Source code for modelzoo.common.pytorch.model_utils.checkpoint_converters.base_converter

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import pickle
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import torch
import yaml
from tqdm import tqdm

import cerebras_pytorch as cstorch
from modelzoo.common.pytorch.model_utils.checkpoint_converters.streaming_checkpoints import (

[docs]class EquivalentSubkey: r"""EquivalentSubkey defines the bidirectional relationship between subkeys of a model's checkpoint. This class is simply a 2-tuple with index bounds checking. For example if the normalization layer in one model is named "norm" and "ln" in the other, the relationship can be represented as EquivalentSubkey("norm", "ln"). """
[docs] def __init__(self, a: str, b: str) -> None: self.keys = [a, b]
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> str: assert ( idx == 0 or idx == 1 ), "Invalid index into EquivalentSubkey object: {}".format(idx) return self.keys[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx: int, value) -> str: assert ( idx == 0 or idx == 1 ), "Invalid index into EquivalentSubkey object: {}".format(idx) self.keys[idx] = value def __repr__(self) -> str: return "EquivalentSubkey(\"{}\", \"{}\")".format(*self.keys)
[docs]class ConversionRule: r"""ConversionRule defines a "rule" which: 1. a key can be matched against 2. procedure for converting this old key to a new one upon a successful match 3. and an action to be taken once the new key is created (ex: updating the state dictionary) A rule consists of a sequence of regex pattern (supplied as a string), EquivalentSubkey object, and (possibly) a BaseDictionaryConverter as long as this object is last in the sequence. It also contains an "exists" argument which can be set to "left", "both", or "right". The "left" and "right" arguments are used to describe if a key exists in one checkpoint format but not the other and should be ignored. Without this behavior, keys that exist in one but not the other wouldn't be matched by any conversion rules, causing a failure as drop_unmatched_keys is disabled by default. Example: The following describes the conversion rule for mapping HF's layer normalization key to CS layer normalization in the GPT2 model. >>> ConversionRule( >>> [ >>> EquivalentSubkey("h", "transformer_decoder.layers"), >>> "\.\d+\.", >>> EquivalentSubkey("ln_1", "norm1"), >>> "\.(weight|bias)", >>> ], >>> action=BaseCheckpointConverter.replaceKey, >>> ) This should be interpreted as: 1. HF uses 'h' to represent the decoder name while CS uses 'transformer_decoder.layers' 2. Both will have keys that follow with a dot, the decoder number, and then another dot 3. HF uses 'ln_1' for the first layer norm while CS names it 'norm1' 4. Both will have keys that follow with a dot and then either weight or bias This representation should make it easy to see how we can 1) build a regex which matches against old keys, and 2) use the matched result & EquivalentSubkey information to create a new key. Finally, once the new key is constructed the conversion rule will apply the 'action' described by the user in order to complete the conversion (in this case simply copying the value at old_state's old key into the new_state at the new key). As previously mentioned, a conversion rule object can also contain a checkpoint converter at the end of the sequence. This is used to create a new checkpoint converter which uses another converter to handle a portion of the conversion. Doing so reduces the amount of copy & pasted conversion rules. For example, many models have base model classes which are extended with additional layers for fine-tuning. For example, HF's GP2Model doesn't contain a language model head while GP2LMHeadModel does. Rather than copying the conversion rules, we could instead define a new checkpoint converter as follows: >>> class Converter_GPT2LMHeadModel_HF_CS17(BaseDictionaryConverter): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super().__init__() >>> self.rules = [ >>> ConversionRule( >>> ["lm_head\.(weight|bias)"], >>> action=BaseCheckpointConverter.replaceKey, >>> ), >>> ConversionRule( >>> [ >>> EquivalentSubkey("transformer.", ""), >>> Converter_GPT2Model_HF_CS17(), >>> ], >>> action=None, >>> ), >>> ] The first rule simply notates that the lm_head key now exists (and is named the same in both models). The second rule notates that if the "transformer." prefix is encountered, we should try all of the GPT2Model HF -> CS 1.7 conversion rules. """
[docs] def __init__( self, segments: List[Union[str, EquivalentSubkey, BaseDictionaryConverter]], exists: str = "both", action: Optional[ Callable[[str, OrderedDict, str, OrderedDict, int], None] ] = None, ) -> None: assert isinstance(segments, list), "Expected segments to be list" for elm in segments: assert isinstance( elm, (str, EquivalentSubkey, BaseDictionaryConverter) ), f"ConversionRule segment doesn't support type {type(elm)}" assert exists in ["left", "both", "right"] self.segments = segments self.exists = exists self.action = action self.validate_segments()
def __repr__(self) -> str: single_line = len(self.segments) < 2 out = "ConversionRule([" if not single_line: out += "\n" for i in range(len(self.segments)): mod_str = repr(self.segments[i]) if not single_line: mod_str = _addindent(mod_str, 4) + ",\n" out += mod_str action_name = "self." + self.action.__name__ if self.action else "None" out += "], action={})".format(action_name) return out @staticmethod def segment_is_converter( elm: Union[str, EquivalentSubkey, BaseDictionaryConverter] ) -> bool: return isinstance(elm, BaseDictionaryConverter) def validate_segments(self): for seg in self.segments: if isinstance(seg, str): pattern = re.compile(seg) assert ( pattern.groups == 0 ), "The following regex isn't supported: {}\n\ Compile rule's regex cannot contain capture groups.\n\ Use (?:a|b) instead of (a|b)".format( seg ) def convert_key( self, old_key: str, old_state_dict: OrderedDict, new_state_dict: OrderedDict, from_index: int, match_start: int = 0, prefix: str = "", action_fn_args: Optional[dict] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> bool: regex_str = "" maybe_escape = ( lambda elm, idx: re.escape(elm[idx]) if isinstance(elm, EquivalentSubkey) else elm ) regex_str = "" chained_converter = ConversionRule.segment_is_converter( self.segments[-1] ) candidate_segments = len(self.segments) if chained_converter: candidate_segments -= 1 for i in range(candidate_segments): elm = self.segments[i] assert not ConversionRule.segment_is_converter( elm ), "Checkpoint convert objects can only be placed at the end of rules" regex_str += "({})".format(maybe_escape(elm, from_index)) pattern = re.compile(regex_str) match_result = ( pattern.fullmatch(old_key, match_start) if not chained_converter else pattern.match(old_key, match_start) ) if match_result is None: return False converted = prefix to_index = 1 - from_index for i in range(candidate_segments): if isinstance(self.segments[i], EquivalentSubkey): converted += self.segments[i][to_index] else: converted += i + 1 ) # Index 0 always contains full match if chained_converter: converter = self.segments[-1] return converter.convert_key( old_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, match_start=match_result.span()[1], prefix=converted, action_fn_args=action_fn_args, debug=debug, ) else: if debug: print( "Matched {} -> {} action: {}".format( old_key, converted, self.action.__name__ if self.action else "None", ) ) if self.action: self.action( old_key, converted, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, action_fn_args, ) return True def exists_in_index(self, to_index: int) -> bool: return ( self.exists == "both" or (self.exists == "left" and to_index == 0) or (self.exists == "right" and to_index == 1) )
[docs]class FormatVersions:
[docs] def __init__(self, *versions) -> None: self.formats = [*versions]
def __len__(self): return len(self.formats) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.formats[i] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.formats def __str__(self) -> str: return ", ".join(self.formats) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "FormatVersions" + repr(self.formats)
[docs]class BaseDictionaryConverter(ABC): r"""A dictionary converter represents a pair of two dictionary formats that can be converted between each other. The converter object defines a list of conversion rules which should be applied when converting one dict format to the other (and vice-versa). In order to make your own dictionary converter, simply: 1. Create a new converter class which inherits from BaseDictionaryConverter 2. Supply a list of conversion rules (self.rules) 3. Override the pre_model_convert or post_model_convert hooks if you need to execute arbitrary behavior before/after the conversion. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pbar_desc=None): self.pbar_desc = pbar_desc
def __repr__(self) -> str: out = "BaseDictionaryConverter([\n" for i in range(len(self.rules)): out += _addindent(repr(self.rules[i]), 4) + ",\n" out += "])" return out @staticmethod @abstractmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: pass @classmethod def supports_conversion(cls, src_fmt, tgt_fmt): return cls.get_from_index(src_fmt, tgt_fmt) is not None @classmethod def get_from_index(cls, src_fmt, tgt_fmt): formats = cls.formats() assert ( formats is not None ), "Class {} hasn't provided formats() which is required.".format( cls.__name__ ) if src_fmt in formats[0] and tgt_fmt in formats[1]: return 0 elif src_fmt in formats[1] and tgt_fmt in formats[0]: return 1 else: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def replaceKey( old_key: str, new_key: str, old_state_dict: OrderedDict, new_state_dict: OrderedDict, from_index: int, action_fn_args: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> None: r""" Copies value that exists at old_state_dict's old_key to new_state_dict's new_key. """ new_state_dict[new_key] = old_state_dict[old_key]
[docs] def convert_key( self, old_key: str, old_state_dict: OrderedDict, new_state_dict: OrderedDict, from_index: int, match_start: int = 0, prefix: str = "", action_fn_args: Optional[dict] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> None: r""" Attempts to convert the old key by matching against the list of conversion rules. The first rule to match is used for conversion (i.e. even if multiple rules *would* match, the latter ones are never used). Returns True if a conversion occurred. """ assert hasattr( self, "rules" ), "Converter must have a list of conversion rules" for rule in self.rules: did_convert = rule.convert_key( old_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, match_start, prefix, action_fn_args, debug=debug, ) if did_convert: return True return False
def convert_all_keys( self, old_state_dict: OrderedDict, new_state_dict: OrderedDict, from_index: int, action_fn_args: Optional[dict] = None, no_progress_bar: bool = True, debug: bool = False, suppress_unmatched_key_warning: bool = False, ): if not no_progress_bar: pbar = tqdm(total=len(old_state_dict), desc=self.pbar_desc) matched_all_keys = True for key in old_state_dict.keys(): matched_current_key = self.convert_key( key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, action_fn_args=action_fn_args, debug=debug, ) if not matched_current_key and not suppress_unmatched_key_warning: logging.warning("Key not matched: {}".format(key)) if not no_progress_bar: pbar.update(1) matched_all_keys = matched_all_keys and matched_current_key return matched_all_keys
[docs]class BaseCheckpointConverter(BaseDictionaryConverter, ABC): r"""Converts between checkpoint state_dict formats."""
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__(pbar_desc="Converting Checkpoint")
@staticmethod @abstractmethod def file_formats() -> Tuple[str, str]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: pass @classmethod @abstractmethod def load(cls, file: str, from_index: int, **kwargs) -> OrderedDict: pass @classmethod @abstractmethod def save( cls, file_without_ext: str, checkpoint: OrderedDict, from_index: int, **kwargs, ) -> str: pass
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def init_output_checkpoint( cls, file_without_ext: str, from_index: int, **kwargs, ) -> str: r""" (Pre)Initializes the output checkpoint at a supplied path. This is used in streaming conversion when the checkpoint is written to file as conversion is performed rather than accumulating the full checkpoint in memory and saving to file at the very end. """
@classmethod def convert( cls, input_checkpoint, configs, checkpoint_from_index, output_checkpoint=OrderedDict(), **kwargs, ): instance = cls() output_checkpoint = instance.convert_helper( input_checkpoint, configs, checkpoint_from_index, output_checkpoint=output_checkpoint, **kwargs, ) return output_checkpoint
[docs] def convert_helper( self, input_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, output_checkpoint=OrderedDict(), drop_unmatched_keys: bool = False, no_progress_bar: bool = True, debug: bool = False, ): r""" Converts all keys in a checkpoint from `from_index` format to the other format. Conversion will fail if at least one of the keys did not match on any conversion rules and drop_unmatched_keys is not enabled. Returns the newly converted checkpoint. """ self.pre_checkpoint_convert( input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs, from_index ) old_state_dict, new_state_dict = self.extract_model_dict( input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs, from_index, ) self.pre_model_convert( old_state_dict, new_state_dict, configs, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ) matched_all_keys = self.convert_all_keys( old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, action_fn_args={"configs": configs}, no_progress_bar=no_progress_bar, debug=debug, ) self.post_model_convert( old_state_dict, new_state_dict, configs, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ) if not matched_all_keys and not drop_unmatched_keys: assert matched_all_keys, ( "Unable to match all keys. If you want to proceed by dropping keys that couldn't " "matched, rerun with --drop-unmatched-keys" ) elif not matched_all_keys: logging.warning( "proceeding even though some keys weren't matched because of --drop-unmatched-keys" ) self.post_checkpoint_convert( input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs, from_index ) return output_checkpoint
[docs] def pre_model_convert( self, old_state_dict: OrderedDict, new_state_dict: OrderedDict, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, drop_unmatched_keys: bool, ): r""" Hook executes right before model conversion. """
[docs] def post_model_convert( self, old_state_dict: OrderedDict, new_state_dict: OrderedDict, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, drop_unmatched_keys: bool, key_prefix: str = "", ): r""" Hook executes right after model conversion. """
[docs] def pre_checkpoint_convert( self, input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, ): r""" Hook executes before checkpoint conversion. """
[docs] def extract_model_dict( self, input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, ): r""" Hook to extract model state dicts out of the input/output checkpoint """ return input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint
[docs] def post_checkpoint_convert( self, input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, ): r""" Hook executes after checkpoint conversion. """
[docs]class BaseCheckpointConverter_CS_CS(BaseCheckpointConverter): @staticmethod def file_formats() -> Tuple[str, str]: return ("mdl", "mdl") @classmethod def load(cls, file: str, from_index: int) -> OrderedDict: return cstorch.load(file, map_location="cpu") @classmethod def save( cls, file_without_ext: str, checkpoint: OrderedDict, from_index: int, ) -> OrderedDict: if isinstance(checkpoint, StreamingCSWriter): return checkpoint.checkpoint_file else: to_index = from_index - 1 output_file_format = cls.file_formats()[to_index] file = file_without_ext + "." + output_file_format, file) return file
[docs] @classmethod def init_output_checkpoint( cls, file_without_ext: str, from_index: int, **kwargs ) -> str: if kwargs.get("export_safetensors", False): logging.warning( "--export-safetensors flag will be ignored as we are converting" " to a CS format which uses Cerebras H5 checkpoints." ) to_index = from_index - 1 output_file_format = cls.file_formats()[to_index] file = file_without_ext + "." + output_file_format return StreamingCSWriter(file)
[docs] def pre_checkpoint_convert( self, input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, ): # Copy non model keys like optimizer state: for category in input_checkpoint: if category != "model": output_checkpoint[category] = input_checkpoint[category] output_checkpoint["model"] = {} # check to see if we need to run dataloader iter state conversion old_config = configs[from_index] worker_data_iter_files_dir = old_config.get("cerebras", {}).get( "save_iter_state_path", "" ) if worker_data_iter_files_dir: # try to extract dataloader_type data_processor = old_config.get("train_input", {}).get( "data_processor", "" ) if data_processor == "GptHDF5DataProcessor": dataloader_type = "iterable" elif data_processor == "GptHDF5MapDataProcessor": dataloader_type = "map" else: raise ValueError( "DataLoader state conversion requires `train_input.data_processor` to be " "specified as either 'GptHDF5DataProcessor' or 'GptHDF5MapDataProcessor', but " f"instead got: '{data_processor}'." ) convert_dataloader_checkpoint( output_checkpoint, worker_data_iter_files_dir, dataloader_type=dataloader_type, shuffle_seed=0, )
[docs] def extract_model_dict( self, input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, ): return input_checkpoint["model"], output_checkpoint["model"]
[docs]class BaseCheckpointConverter_HF_CS(BaseCheckpointConverter_CS_CS): r"""HF checkpoints contain model only while CS checkpoints package model, optimizer, and lr_scheduler into a single checkpoint. This class overrides the post_checkpoint_convert to automatically extract/package the state_dict correctly. """ @staticmethod def file_formats() -> Tuple[str, str]: return ("bin", "mdl") @classmethod def load(cls, file: str, from_index: int,) -> OrderedDict: if os.path.isdir(file): raise AssertionError( """ You have passed in a directory instead of a file. Some converters support this behavior, so if this was intended check the model you have entered. """ ) if file.endswith(".index.json"): assert ( from_index == 0 ), ".index.json files are only supported when doing HF -> CS conversion" return StreamingShardedHFReader(file) else: assert not file.endswith(".safetensors"), ( ".safetensor files are only supported for sharded checkpoints due to safetensor's " "weight sharing restrictions." ) # Any other type of checkpoint return cstorch.load(file, map_location="cpu") @classmethod def save( cls, file_without_ext: str, checkpoint: OrderedDict, from_index: int, ) -> OrderedDict: if isinstance(checkpoint, StreamingCSWriter): return checkpoint.checkpoint_file elif isinstance(checkpoint, StreamingShardedHFWriter): return checkpoint.checkpoint_dir else: to_index = from_index - 1 output_file_format = cls.file_formats()[to_index] file = file_without_ext + "." + output_file_format if from_index == 0:, file) else:, file) return file
[docs] @classmethod def init_output_checkpoint( cls, file_without_ext: str, from_index: int, hf_shard_size: Union[str, int] = "10GB", export_safetensors: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> str: to_index = from_index - 1 output_file_format = cls.file_formats()[to_index] file = file_without_ext + "." + output_file_format if from_index == 0: # HF -> CS if export_safetensors: logging.warning( "--export-safetensors flag will be ignored as we are converting" " to a CS format which uses Cerebras H5 checkpoints." ) return StreamingCSWriter(file) else: # CS -> HF return StreamingShardedHFWriter( file_without_ext, shard_size=hf_shard_size, export_safetensors=export_safetensors, )
[docs] def pre_checkpoint_convert( self, input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, ): if from_index == 0: output_checkpoint["model"] = {}
[docs] def extract_model_dict( self, input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, ): if from_index == 0: return input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint["model"] else: from modelzoo.common.pytorch.model_utils.checkpoint_converters.mup import ( Converter_sP_muP, ) to_state_dict = input_checkpoint["model"] if self.attempt_mup_to_sp() and Converter_sP_muP.is_mup(configs[1]): if not self.supports_mup_conversion(): raise ConfigConversionError( "This model currently does not support muP checkpoint conversion to HF." ) to_state_dict = OnDemandDictionaryConverter( to_state_dict, Converter_sP_muP, {"configs": configs} ) return to_state_dict, output_checkpoint
[docs] def post_model_convert( self, old_state_dict: OrderedDict, new_state_dict: OrderedDict, configs: Tuple[dict, dict], from_index: int, drop_unmatched_keys: bool, key_prefix: str = "", ): if from_index == 1: cs_config = configs[from_index] if cs_config.get("sparsity", {}).get("type") == "sideband": # Finalize the CS sparsity in CS -> HF conversion. "Finalizing sparsity. The output checkpoint will be dense." ) for key, weight in new_state_dict.items(): weight[weight.isnan()] = 0 new_state_dict[key] = weight
def supports_mup_conversion(self) -> bool: return False def attempt_mup_to_sp(self) -> bool: return True
[docs]class BaseCheckpointConverter_UnpackedHF_PackedCS( BaseCheckpointConverter_HF_CS ): r"""Converter between a set of unpacked HF checkpoints and a single packed CS checkpoint. Some CS models consist of separate components which we want to initialize from existing HF checkpoints. For example, initializing the image encoder and text decoder of a multimodal model. This converter class provides an abstraction for using existing HF <-> CS checkpoint converters. In particular, we specify a list of `BaseCheckpointConverter_HF_CS` classes through `converters()` corresponding to each model component. Similarly, we specify another list of directory names through `component_names()` corresponding to the name of the subdirectory containing the model checkpoint. During conversion, this converter applies the i-th component converter to the component checkpoint found in the i-th subdirectory name. """ @classmethod def load(cls, path: str, from_index: int,) -> OrderedDict: def find_checkpoint_file(directory: str) -> str: for filename in os.listdir(directory): if filename.endswith(".index.json"): return os.path.join(directory, filename) if "pytorch_model.bin" in os.listdir(directory): return os.path.join(directory, "pytorch_model.bin") error_message = ( "HF -> CS Converter assumes that the input file will " "be a directory that contains the sub-directory: {} " "It will run the standard checkpoint loading on this " "sub-directory, assuming the following convention. " "It will check if an .index.json exists in the sub-dir, " "and use this if found. Next, if will use a pytorch_model.bin in " "sub-dir if found. Otherwise it will return an error. " ).format(directory) raise AssertionError(error_message) # HF --> CS if from_index == 0: # read in files checkpoints = [] for name in cls.component_names(): dir = os.path.join(path, name) file = find_checkpoint_file(dir) checkpoints.append(super().load(file, from_index)) return checkpoints # CS --> HF else: return super().load(path, from_index)
[docs] @classmethod def init_output_checkpoint( cls, file_without_ext: str, from_index: int, hf_shard_size: Union[str, int] = "10GB", export_safetensors: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> str: to_index = from_index - 1 output_file_format = cls.file_formats()[to_index] file = file_without_ext + "." + output_file_format if from_index == 0: # HF -> CS if export_safetensors: logging.warn( "--export-safetensors flag will be ignored as we are converting" " to a CS format which uses Cerebras H5 checkpoints." ) dir, file_name = os.path.split(file_without_ext) file_name = file_name.split("_")[1:] out_file = "pytorch_model_" + "_".join(file_name) + ".mdl" out_file = os.path.join(dir, out_file) return StreamingCSWriter(out_file) else: # CS -> HF dir = os.path.dirname(file) dirs = [os.path.join(dir, name) for name in cls.component_names()] return [ StreamingShardedHFWriter( model_dir, shard_size=hf_shard_size, export_safetensors=export_safetensors, ) for model_dir in dirs ]
[docs] def convert_helper( self, input_checkpoint, configs: Tuple[List[dict, dict], dict], from_index: int, output_checkpoint=OrderedDict(), drop_unmatched_keys: bool = False, no_progress_bar: bool = True, debug: bool = False, ): hf_config = configs[0] cs_config = configs[1] cs_configs = [ {"model": cs_config["model"][name]} for name in self.component_names() ] # HF -> CS if from_index == 0: assert isinstance(input_checkpoint, list), ( "When converting from HF to CS, the Converter expects " f"{len(self.converters())} input checkpoints for each " "model component." ) if output_checkpoint is None: output_checkpoint = OrderedDict() else: if output_checkpoint is None: output_checkpoint = [OrderedDict() for _ in self.converters()] assert isinstance(output_checkpoint, list), ( "When converting from CS -> HF, the converter expects " f"{len(self.converters())} output checkpoints for each " "model component." ) self.pre_checkpoint_convert( input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs, from_index ) if from_index == 0: for i, converter_cls in enumerate(self.converters()): instance = converter_cls() output_checkpoint = instance.convert_helper( input_checkpoint[i], [hf_config[i], cs_configs[i]], from_index, output_checkpoint=output_checkpoint, drop_unmatched_keys=drop_unmatched_keys, no_progress_bar=no_progress_bar, debug=debug, ) else: for i, converter_cls in enumerate(self.converters()): instance = converter_cls() output_checkpoint[i] = instance.convert_helper( input_checkpoint, [hf_config[i], cs_configs[i]], from_index, output_checkpoint=output_checkpoint[i], drop_unmatched_keys=drop_unmatched_keys, no_progress_bar=no_progress_bar, debug=debug, ) self.post_checkpoint_convert( input_checkpoint, output_checkpoint, configs, from_index ) return output_checkpoint
@classmethod def save( cls, file_without_ext: str, checkpoint: List[OrderedDict], from_index: int, **kwargs, ) -> str: if from_index == 0: dir, file_name = os.path.split(file_without_ext) file_name = file_name.split("_")[1:] out_file = "pytorch_model_" + "_".join(file_name) out_file = os.path.join(dir, out_file) return super().save(out_file, checkpoint, from_index, **kwargs) else: outputs = [] for ckpt in checkpoint: output = super().save( file_without_ext, ckpt, from_index, **kwargs ) outputs.append(output) return outputs @classmethod def converter_note(cls) -> str: src_fmt, tgt_fmt = cls.formats()[0], cls.formats()[1] src_arch, tgt_arch = cls.architectures()[0], cls.architectures()[1] return ( f"{src_fmt} ({', '.join(src_arch)}) <-> {tgt_fmt} {tgt_arch}. " "Note that we expect the following structure for HF checkpoints: " "one outer directory that contains sub-directories named " f"({', '.join(cls.component_names())}). Each of these directories " "are expected to have either a pytorch_model.bin or .index.json " "file, as well as config.json. " "Please pass the path to the outer directory to both the " "--config argument and checkpoint_file argument. The converter will " "then find the correct config and checkpoint files assuming the file " "structure above. " "For CS -> HF, --config will refer to .yaml config and checkpoint " "path will refer to .mdl checkpoint as usual. " ) @staticmethod @abstractmethod def converters() -> List[Type[BaseCheckpointConverter]]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def component_names() -> List[str]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def architectures() -> Tuple[List[str], str]: pass
[docs]class ConfigConversionError(Exception): "Raised when a config cannot be converted"
[docs]class BaseConfigConverter(BaseDictionaryConverter, ABC):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__(pbar_desc="Converting Config") self.pre_convert_defaults = [{}, {}] self.post_convert_defaults = [{}, {}]
@staticmethod @abstractmethod def file_formats() -> Tuple[str, str]: pass @classmethod def load(cls, file: str, from_index: int) -> dict: input_file_format = cls.file_formats()[from_index] if input_file_format == "json": with open(file, "r") as f: return json.load(f) elif input_file_format == "yaml": with open(file, "r") as f: return yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported input file format: {}".format(input_file_format()) ) @classmethod def save(cls, file_without_ext: str, config: dict, from_index: int) -> str: to_index = (from_index + 1) % 2 output_file_format = cls.file_formats()[to_index] file = file_without_ext + "." + output_file_format if output_file_format == "json": with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(config, indent=4)) elif output_file_format == "yaml": with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(yaml.dump(config, indent=4)) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported input file format: {}".format(output_file_format()) ) return file @classmethod def convert( cls, config, from_index: int, drop_unmatched_keys: bool = False, no_progress_bar: bool = True, debug: bool = False, ): instance = cls() return instance.convert_helper( config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys=drop_unmatched_keys, no_progress_bar=no_progress_bar, debug=debug, )
[docs] def convert_helper( self, config, from_index: int, drop_unmatched_keys: bool = False, no_progress_bar: bool = True, debug: bool = False, ): r""" Converts all keys in a config from `from_index` format to the other format. Conversion will fail if at least one of the keys did not match on any conversion rules and drop_unmatched_keys is not enabled. Returns the newly converted config. """ old_config = self.pre_config_convert(config, from_index) new_config = {} matched_all_keys = self.convert_all_keys( old_config, new_config, from_index, no_progress_bar=no_progress_bar, debug=debug, suppress_unmatched_key_warning=drop_unmatched_keys, ) if not matched_all_keys and not drop_unmatched_keys: assert matched_all_keys, "Unable to match all keys in config." final_config = self.post_config_convert( config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys ) return final_config
def pre_config_convert( self, config, from_index, ): for key in self.pre_convert_defaults[from_index]: if key not in config: config[key] = self.pre_convert_defaults[from_index][key] elif isinstance(self.pre_convert_defaults[from_index][key], dict): for subkey, subvalue in self.pre_convert_defaults[from_index][ key ].items(): if subkey not in config[key]: config[key][subkey] = subvalue return config def post_config_convert( self, original_config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ): to_index = 1 - from_index for key in self.post_convert_defaults[to_index]: if key not in new_config: new_config[key] = self.post_convert_defaults[to_index][key] elif isinstance(self.post_convert_defaults[to_index][key], dict): for subkey, subvalue in self.post_convert_defaults[to_index][ key ].items(): if subkey not in new_config[key]: new_config[key][subkey] = subvalue return new_config @staticmethod def assert_factory_fn(assert_index, assert_value): def assert_factory_wrapper( old_key, new_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, action_fn_args, ): if from_index != assert_index: raise ConfigConversionError( f"{old_key} should not appear in the config" ) if old_state_dict[old_key] != assert_value: raise ConfigConversionError( "Can't convert config with {}={}. Only {} is supported.".format( old_key, old_state_dict[old_key], assert_value ) ) return assert_factory_wrapper
[docs]class BaseConfigConverter_HF_CS(BaseConfigConverter): r"""CS packages model, optimizer, and lr_scheduler into a single config. This class overrides the [pre|post]_config_convert fn to automatically extract/package the model configuration correctly. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.post_convert_defaults[1]["mixed_precision"] = True
@staticmethod def file_formats() -> Tuple[str, str]: return ("json", "yaml") def pre_config_convert( self, config, from_index, ): from modelzoo.common.pytorch.model_utils.checkpoint_converters.mup import ( ConfigConverter_sP_muP, ) model_config = config["model"] if from_index == 1 else config if ( from_index == 1 and self.attempt_mup_to_sp() and ConfigConverter_sP_muP.is_mup(model_config) ): if not self.supports_mup_conversion(): raise ConfigConversionError( "This model currently does not support muP config conversion to HF." ) model_config = ConfigConverter_sP_muP.convert( model_config, from_index, ) return super().pre_config_convert(model_config, from_index) def post_config_convert( self, original_config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ): model_config = super().post_config_convert( original_config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ) # Starting from cs-2.1, we no longer use `use_bfloat16` and use `fp16_type` instead. # This block takes care of conversion from HF use_bfloat16 <-> CS fp16_type. # Note that we don't check versions since we don't have info on what exact version we're # converting here, but also it doesn't really matter to have an extra unused flag for # previous releases. if from_index == 0 and "use_bfloat16" in original_config: model_config["fp16_type"] = ( "bfloat16" if original_config["use_bfloat16"] else "float16" ) elif from_index == 1 and "fp16_type" in original_config: if original_config["fp16_type"] == "cbfloat16": model_config["use_bfloat16"] = True # Proxy dtype elif original_config["fp16_type"] == "bfloat16": model_config["use_bfloat16"] = True elif original_config["fp16_type"] == "float16": model_config["use_bfloat16"] = False else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid `fp16_type` value: {original_config['fp16_type']}" ) if from_index == 0: return {"model": model_config} else: return model_config
[docs] def supports_mup_conversion(self) -> bool: r"""Determines whether muP -> sP conversion is supported for this model""" return False
[docs] def attempt_mup_to_sp(self) -> bool: r"""Determines whether muP -> sP conversion is should be attempted. Some HF models (such as BTLM) should not attempt muP -> sP conversion since they can natively handle muP. """ return True
[docs]class BaseConfigConverter_UnpackedHF_PackedCS(BaseConfigConverter_HF_CS): r"""Converter between a set of unpacked HF configs and a single packed CS configs. Some CS models consist of separate components which we want to initialize from existing HF checkpoints. For example, initializing the image encoder and text decoder of a multimodal model. This converter class provides an abstraction for using existing HF <-> CS checkpoint converters. In particular, we specify a list of `BaseConfigConverter_HF_CS` classes through `converters()` corresponding to each model component. Similarly, we specify another list of directory names through `component_names()` corresponding to the name of the subdirectory containing the model config. During conversion, this converter applies the i-th component converter to the component config found in the i-th subdirectory name. """ @staticmethod @abstractmethod def converters() -> List[Type[BaseCheckpointConverter]]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def component_names() -> List[str]: pass @classmethod def load(cls, path: str, from_index: int,) -> OrderedDict: # HF --> CS if from_index == 0: configs = [] for name in cls.component_names(): file = os.path.join(path, name, "config.json") assert os.path.exists(file) config = super().load(file, from_index) configs.append(config) return configs # CS --> HF else: return super().load(path, from_index) @classmethod def save( cls, file_without_ext: str, config: OrderedDict, from_index: int, **kwargs, ) -> str: # saving CS requires only saving once if from_index == 0: dir, file_name = os.path.split(file_without_ext) file_name = file_name.split("_")[1:] out_file = "config_" + "_".join(file_name) out_file = os.path.join(dir, out_file) return super().save(out_file, config, from_index, **kwargs) # saving HF requires separating encoders and saving both else: save_files = [] dir = os.path.dirname(file_without_ext) for i, name in enumerate(cls.component_names()): path = os.path.join(dir, name, "config") save_file = super().save(path, config[i], from_index, **kwargs) save_files.append(save_file) return save_files
[docs] def convert_helper( self, config, from_index: int, drop_unmatched_keys: bool = False, no_progress_bar: bool = True, debug: bool = False, ): old_config = self.pre_config_convert(config, from_index) if from_index == 0: input_config = [config for config in old_config] else: input_config = [ {"model": config["model"][name]} for name in self.component_names() ] new_config = [] for i, converter_cls in enumerate(self.converters()): instance = converter_cls() new_config.append( instance.convert_helper( input_config[i], from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, no_progress_bar=no_progress_bar, debug=debug, ) ) final_config = self.post_config_convert( config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys ) return final_config
def post_config_convert( self, original_config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ): if from_index == 0: new_config = { name: config["model"] for name, config in zip(self.component_names(), new_config) } return super().post_config_convert( original_config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, )
[docs]class BaseConfigConverter_CS_CS(BaseConfigConverter): r"""CS packages model, optimizer, and lr_scheduler into a single config. This class overrides the [pre|post]_config_convert fn to automatically extract/package the model configuration correctly. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.post_convert_defaults[0]["mixed_precision"] = True self.post_convert_defaults[1]["mixed_precision"] = True
@staticmethod def file_formats() -> Tuple[str, str]: return ("yaml", "yaml") def pre_config_convert( self, config, from_index, ): return super().pre_config_convert(config["model"], from_index) def post_config_convert( self, original_config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ): final_config = { key: copy.deepcopy(original_config[key]) for key in original_config if key != "model" } final_config["model"] = super().post_config_convert( original_config, old_config, new_config, from_index, drop_unmatched_keys, ) # delete the cerebras key (including the save_iter_state_path key) final_config.pop("cerebras", "") format_versions = self.formats() to_index = 1 - from_index # When converting configs, remove runconfig params that have been deprecated across releases if "runconfig" in final_config and ( "cs-1.9" in format_versions[from_index] or "cs-2.0" in format_versions[from_index] ): self._remove_deprecated_runconfig_params(final_config["runconfig"]) # csconfig is an old section in the configs that's not been used since 1.9. if "csconfig" in final_config and ( "cs-1.9" in format_versions[from_index] or "cs-2.0" in format_versions[from_index] ): del final_config["csconfig"] # In CS 2.0, some optimizer and LRS params were renamed and/or refactored to match the # vanilla PyTorch API. However, the old values were still accepted. In CS 2.1, these params # are no longer accepted. This base class takes care of applying the rename/refactor to such # params when moving from CS 2.0 to CS 2.1. if ( "cs-2.0" in format_versions[from_index] and "cs-2.1" in format_versions[to_index] ): if "optimizer" in final_config: self._apply_optimizer_transforms(final_config["optimizer"]) self._apply_lrs_transforms(final_config["optimizer"]) self._apply_pol_transforms(final_config) self._apply_fp16_transforms(final_config["model"]) return final_config def _remove_deprecated_runconfig_params(self, config): """Deletes deprecated runconfig params when moving from 1.9 or 2.0.""" if "num_act_servers" in config or "num_wgt_servers" in config: logging.warning( "Removing 'num_act_servers' or 'num_wgt_servers' found in runconfig. " "Release 2.0 and later chooses optimal values for these params." ) keys_to_delete = [ "experimental_api", "multireplica", "num_replicas", "save_losses", "service_dir", "use_appliance_data", "num_act_servers", "num_wgt_servers", ] for key in keys_to_delete: config.pop(key, None) # if is_pretrained_checkpoint was True, replace it with load_checkpoint_states if config.pop("is_pretrained_checkpoint", False): config["load_checkpoint_states"] = ["model", "dataloader"] # fixing unused parameter keep_checkpoint_max to use intended parameter max_checkpoints max_checkpoints = config.pop("keep_checkpoint_max", None) if max_checkpoints is not None and "max_checkpoints" not in config: config["max_checkpoints"] = max_checkpoints def _apply_pol_transforms(self, config): if "precision_opt_level" in config["model"] and "runconfig" in config: # Only override runconfig if it doesn't already exist if "precision_opt_level" not in config["runconfig"]: config["runconfig"]["precision_opt_level"] = config["model"][ "precision_opt_level" ] # Pop POL from model since it's no longer supported config["model"].pop("precision_opt_level") def _apply_fp16_transforms(self, config): if "use_bfloat16" in config: config["fp16_type"] = ( "bfloat16" if config["use_bfloat16"] else "float16" ) # Pop use_bfloat16 from model since it's no longer supported config.pop("use_bfloat16") def _apply_optimizer_transforms(self, config): optimizer_type = config.get("optimizer_type", None) if not optimizer_type: return optimizer_map = self._get_optimizer_lrs_signatures()["optimizers"] if optimizer_type.lower() not in optimizer_map: return cls_signature: inspect.Signature = optimizer_map[optimizer_type.lower()] aliases = { "weight_decay": ["weight_decay_rate"], "betas": [["beta1", "beta2"]], "eps": [["eps1", "eps2"]], "etas": [["eta1", "eta2"]], "step_sizes": [["step_size_min", "step_size_max"]], } # Replace all aliases with the new key for name in cls_signature.parameters.keys(): if ( name not in ("self", "params", "lr", "learning_rate", *config.keys()) and name in aliases ): for alias in aliases[name]: if isinstance(alias, str) and alias in config: config[name] = config.pop(alias) break elif isinstance(alias, (list, tuple)) and all( a in config for a in alias ): config[name] = type(alias)(config.pop(a) for a in alias) break def _apply_lrs_transforms(self, config): learning_rate = config.get("learning_rate", None) if isinstance(learning_rate, dict): learning_rate_dicts = [learning_rate] elif isinstance(learning_rate, (list, tuple)): learning_rate_dicts = learning_rate else: return lr_scheduler_map = self._get_optimizer_lrs_signatures()["lr_schedulers"] # common aliases aliases = { "total_iters": ["steps", "decay_steps"], "initial_learning_rate": ["learning_rate", "base_lr"], "base_lr": ["learning_rate", "initial_learning_rate"], "learning_rates": ["values"], "milestones": ["boundaries"], "T_max": ["t_max"], "T_0": ["t_0"], "T_mult": ["t_mult"], } # Replace all aliases with the new key for lr_params in learning_rate_dicts: scheduler = lr_params.get("scheduler").lower() for name in (scheduler, f"{scheduler}lr"): if name in lr_scheduler_map: cls_signature: inspect.Signature = lr_scheduler_map[name] break else: continue for name in cls_signature.parameters.keys(): if ( name not in ("self", "optimizer", *lr_params.keys()) and name in aliases ): for alias in aliases[name]: if alias in lr_params: lr_params[name] = lr_params.pop(alias) break def _get_optimizer_lrs_signatures(self): artifact_dir = get_artifact_dir("cs-2.0") with open(artifact_dir / "optimizer_lrs_signatures.pkl", "rb") as f: signatures = pickle.load(f) return signatures
def _addindent(s_, numSpaces): s = s_.split('\n') s = [(numSpaces * ' ') + line for line in s] s = '\n'.join(s) return s
[docs]def get_artifact_dir(version) -> Path: artifact_dir: Path = Path(__file__).parent / "artifacts" / version if not artifact_dir.exists(): raise NotADirectoryError(f"{artifact_dir} is not a directory.") return artifact_dir
[docs]def convert_dataloader_checkpoint( checkpoint_state_dict: dict, data_checkpoints_dir: str, dataloader_type: str = "map", shuffle_seed: int = 0, ): """Converts DataLoader state files saved in release 1.9 to DataLoader checkpoint format for the new map and iterable DataLoaders in MZ in release 2.0. This is useful to provide backwards comptability for deterministic restart on 2.0 runs from old dataloader state files. Args: checkpoint_state_dict: the state_dict of the 1.9 checkpoint data_checkpoints_dir: Path to directory containing data step file `data_iter_checkpoint_state_file_global` and worker checkpoint files of the format `data_iter_state_file_worker_*_step_*.txt` dataloader_type: The MZ DataLoader for which state is being converted. Use `map` for the map-style dataloader and `iterable` for the iterable-style dataloader. Defaults to map-style dataloader. shuffle_seed: The seed value to be captured in the DataLoader state for the map-style dataloader. Note that the seed is only relevant for deterministically restarting the map-style dataloader if dataset shuffling/mixing is enabled. """ if "dataloader" in checkpoint_state_dict: logging.warning( "DataLoader state already exists in the checkpoint. R1.9 DataLoader state specified " "under config `cerebras.save_iter_state_path` will not be injected into the checkpoint." ) return # Check if data_checkpoints_dir contains file specifying the data step global_data_iter_state_file = os.path.join( data_checkpoints_dir, "data_iter_checkpoint_state_file_global" ) assert os.path.isfile(global_data_iter_state_file), ( f"File `{global_data_iter_state_file}` does not exist. " f"Please ensure that the specified dir `{data_checkpoints_dir}` " "has file `data_iter_checkpoint_state_file_global` that records " "the data step for the R1.9 Dataloader state being converted." ) # Read the data step with open(global_data_iter_state_file, "r") as f: data_step = int(f.readline()) total_samples_streamed = 0 wrk_states = [] dir = Path(data_checkpoints_dir) for f in os.listdir(dir): if f.endswith('.txt'): # WRK data iter files names follow the format: # `data_iter_state_file_worker_{wrk_id}_step_{step}.txt` # where `wrk_id` and `step` are ints. file_name_split = f.split('_') wrk_id = int(file_name_split[-3]) step = int(file_name_split[-1].split('.')[0]) # Each worker will have a single checkpoint at the data step if step == data_step: wrk_ckpt_file = os.path.join(data_checkpoints_dir, f) with open(wrk_ckpt_file, "r") as ckpt: samples_streamed = int(ckpt.readline()) if dataloader_type == "iterable": wrk_state_dict = { "samples_streamed": samples_streamed, "shard_index": wrk_id, } wrk_states.append(wrk_state_dict) total_samples_streamed += samples_streamed if ( dataloader_type == "map" ): # State dict aggregation of map-style dataloader aggregated_state_dict = { "samples_streamed": total_samples_streamed, "seed": shuffle_seed, } else: # State dict aggregation of iterable-style dataloader wrk_states.sort(key=lambda x: x["shard_index"]) aggregated_state_dict = {"all_worker_states": wrk_states} # Add DL state to previously loaded checkpoint state dict checkpoint_state_dict["dataloader"] = aggregated_state_dict