Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.pretraining_token_generator

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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PretrainingTokenGenerator Module

This module provides the PretrainingTokenGenerator class which is designed to process
text data and create features suitable for language modeling tasks.

    tokenizer = PretrainingTokenGenerator(dataset_params, max_sequence_length, tokenizer)
    tokenized_features = tokenizer.encode("Sample text for processing.")

import logging
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import ftfy
import numpy as np

from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]def create_features_auto_lm( token_ids: List[int], max_sequence_length: int, short_seq_prob: float = 0, inverted_mask: bool = False, pad_id: int = 0, min_len: int = 10, input_ids_dtype: str = "int32", input_mask_dtype: str = "int32", labels_dtype: str = "int32", rng: random.Random = None, eos_id: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Given a list of token_ids, generate input sequence and labels. Args: token_ids (List[int]): List containing token ids for creating features, labels and input mask from. max_sequence_length (int): Maximum sequence length for data writes. short_seq_prob (float): Probability of generating short sequences from data. Defaults to `0`. inverted_mask (bool): Invert mask if specified for runtime execution. Defaults to `False`. min_len (int): Minimum length of token_ids to be considered a valid sequence. pad_id (int): Id for pad token. Defaults to `0`. input_ids_dtype (str): Dtype as string for input ids. Defaults to `int32`. input_mask_dtype (str): Dtype as string for input mask. Defaults to `int32`. labels_dtype (str): Dtype as string for labels. Defaults to `int32`. rng (random.Random): Instance of random object, with states set. Defaults to `None`. Returns: np.ndarray: Array containing features, labels, and input mask. """ if not validate_tokens(token_ids, min_len=min_len): return [] if rng.random() < short_seq_prob: token_ids = token_ids[0 : rng.randint(2, max_sequence_length - 1)] input_ids = token_ids[:-1] labels = token_ids[1:] input_mask = [1] * len(labels) # padding num_pad = max_sequence_length - len(input_ids) padding = [pad_id] * num_pad input_ids.extend(padding) labels.extend(padding) input_mask.extend([0] * num_pad) # assertions to ensure correct output shapes assert ( len(input_ids) == max_sequence_length and len(labels) == max_sequence_length and len(input_mask) == max_sequence_length ), "Wrong sequence length" # create feature dict features = dict() features["input_ids"] = getattr(np, input_ids_dtype)(input_ids) features["input_mask"] = getattr(np, input_mask_dtype)(input_mask) if inverted_mask: features["input_mask"] = np.equal(features["input_mask"], 0).astype( features["input_mask"].dtype ) labels = getattr(np, labels_dtype)(labels) return np.stack([features["input_ids"], features["input_mask"], labels])
[docs]class PretrainingTokenGenerator: def __init__( self, params: Dict[str, Any], tokenizer: Any, eos_id: int, pad_id: int ): """ Initialize the PretrainingTokenGenerator class. Args: params (Dict[str, Any]): Parameters for the dataset and processing. tokenizer (Any): Tokenizer to use for tokenization. eos_id (int): End-of-sequence token ID. pad_id (int): Padding token ID. """ dataset_params = params["dataset"] processing_params = params["processing"] self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.use_ftfy = dataset_params.pop("use_ftfy", False) self.ftfy_normalizer = dataset_params.pop("ftfy_normalizer", "NFC") self.training_objective = dataset_params.pop("training_objective", None) self.mlm = ( (self.training_objective == 'mlm') if self.training_objective is not None else False ) self.wikitext_detokenize = dataset_params.pop( "wikitext_detokenize", False ) self.pack_sequences = dataset_params.pop("pack_sequences", True) self.min_sequence_len = dataset_params.pop("min_sequence_len", 10) self.input_ids_dtype = dataset_params.pop("input_ids_dtype", "int32") self.input_mask_dtype = dataset_params.pop("input_mask_dtype", "int32") self.inverted_mask = dataset_params.pop("inverted_mask", False) self.seed = processing_params.pop("seed", 0) self.max_seq_length = processing_params.pop("max_seq_length", 2048) self.short_seq_prob = processing_params.pop("short_seq_prob", 0.0) self.semantic_drop_mask = processing_params.pop( "semantic_drop_mask", {} ) self.split_text_to_tokenize = processing_params.pop( "split_text_to_tokenize", False ) if self.split_text_to_tokenize: self.chunk_len_to_split = processing_params.pop( "chunk_len_to_split", 2000 ) self.remove_bos_in_chunks = processing_params.pop( "remove_bos_in_chunks", False ) self.eos_id = eos_id self.pad_id = pad_id self.rng = random.Random() self.rng.seed(self.seed) self.prefix = [] self.sample_features = ["input_ids", "attention_mask", "labels"] ##MLM fields if self.mlm: import math self.mlm_fraction = dataset_params.pop("mlm_fraction", 0.15) self.max_predictions = math.ceil( self.mlm_fraction * self.max_seq_length ) self.mlm_with_gather = dataset_params.pop("mlm_with_gather", False) self.ignore_index = dataset_params.pop( "ignore_index", -100 ) # default value for torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss self.excluded_tokens = dataset_params.pop( "excluded_tokens", ['<cls>', '<pad>', '<eos>', '<unk>', '<null_1>', '<mask>'], ) self.allowable_token_ids = self.get_allowable_token_ids() self.special_tokens_ids = { self.tokenizer.cls_token_id, self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, self.tokenizer.eos_token_id, self.tokenizer.unk_token_id, }
[docs] def get_data_stats( self, sample: np.ndarray, lvt: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Get data statistics from the sample. Args: sample (np.ndarray): Tokenized sample. Returns: Dict[str, int]: Data statistics. """ stats = { "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, } if sample == []: return stats stats["num_pad_tokens"] = int((sample[0, :] == self.pad_id).sum()) stats["non_pad_tokens"] = int( np.logical_and( sample[0, :] != self.eos_id, sample[0, :] != self.pad_id ).sum() ) stats["num_tokens"] = int(sample[0, :].shape[0]) if self.mlm: stats["loss_valid_tokens"] = lvt else: stats["loss_valid_tokens"] = int(sample[1, :].sum()) stats["num_masked_tokens"] = ( self.max_seq_length - stats["loss_valid_tokens"] ) return stats
[docs] def get_allowable_token_ids(self) -> List[int]: """Generate a list of token IDs that can be masked.""" excluded_token_ids = { self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tok) for tok in self.excluded_tokens if tok in self.tokenizer.get_vocab() } allowable_token_ids = [ tok_id for tok, tok_id in self.tokenizer.get_vocab().items() if tok_id not in excluded_token_ids ] return list(allowable_token_ids)
[docs] def mask_single_sequence( self, input_ids: List[int] ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int], List[int]]: """ Masks tokens in a single sequence according to the MLM strategy. When self.mlm_with_gather is False, the returning len(labels) == len(input_ids) When self.mlm_with_gather is True, the returning len(labels) == self.max_predictions Args: input_ids (List[int]): Original sequence of token IDs. Returns: Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int], List[int]]: - input_ids: Modified sequence with masked tokens. - masked_lm_positions: Positions of the masked tokens, empty if not self.mlm_with_gather. - masked_lm_mask: Binary indicators (1s) for positions that were masked, empty if not self.mlm_with_gather. - labels: Original token IDs of the masked tokens for label purposes. """ sequence = np.array(input_ids.copy()) masked_lm_positions = [] masked_lm_mask = [] labels = ( [] if self.mlm_with_gather else [self.ignore_index] * len(input_ids) ) indices_can_be_masked = [ i for i, token_id in enumerate(input_ids) if token_id not in self.special_tokens_ids ] # Calculate the number of tokens to mask num_tokens_to_mask = min( int(self.mlm_fraction * len(indices_can_be_masked)), self.max_predictions, ) if num_tokens_to_mask > 0: # Randomly select tokens to mask indices_to_mask = sorted( self.rng.sample(indices_can_be_masked, k=num_tokens_to_mask) ) for pos in indices_to_mask: original_token_id = sequence[pos].copy() prob = self.rng.random() if prob < 0.8: # 80% of the time, replace with [MASK] sequence[pos] = self.tokenizer.mask_token_id elif prob < 0.9: # 10% of the time, replace with a random token # Ensure selected token is not a special token masked_token_id = np.random.choice(self.allowable_token_ids) sequence[pos] = masked_token_id elif prob <= 1.0: pass # 10% of the time, keep the original token # Store the original token ID as the label if self.mlm_with_gather: masked_lm_positions.append(pos) masked_lm_mask.append(1) labels.append(original_token_id) else: labels[pos] = original_token_id if self.mlm_with_gather: # Pad the lists to reach max_predictions length num_paddings = self.max_predictions - len(masked_lm_positions) masked_lm_positions = masked_lm_positions + [0] * num_paddings masked_lm_mask = masked_lm_mask + [0] * num_paddings labels = labels + [self.ignore_index] * num_paddings return list(sequence), masked_lm_positions, masked_lm_mask, labels
[docs] def process_chunks( self, tokenized_text_chunks: List[List[int]] ) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], Dict[str, int]]: """ Processes chunks of tokenized text and returns processed features along with the total padding added. Args: tokenized_text_chunks (List[List[int]]): A list of tokenized text chunks, where each chunk is represented as a list of integers. Returns: Tuple[List[np.ndarray], Dict[str, int]]: A tuple containing a list of processed results and dataset stats. """ results = {"data": []} # List to store the processed results stats = defaultdict(int) # Iterate over each chunk in the tokenized text chunks for chunk in tokenized_text_chunks: # Process the chunk and get the processed result and number of padding tokens added processed = create_features_auto_lm( chunk, self.max_seq_length, short_seq_prob=self.short_seq_prob, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, pad_id=self.pad_id, min_len=self.min_sequence_len, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, rng=self.rng, eos_id=self.eos_id, ) # If the processed chunk is not empty, add the results to the list and update the total padding if len(processed) != 0: processed_stats = self.get_data_stats(processed) for key in processed_stats: stats[key] += processed_stats[key] results["data"].append(processed) # Return the list of processed results and data stats return results, stats
[docs] def process_chunks_mlm( self, tokenized_text_chunks: List[List[int]] ) -> Tuple[List[Any], Dict]: """ Processes chunks of tokenized text and returns processed features along with the total padding added. Args: tokenized_text_chunks (List[List[int]]): A list of tokenized text chunks, where each chunk is represented as a list of integers. Returns: Tuple[List[Any], Dict]: A tuple containing a list of processed results and dataset stats. """ results = { 'data': [], 'labels': [], } # List to store the processed result stats = defaultdict(int) masked_lm_positions_list = [] masked_lm_mask_list = [] input_id_list = [] labels_list = [] attention_mask_list = [] # Iterate over each chunk in the tokenized text chunks for chunk in tokenized_text_chunks: input_ids, masked_lm_positions, masked_lm_mask, labels = ( self.mask_single_sequence(chunk) ) num_pad = self.max_seq_length - len(input_ids) attention_mask = [1] * len(input_ids) + [0] * num_pad input_ids = input_ids + [self.pad_id] * num_pad input_id_list.append(input_ids) attention_mask_list.append(attention_mask) labels_list.append(labels) masked_lm_positions_list.append(masked_lm_positions) masked_lm_weights_list.append(masked_lm_weights) lvt = len(labels) - labels.count(self.ignore_index) processed_stats = self.get_data_stats( np.expand_dims(np.array(input_ids), 0), lvt ) for key in processed_stats: stats[key] += processed_stats[key] if len(tokenized_text_chunks) > 0: results['data'] = np.stack( [np.array(input_id_list), np.array(attention_mask_list)], axis=1 ) if self.mlm_with_gather: results['labels'] = np.stack( [ np.array(labels_list), np.array(masked_lm_positions_list), np.array(masked_lm_weights_list), ], axis=1, ) else: results['labels'] = np.stack( [np.array(labels_list)], axis=1, ) # Return the list of processed results and data stats return results, stats
[docs] def clean_text(self, data: str) -> str: """ Clean the provided text. Args: data (str): Text to clean. Returns: str: Cleaned text. """ if self.use_ftfy: data = ftfy.fix_text(data, normalization=self.ftfy_normalizer) if self.wikitext_detokenize: data = wikitext_detokenizer(data) return data
[docs] def tokenize_data( self, semantic_data_array: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], Dict[str, int]]: """ Tokenize the text and create features for auto-regressive language modeling. Args: semantic_data_dict (Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]): Data to tokenize. Returns: Tuple[List[np.ndarray], Dict[str, int]]: Tuple of encoded features for auto-regressive language modeling and dataset stats. """ text, raw_data_stats = self.parse_semantic_data_array( semantic_data_array ) if text == "": return {"data": []}, raw_data_stats discarded_files = 0 if self.mlm: tokenized_data = self.tokenizer( text, max_length=self.max_seq_length, truncation=True, padding='max_length', return_attention_mask=True, ) input_ids, attention_mask = ( tokenized_data['input_ids'], tokenized_data['attention_mask'], ) tokenized_data_stats = dict() results = dict() tokenized_data_stats["processed"] = 1 tokenized_data_stats["successful"] = 0 if input_ids == []: tokenized_data_stats["discarded"] = 1 return {"data": [], "labels": []}, tokenized_data_stats tokenized_data_stats["successful"] = 1 input_ids, masked_lm_positions, masked_lm_mask, labels = ( self.mask_single_sequence(input_ids) ) results['data'] = np.stack( [np.array(input_ids), np.array(attention_mask)], axis=0 ).reshape(1, 2, self.max_seq_length) if self.mlm_with_gather: results['labels'] = np.stack( [ np.array(labels), np.array(masked_lm_positions), np.array(masked_lm_mask), ], axis=0, ).reshape(1, 3, self.max_predictions) else: results['labels'] = np.stack( [ np.array(labels), ], axis=0, ).reshape(1, 1, self.max_seq_length) tokenized_data_stats["non_pad_tokens"] = sum( 1 for id in input_ids if id != self.pad_id ) tokenized_data_stats["num_pad_tokens"] = ( self.max_seq_length - tokenized_data_stats["non_pad_tokens"] ) tokenized_data_stats["num_tokens"] = self.max_seq_length tokenized_data_stats["num_masked_tokens"] = input_ids.count( self.tokenizer.mask_token_id ) tokenized_data_stats["loss_valid_tokens"] = len( labels ) - labels.count(self.ignore_index) tokenized_data_stats.update(raw_data_stats) return results, tokenized_data_stats # tokenize text if self.split_text_to_tokenize: tokenized_text = split_text_and_tokenize( text, self.tokenizer, max_tok_len=self.chunk_len_to_split, remove_bos_in_chunks=self.remove_bos_in_chunks, ) else: tokenized_text = self.tokenizer.encode(text) if self.eos_id is not None: tokenized_text += [self.eos_id] all_text = self.prefix + tokenized_text tokenized_text_chunks = [ all_text[i : i + self.max_seq_length + 1] for i in range(0, len(all_text), self.max_seq_length) ] # reset prefix self.prefix = [] # update prefix if last chunk is < max_seq_length num_tokens_last_chunk = len(tokenized_text_chunks[-1]) if self.pack_sequences: if num_tokens_last_chunk < self.max_seq_length + 1: last_chunk = tokenized_text_chunks.pop(-1) self.prefix.extend(last_chunk) elif num_tokens_last_chunk < 2: _ = tokenized_text_chunks.pop(-1) discarded_files += 1 results, tokenized_data_stats = ( self.process_chunks_mlm(tokenized_text_chunks) if self.mlm else self.process_chunks(tokenized_text_chunks) ) tokenized_data_stats["discarded"] = discarded_files tokenized_data_stats["processed"] = 1 tokenized_data_stats["successful"] = ( tokenized_data_stats["processed"] - tokenized_data_stats["discarded"] ) tokenized_data_stats.update(raw_data_stats) return results, tokenized_data_stats
[docs] def parse_semantic_data_array( self, semantic_data_array: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, int]]: """ Parse semantic data dictionary. Args: entry (Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]): Data entry. Returns: Tuple[str, Dict[str, int]]: Parsed text and raw data statistics. """ if not semantic_data_array: return "", {} text = "" raw_data_stats = { "raw_chars_count": 0, "raw_bytes_count": 0, "normalized_chars_count": 0, "normalized_bytes_count": 0, "total_raw_docs": 1, "raw_docs_skipped": 0, } for entry in semantic_data_array: content = entry["content"] drop_mask = entry.get("semantic_drop_mask") for region in content: include_tags = region.get("include_tags", False) region_key = list(region.keys())[0] region_val = region.get(region_key) if not region_val or region_val == "": logger.warning(f"Empty doc. Skipping this example ") raw_data_stats["raw_docs_skipped"] = 1 return "", raw_data_stats drop_region = (drop_mask and drop_mask.get(region_key)) or ( self.semantic_drop_mask and self.semantic_drop_mask.get(region_key) ) if drop_region: region_val = "" text += region_val raw_data_stats["raw_chars_count"] = len(text) raw_data_stats["raw_bytes_count"] = len(text.encode("utf-8")) text = self.clean_text(text) raw_data_stats["normalized_chars_count"] = len(text) raw_data_stats["normalized_bytes_count"] = len(text.encode("utf-8")) return text, raw_data_stats
[docs] def encode( self, semantic_data_array: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, int]]: """ Tokenize and encode the data for auto-regressive language modeling. Args: semantic_data_array (Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]): Data to encode. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, int]]: Tuple of encoded features for auto-regressive language modeling and dataset stats. """ tokenized_data, data_stats = self.tokenize_data(semantic_data_array) if tokenized_data["data"] == []: return {}, data_stats else: data = tokenized_data return data, data_stats
[docs] def encode_leftover_prefix( self, prefix: List[np.ndarray] ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, int]]: """ Processes the leftover prefix which is a list of ndarray tokens into chunks based on max sequence length. The last chunk is handled specifically if it's shorter than the max sequence length. If the last chunk has less than two tokens, it's discarded. Args: prefix (List[np.ndarray]): The prefix list of token arrays to process. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, int]]: A tuple containing the processed token chunks as a list of ndarrays and the dataset stats. """ tokenized_text_chunks = ( [ prefix[i : i + self.max_seq_length] for i in range(0, len(prefix), self.max_seq_length) ] if self.mlm else [ prefix[i : i + self.max_seq_length + 1] for i in range(0, len(prefix), self.max_seq_length) ] ) # Handle last chunk if shorter than max_seq_length num_tokens_last_chunk = len(tokenized_text_chunks[-1]) if num_tokens_last_chunk < self.max_seq_length + 1: _ = tokenized_text_chunks.pop(-1) elif num_tokens_last_chunk < 2: _ = tokenized_text_chunks.pop(-1) results, stats = self.process_chunks(tokenized_text_chunks) if results["data"] == []: return {}, stats data = results return data, stats