Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.lm_vsl_data_token_generator

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module provides the VSLLMDataTokenGenerator class, extending
LMDataTokenGenerator for advanced processing of tokenized text data tailored
for variable-length sequence language modeling (VSLLM). Includes methods for
processing chunks of tokenized text, optimizing representation of tokenized
data by merging shorter sequences within a specified maximum sequence length,
and tokenizing text for auto-regressive language modeling.

from typing import Any, List, Tuple

import numpy as np

from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.lm_data_token_generator import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.hdf5_preprocessing.utils import (

[docs]class VSLLMDataTokenGenerator(LMDataTokenGenerator): """ Processes tokenized text data, specifically for VSLLM. Extends LMDataTokenGenerator by handling text tokenization, feature creation, and optimizing representation of tokenized data for language modeling tasks. Attributes: use_vsl (bool): Usage of variable sequence length logic. fold_long_doc (bool): Whether to fold long documents. position_ids_dtype (str): Data type for position IDs in tokenized output. Args: params (dict): Parameters for the dataset and model. tokenizer: Tokenizer instance for text tokenization. eos_id (int): End-of-sequence ID. pad_id (int): Padding ID. """ use_vsl = True
[docs] def __init__(self, params: dict, tokenizer, eos_id: int, pad_id: int): """ Initialize VSLLMDataTokenGenerator with dataset parameters, tokenizer, and token IDs. """ super(VSLLMDataTokenGenerator, self).__init__( params, tokenizer, eos_id, pad_id ) self.fold_long_doc = params["dataset"].pop("fold_long_doc", True) self.position_ids_dtype = params["dataset"].pop( "position_ids_dtype", "int32" ) self.pack_sequences = False
[docs] def process_chunks( self, tokenized_data: List[List[Any]] ) -> Tuple[List[Any], dict]: """ Processes chunks of tokenized text and returns processed features along with statistics about padding and tokens. Args: tokenized_data (List[List[Any]]): Tokenized text chunks as a list. Returns: Tuple[List[Any], dict]: Processed results and statistics. """ results = [] # List to store the processed results stats = { "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, } for tokenized_text_chunks in tokenized_data: eos_len = 1 if self.eos_id is not None else 0 tokenized_text_chunks_len = sum( (len(one_d_list) - eos_len) for one_d_list in tokenized_text_chunks ) num_pad = self.max_seq_length - tokenized_text_chunks_len processed = create_features_auto_lm_vsl( tokenized_text_chunks, self.max_seq_length, num_pad, pad_id=self.pad_id, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, attention_span_dtype=self.position_ids_dtype, position_ids_dtype=self.position_ids_dtype, ) if processed != []: loss_valid_tokens = int(processed[1, :].sum()) stats["num_pad_tokens"] += num_pad stats["non_pad_tokens"] += self.max_seq_length - num_pad stats["num_masked_tokens"] += ( self.max_seq_length - loss_valid_tokens ) stats["loss_valid_tokens"] += loss_valid_tokens stats["num_tokens"] += len(processed[0]) results.append(processed) return [results], stats
[docs] def tokenize_text_auto_lm(self, text: str) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], dict]: """ Tokenizes the given text and creates features suitable for auto-regressive language modeling. Handles end-of-sequence addition, sequence length adjustments, and document folding for long documents. Args: text (str): The text to tokenize. Returns: Tuple[List[np.ndarray], dict]: Tokenized and processed text features and statistics. """ results = [] # List to store the processed results stats = { "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "discarded_files": 0, } # tokenize text tokenized_text = self.tokenize_text(text) if self.eos_id is not None: tokenized_text += [self.eos_id] tokenized_text_len = len(tokenized_text) if tokenized_text_len < self.min_sequence_len: return results, stats if self.rng.random() < self.short_seq_prob: tokenized_text = tokenized_text[ 0 : self.rng.randint(2, self.max_seq_length) ] tokenized_text_len = len(tokenized_text) if tokenized_text_len > self.max_seq_length + 1: if not self.fold_long_doc: return results, stats tokenized_text_chunks = [ tokenized_text[i : i + self.max_seq_length + 1] for i in range(0, len(tokenized_text), self.max_seq_length) ] # update prefix if last chunk is < max_seq_length num_tokens_last_chunk = len(tokenized_text_chunks[-1]) if num_tokens_last_chunk < 2: _ = tokenized_text_chunks.pop(-1) return tokenized_text_chunks, stats
[docs] def append_within_max_length( self, tokenized_data: List[List[List[Any]]] ) -> List[List[List[Any]]]: """ Optimizes representation of tokenized data by merging shorter sequences within the specified maximum sequence length. Converts 3D list to a modified 3D structure where each innermost list is treated as a separate 2D list, then merges these 2D lists if their combined length is within the max sequence length. Args: tokenized_data (List[List[List[Any]]]): 3D list of tokenized text data. Returns: List[List[List[Any]]]: Optimized 3D list after merging shorter sequences. """ def convert_3d_to_modified_3d(tokenized_data): # First, flatten the 3D list to a 2D list flattened_2d_list = [] for two_d_list in tokenized_data: for one_d_list in two_d_list: flattened_2d_list.append(one_d_list) # Then, convert each list in the flattened 2D list to a 2D list # within a new 3D list new_3d_list = [] for one_d_list in flattened_2d_list: new_2d_list = [one_d_list] new_3d_list.append(new_2d_list) return new_3d_list tokenized_data = convert_3d_to_modified_3d(tokenized_data) eos_len = 1 if self.eos_id is not None else 0 # Precompute combined length of all lists in each 2D list combined_lengths = [ sum(len(one_d_list) - eos_len for one_d_list in two_d_list) for two_d_list in tokenized_data ] indices_to_remove = set() # Iterate over each 2D list in the 3D list in reverse order for i in range(len(tokenized_data) - 1, 0, -1): # Use the precomputed length current_combined_length = combined_lengths[i] # Check if combined length of current 2D list is less than max_seq_length if current_combined_length < self.max_seq_length: # Look for a previous 2D list to merge with for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1): # Use the precomputed length total_combined_length = ( current_combined_length + combined_lengths[j] ) # Check if combined length of both 2D lists is within max_seq_length if total_combined_length <= self.max_seq_length: # If so, merge current 2D list into the previous 2D list tokenized_data[j].extend(tokenized_data[i]) # Update combined length for merged 2D list combined_lengths[j] += combined_lengths[i] # Instead of deleting immediately, add the index to the set indices_to_remove.add(i) break # Exit inner loop as merge is done # Delete the elements after the loop is done # Convert indices_to_remove to a list and sort in reverse order to ensure indices remain correct while deleting for index in sorted(indices_to_remove, reverse=True): del tokenized_data[index] del combined_lengths[index] return tokenized_data