {} super().__init__( params, init_method=init_method, sparsity=sparsity, schedule=schedule, **kwargs, )
def add_param_group(self, param_group): param_group = super().add_param_group(param_group) set_param_group_hyperparam(param_group, "drop_fraction") # RigL may need per-head balancing of attention projection weights in_groups = param_group.pop("balance_in_groups", None) out_groups = param_group.pop("balance_out_groups", None) def validate_balance(groups, err_key): for name, param in zip( param_group["param_names"], param_group["params"] ): for dim in param.shape: if dim % groups == 0: break else: raise ValueError( f"Sparsity group configured with `{err_key}`={groups} " f"but parameter {name} does not have a dimension with " f"a multiple of {groups}: {param.shape}" ) if out_groups: if in_groups: raise ValueError( "Only one of `balance_in_groups` and `balance_out_groups` " "can be specified at a time." ) validate_balance(out_groups, "balance_out_groups") score_shaper = OutputGroupScoreShaper(out_groups) elif in_groups: validate_balance(in_groups, "balance_in_groups") score_shaper = InputGroupScoreShaper(in_groups) else: score_shaper = None param_group["score_shaper"] = score_shaper # Also add score shaping to the init_method. param_group["init_method"] = partial( param_group["init_method"], score_shaper=score_shaper ) def _grad_hook(self, p, grad): # Save a copy of the dense gradients before masking. if p in self._dense_grads: # GPU gradient accumulation mode. self._dense_grads[p] += grad else: self._dense_grads[p] = grad.clone() return super()._grad_hook(p, grad)
[docs] def zero_grad(self, set_to_none: bool = True): """ Clears the accumulated dense gradients. """ if set_to_none: self._dense_grads = {} else: for g in self._dense_grads.values(): g.zero_()
@torch.no_grad() def update_mask(self, p, mask, sparsity, group): if p not in self._dense_grads: raise RuntimeError( "RigL requires dense gradients, ensure you have called " "sparsity_optimizer.apply_sparsity()" ) # RigL may need per-head balancing of attention projection weights score_shaper = group["score_shaper"] drop_fraction = group["drop_fraction"]( self._step, group["is_update_step"] ) # Keep the connections of highest magnitude weights but drop some. p_score = p.abs() mask, k = make_mask_drop_minimum( p_score, mask, drop_fraction, score_shaper=score_shaper ) # Regrow where the gradient magnitude is the largest. regrow_score = self._dense_grads[p].abs() return make_mask_grow_maximum( regrow_score, mask, sparsity, k, score_shaper=score_shaper, )