Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.common.run_gpt_inference

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""GPT Inference script built using the cstorch API"""
import argparse
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys

# isort: off
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../.."))
# isort: on
from pathlib import Path
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import yaml

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.utils.utils import format_rate
from cerebras.modelzoo.config_manager.config_loader import (

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../.."))

[docs]def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( "Script for running inference for GPT style models", add_help=False ) parser.add_argument( "--inference_steps", type=int, default=None, help="Specifies the number of steps to run for inference.", ) return parser
[docs]def get_cluster_config(params): from cerebras.modelzoo.common.run_cstorch_flow import ( get_cluster_config as _get_cluster_config, ) cs_config = _get_cluster_config(params) if cs_config.max_act_per_csx is not None and cs_config.max_act_per_csx > 1: warn("max_act_per_csx is forced to 1 for inference") cs_config.max_act_per_csx = 1 if cs_config.num_workers_per_csx is None: cs_config.num_workers_per_csx = 1 return cs_config
[docs]def inference_input_dataloader(params): from copy import deepcopy params = deepcopy(params) inference_input = params["inference_input"] data_processor = inference_input["data_processor"] if data_processor == "GptHDF5MapDataProcessor": from import ( # noqa GptHDF5MapDataProcessor, ) from cerebras.modelzoo.common.input_utils import PaddingSample def map_fn(x): # If the input is undefined then it is padding the last batch # We fill it with the first start token here so that it can be special cased if isinstance(x, PaddingSample): start_token = params["model"]["start_token"] if isinstance(start_token, list): start_token = start_token[0] x.fill_(start_token) # In the inference case, we only have a single input_ids feature return {"input_ids": x} return GptHDF5MapDataProcessor( # Only provide keys needed for inference { "batch_size": inference_input["batch_size"], "data_dir": inference_input["data_dir"], "max_sequence_length": inference_input.get( "max_sequence_length" ), "drop_last": False, "pad_last": True, "dataset_map_fn": map_fn, } ).create_dataloader() else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid data processsor. Expected one of " f"'GptHDF5MapDataProcessor' or 'Gpt2SyntheticDataProcessor'. " f"Got: {data_processor}" )
[docs]def main(): from import ( get_params_from_args, ) from import DeviceType # Parse args parent = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1] run_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(parent.filename)) parser_fn = lambda: [get_parser()] parser_args = { "parser_epilog": ( "Please run 'python CSX -h'. \n \n" "Here is an example command for running on CSX: \n \n" " python CSX --params /path/to/params --checkpoint_path " "/path/to/checkpoint \n \n" "Note that inference is currently only supported for device CSX" ), "csx_parser_epilog": ( "To see a complete list of all available arguments, \n" "please run 'python CSX -h'. \n\n" "Here is an example command for running with CSX: \n \n" " python CSX --params /path/to/params --checkpoint_path " "/path/to/checkpoint \n \n" "Inference flow resides in the Cerebras Model Zoo. Please specify --python_paths and \n" "--mount_dirs here or in your params.yaml under the 'runconfig' section with \n" "the path to the directory in which the Cerebras Model Zoo resides. \n" ), "modes": ["inference"], } params = get_params_from_args( run_dir, argv=sys.argv[1:], extra_args_parser_fn=parser_fn, device_type=DeviceType.CSX, **parser_args, ) from cerebras.modelzoo.common.pytorch_utils import ( RunConfigParamsValidator, load_from_checkpoint_file, setup_artifact_dir, setup_logging, ) # Set default model parameters from cerebras.modelzoo.models.nlp.gpt2.utils import set_defaults set_defaults(params) # Validate runconfig runconfig = params["runconfig"] RunConfigParamsValidator(parser_fn).validate(runconfig) log_steps = runconfig.get("log_steps") # Set up logging level and env vars artifact_dir = Path( setup_artifact_dir(runconfig["model_dir"], mode="inference") ) setup_logging( runconfig.get("logging"), runconfig.get("streamer_logging"), logging_dir=artifact_dir, model_dir=runconfig["model_dir"], ) # Save the params.yaml that is being used in this run to the artifact dir with open(os.path.join(artifact_dir, f"params_inference.yaml"), "w") as f: yaml.dump(params, f, default_flow_style=False) cs_config = get_cluster_config(params) from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map import cerebras.pytorch as cstorch from cerebras.modelzoo.common.half_dtype import set_half_dtype_from_params from cerebras.modelzoo.common.input_utils import ( validate_streaming_and_micro_batch_size, ) from cerebras.modelzoo.common.run_cstorch_flow import get_model_checkpoint from cerebras.modelzoo.models.nlp.gpt2.model import GptInferenceModel compile_only = runconfig.get("compile_only", False) validate_only = runconfig.get("validate_only", False) input_params = params.get("inference_input", {}) micro_batch_size = input_params.get("micro_batch_size", "auto") if "batch_size" in input_params: # Checks for invalid setting of num_csx, micro_batch_size and batch_size validate_streaming_and_micro_batch_size( input_params["batch_size"], micro_batch_size, cs_config.num_csx, ) # Initialize the backend backend = cstorch.backend( "CSX", artifact_dir=artifact_dir, compile_dir=runconfig.get("compile_dir"), compile_only=compile_only, validate_only=validate_only, retrace_every_iteration=runconfig.get("retrace_every_iteration", False), ) backend.device.config.lazy_initialization = runconfig.get( "lazy_initialization", True ) # Set the 16 bit dtype we want the automatic mixed precision module to use set_half_dtype_from_params(params["model"]) def config_validation(params, model_key): # EEH-specific params added to the runconfig are not supported by our config class validation. # We remove EEH args from the runconfig, perform config validation and then re-add the args extra_parser_param_keys = [] parser = parser_fn()[0] if parser: if parser and isinstance(parser, argparse.ArgumentParser): extra_parser_param_keys.extend( [ action.dest for action in parser._actions if not isinstance(action, argparse._HelpAction) ] ) run_params = params["runconfig"] extra_parser_params = {} for eeh_arg in extra_parser_param_keys: if eeh_arg in run_params: extra_parser_params[eeh_arg] = run_params.pop(eeh_arg, None) # validate the params with config class validate_config_params(params, model_key) # Re-add extra inference args to the runconfig after config validation run_params.update(extra_parser_params) # Initialize model with backend.device: config_validation(params, "gpt_inference") model = GptInferenceModel(params) compiled_model = cstorch.compile(model, backend) compiled_model.eval() # Load weights checkpoint_path = get_model_checkpoint(runconfig) if checkpoint_path: state_dict = load_from_checkpoint_file(checkpoint_path) model.load_state_dict(state_dict["model"], strict=True) else: raise RuntimeError( "Expected a checkpoint to load for inference but got none." ) predictions_dir = artifact_dir / "predictions" predictions_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dataloader = inference_input_dataloader, params ) summary_dir = ( runconfig["summary_dir"] if ("summary_dir" in runconfig and runconfig["summary_dir"] is not None) else artifact_dir / "inference" ) writer = cstorch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter(log_dir=summary_dir) executor = dataloader, num_steps=runconfig.get("inference_steps"), cs_config=cs_config, writer=writer, micro_batch_size=micro_batch_size, ) @cstorch.trace def inference_step(batch): return compiled_model(batch) @cstorch.step_closure def post_inference_step(predictions): is_log_step = executor.on_final_iteration or ( log_steps and executor.user_iteration % log_steps == 0 ) if is_log_step: rate = executor.profiler.rate_tracker.rate global_rate = executor.profiler.rate_tracker.global_rate f"| Inference Device={backend.device}, " f"Step={executor.user_iteration}, " f"Rate={format_rate(rate)} samples/sec, " f"GlobalRate={format_rate(global_rate)} samples/sec" ) # Save the predictions to a file np.savez( predictions_dir / f"prediction_{executor.user_iteration}.npz", predictions=tree_map(cstorch.to_numpy, predictions), global_step=executor.user_iteration, ) try: for batch in executor: predictions = inference_step(batch) post_inference_step(predictions) finally: if not (compile_only or validate_only) and executor.profiler: # compute the total samples processed based on the number of steps # and the number of Cerebras systems in the cluster total_samples = int(executor.profiler.rate_tracker.total_samples) total_time = executor.profiler.rate_tracker.total_time f"Processed {total_samples} sample(s) " f"in {total_time} seconds." )
if __name__ == '__main__': main()