Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Config classes of T5 data Configs


from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.registry import registry
from cerebras.modelzoo.config_manager.config_classes.base.base_config import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.config_manager.config_classes.base.data_config import (
from import (

[docs]@registry.register_data_config("DummyDataProcessor") @dataclass class DummyDataProcessorConfig(GenericDataProcessorConfig): pass
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("DummyIterableDataProcessor") @dataclass class DummyIterableDataProcessorConfig(GenericDataProcessorConfig): pass
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("GptHDF5DataProcessor") @dataclass class GptHDF5DataProcessorConfig(HDF5IterableDataProcessorConfig): data_dir: Union[str, List[str]] = required "The path to the HDF5 files." max_sequence_length: Optional[int] = None """ The sequence length of samples produced by the dataloader. When using the corpus data format, the same preprocessed data will work with any max sequence length, so this may be set at runtime. When using the sample format this must be set to None""" drop_last: bool = True use_vsl: bool = False
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("GptHDF5MapDataProcessor") @dataclass class GptHDF5MapDataProcessorConfig(DataProcessorConfig): data_dir: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None "The path to the HDF5 files." use_worker_cache: bool = False max_sequence_length: Optional[int] = None """ The sequence length of samples produced by the dataloader. When using the corpus data format, the same preprocessed data will work with any max sequence length, so this may be set at runtime. When using the sample format this must be set to None""" mixture: Optional[List[dict]] = None drop_last: bool = True """ similar to the PyTorch drop_last setting except that samples that when set to True, samples that would have been dropped at the end of one epoch are yielded at the start of the next epoch so that there is no data loss. This is necessary for a data ordering that is independent of the distributed setup being used. """ num_samples: Optional[int] = None num_workers: int = 0 "The number of PyTorch processes used in the dataloader" prefetch_factor: int = 10 "The number of batches to prefetch in the dataloader" persistent_workers: bool = True "Whether or not to keep workers persistent between epochs" sort_files: bool = True """ whether or not the reader should sort the input files. This is included for backwards compatibility and should almost always be set to True""" use_vsl: bool = False """ Flag to enable variable sequence length training. It requires the dataset to have two extra features""" pad_last: bool = False data_subset: Optional[str] = None dataset_map_fn: Optional[str] = None
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("HuggingFaceDataProcessorEli5") @dataclass class HuggingFaceDataProcessorEli5Config(HuggingFaceDataProcessorConfig): split: str = required num_workers: int = 0
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("HuggingFaceIterableDataProcessorEli5") @dataclass class HuggingFaceIterableDataProcessorEli5Config( HuggingFaceDataProcessorConfig ): split: str = required num_workers: int = 0
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("InferenceDataProcessor") @dataclass class InferenceDataProcessorConfig(DataProcessorConfig): num_workers: int = 0 prefetch_factor: int = 10 persistent_workers: bool = False drop_last: bool = True """ similar to the PyTorch drop_last setting except that samples that when set to True, samples that would have been dropped at the end of one epoch are yielded at the start of the next epoch so that there is no data loss. This is necessary for a data ordering that is independent of the distributed setup being used. """
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("InferenceDataProcessorLL") @dataclass class InferenceDataProcessorLLConfig(InferenceDataProcessorConfig): pass
[docs]@registry.register_data_config("InferenceDataProcessorGU") @dataclass class InferenceDataProcessorGUConfig(InferenceDataProcessorConfig): pass