Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import random

import numpy as np
import torch

[docs]class Vocab(dict): """ Class to store vocab related attributes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, inp_list, oov_id=-1): super(Vocab, self).__init__(inp_list) self.oov_id = oov_id
[docs] def update(self, input_val): super(Vocab, self).update(input_val) self.inv_dict = {idx: token_str for token_str, idx in self.items()}
def __missing__(self, key): return self.oov_id def forward(self, tokens): return [self[token] for token in tokens] def backward(self, ids): return [self.inv_dict[token_id] for token_id in ids]
[docs]def get_meta_data(data_dir): """ Read data from meta files. :param str data_dir: Path to the input directory. :return: Processed meta data. """ if not isinstance(data_dir, list): data_dir = [data_dir] meta_data = {} for file_name in data_dir: meta_file = os.path.join(file_name, "meta.dat") assert os.path.exists( meta_file ), f"Meta file is missing in the input directory: {data_dir}." with open(meta_file, "r") as fin: for line in fin.readlines(): line = line.strip().split() meta_data[os.path.join(file_name, line[0])] = int(line[1]) return meta_data
[docs]def parse_text(text, do_lower): """ Postprocessing of the CSV file. This code should parse commas that are part of the token strings. :param: str text: String with an input text. :return: List of parsed tokens. """ tokens = eval(text) return ( list(map(lambda token: token.lower(), tokens)) if do_lower else tokens )
[docs]def shard_and_shuffle_data(files_per_task, shuffle, shuffle_seed): """ Shard the data across the processes. :param: list files_per_task: List of files with input data. :param bool shuffle: Whether to shuffle data or not. :param bool shuffle_seed: Seed to use for shuffling. :return: A tuple with: * int processed_buffers: Counter for how many buffers of data processed so far. * list files_per_worker: Files to process for the input worker. * int shuffle_seed: Updated shuffle seed. * random.Random rng: Object with shuffle function. """ worker_info = files_per_task_per_worker = [] if worker_info is not None: worker_id = num_workers = worker_info.num_workers assert num_workers <= len(files_per_task), ( f"Number of processes should be less than number of files, " f"Got `num_workers` equal to {num_workers} and `num_files` equal to {len(files_per_task)}." ) # Gather files for the input worker based in the file index and # number of workers. for file_index, file_len_start_id in enumerate(files_per_task): if file_index % num_workers == worker_id: files_per_task_per_worker.append( file_len_start_id ) # Tuple of csv_filepath, num_examples_to consider, start_idx # Use a unique seed for each worker. if shuffle_seed is not None: shuffle_seed += worker_id + 1 else: # num_worker = 0 case files_per_task_per_worker = files_per_task rng = random.Random(shuffle_seed) processed_buffers = 0 if shuffle: rng.shuffle(files_per_task_per_worker) return processed_buffers, files_per_task_per_worker, shuffle_seed, rng
[docs]def create_masked_lm_predictions( tokens, max_sequence_length, mask_token_id, max_predictions_per_seq, input_pad_id, attn_mask_pad_id, labels_pad_id, tokenize, vocab_size, masked_lm_prob, rng, exclude_from_masking, mask_whole_word, replacement_pool=None, ): """ Creates the predictions for the masked LM objective. :param list tokens: Tokens to process. :param int max_sequence_length: Maximum sequence length. :param int mask_token_id: Id of the masked token. :param int max_predictions_per_seq: Maximum number of masked LM predictions per sequence :param int input_pad_id: Input sequence padding id. :param int attn_mask_pad_id: Attention mask padding id. :param int labels_pad_id: Labels padding id. :param callable tokenize: Method to tokenize the input sequence. :param str vocab_size: Size of the vocabulary file. :param float masked_lm_prob: Masked LM probability. :param random.Random rng: Object with shuffle function. :param list exclude_from_masking: List of tokens to exclude from masking. :param bool mask_whole_word: Whether to mask the whole words or not. :param list replacement_pool: List of ids which should be included when replacing tokens with random words from vocab. Default is None and means that we can take any token from the vocab. :returns: tuple which includes: * np.array[int.32] input_ids: Numpy array with input token indices. Shape: (`max_sequence_length`). * np.array[int.32] labels: Numpy array with labels. Shape: (`max_sequence_length`). * np.array[int.32] attention_mask Shape: (`max_sequence_length`). * np.array[int.32] masked_lm_mask: Numpy array with a mask of predicted tokens. Shape: (`max_predictions`) `0` indicates the non masked token, and `1` indicates the masked token. """ input_ids = np.ones((max_sequence_length,), dtype=np.int32) * input_pad_id attention_mask = ( np.ones((max_sequence_length,), dtype=np.int32) * attn_mask_pad_id ) labels = np.ones((max_sequence_length,), dtype=np.int32) * labels_pad_id masked_lm_mask = np.zeros((max_sequence_length,), dtype=np.int32) # Convert tokens to integer ids. token_ids = tokenize(tokens) num_tokens = len(token_ids) input_ids[:num_tokens] = token_ids attention_mask[:num_tokens] = 1 # Form predictions for the MLM task. num_to_predict = min( max_predictions_per_seq, max(1, int(round(num_tokens * masked_lm_prob))), ) # Track which tokens have been used. num_current_predictions = 0 token_indices = list(range(num_tokens)) rng.shuffle(token_indices) masked_token_indices = [] while num_current_predictions < num_to_predict: # Stop adding masked token indices, if we reach the limit. if ( len(token_indices) == 0 or len(masked_token_indices) >= max_predictions_per_seq ): break current_token_index = token_indices[0] current_token = tokens[current_token_index] if current_token in exclude_from_masking: token_indices.pop(0) continue if mask_whole_word: # Get span of the word for whole word masking. span = get_whole_word_span(tokens, current_token_index) else: span = [current_token_index, current_token_index + 1] # Calculate the number of predicted tokens at the current iteration. span_len = span[1] - span[0] for index in range(span[0], span[1]): token_indices.remove(index) if len(masked_token_indices) + span_len > max_predictions_per_seq: # Only add the word if it does not overflow the maximum # predictions this should only happen with whole word masking. continue masked_token_indices.extend(range(span[0], span[1])) # Add these tokens to the labels. labels[span[0] : span[1]] = input_ids[span[0] : span[1]] num_current_predictions += span_len for masked_token_index in masked_token_indices: masked_lm_mask[masked_token_index] = 1 rnd = rng.random() if rnd < 0.8: # Mask it `80%` of the time input_ids[masked_token_index] = mask_token_id elif rnd < 0.9: # `10%` of the time replace with random token # `random.randint` is inclusive `[0, len(vocab) - 1]`. if replacement_pool is not None: random_token_id = rng.choice(replacement_pool) else: random_token_id = rng.randint(0, vocab_size - 1) input_ids[masked_token_index] = random_token_id else: # `10%` of the time leave input as is. pass return input_ids, labels, attention_mask, masked_lm_mask
[docs]def get_whole_word_span(tokens, start_index): """ Returns the whole word start and end indices. :param: list tokens: Tokens to process. :param: int start_index: Start index. :returns: tuple with start and end index of the word from the token list. """ end_index = len(tokens) if start_index < len(tokens) - 1: end_index = min(start_index + 1, len(tokens) - 1) while tokens[end_index].startswith("##"): end_index += 1 if end_index > len(tokens) - 1: break while tokens[start_index].startswith("##") and start_index > 0: start_index -= 1 return start_index, end_index
[docs]def build_vocab(vocab_file, do_lower, oov_token): """ Load up the vocab file. :param: str vocab_file: Path to the vocab file. :param: bool do_lower: Whether the tokens should be converted to lower case. :param str oov_token: Token reserved for the out of vocabulary tokens. :returns: A tuple with: * dict vocab: Contains the words from the vocab as keys and indices as values. * int vocab_size: Size of the resulted vocab. """ assert os.path.exists(vocab_file), f"Vocab file not found {vocab_file}." with open(vocab_file, "r") as fin: vocab = fin.readlines() vocab_words = [convert_to_unicode(word).strip() for word in vocab] vocab_size = len(vocab) if do_lower: vocab_words = list(map(lambda word: word.lower(), vocab_words)) vocab = Vocab({}, vocab_words.index(oov_token)) vocab.update({word: id for id, word in enumerate(vocab_words)}) return vocab, vocab_size
[docs]def convert_to_unicode(text): """ Converts `text` to unicode, assuming utf-8 input. Returns text encoded in a way suitable for print or `tf.compat.v1.logging`. """ if isinstance(text, str): return text return text.decode("utf-8", "ignore")