Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.hdf5_preprocessing.hdf5_dataset_preprocessors

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import os

import ftfy
import numpy as np

from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.hdf5_preprocessing.hdf5_base_preprocessor import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.hdf5_preprocessing.utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]class ContinueLoopException(Exception): pass
[docs]class LMDataPreprocessor(HDF5BasePreprocessor): num_features = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, params): super(LMDataPreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.jsonl_key = params["dataset"].pop("jsonl_key", "text") assert ( "prompt_key" not in params["dataset"] and "completion_key" not in params["dataset"] ), "Prompt/ Completion key cannot be provided for LMDataProcessor" self.use_ftfy = params["dataset"].pop("use_ftfy", False) self.ftfy_normalizer = params["dataset"].pop("ftfy_normalizer", "NFC") self.wikitext_detokenize = params["dataset"].pop( "wikitext_detokenize", False ) self.pack_sequences = params["dataset"].pop("pack_sequences", True) self.min_sequence_len = params["dataset"].pop("min_sequence_len", 10) self.input_ids_dtype = params["dataset"].pop("input_ids_dtype", "int32") self.input_mask_dtype = params["dataset"].pop( "input_mask_dtype", "int32" ) self.inverted_mask = params["dataset"].pop("inverted_mask", False) self.prefix = []
def tokenize_text_auto_lm(self, text): if self.use_ftfy: text = ftfy.fix_text(text, normalization=self.ftfy_normalizer) if self.wikitext_detokenize: text = wikitext_detokenizer(text) # tokenize text if self.split_text_to_tokenize: tokenized_text = split_text_and_tokenize( text, self.tokenizer, max_tok_len=self.chunk_len_to_split, remove_bos_in_chunks=self.remove_bos_in_chunks, ) else: tokenized_text = self.tokenizer.encode(text) if self.eos_id is not None: tokenized_text += [self.eos_id] all_text = self.prefix + tokenized_text tokenized_text_chunks = [ all_text[i : i + self.max_seq_length + 1] for i in range(0, len(all_text), self.max_seq_length) ] # reset prefix self.prefix = [] # update prefix if last chunk is < max_seq_length num_tokens_last_chunk = len(tokenized_text_chunks[-1]) if self.pack_sequences: if num_tokens_last_chunk < self.max_seq_length + 1: last_chunk = tokenized_text_chunks.pop(-1) self.prefix.extend(last_chunk) elif num_tokens_last_chunk < 2: _ = tokenized_text_chunks.pop(-1) self.discarded_files += 1 return [ create_features_auto_lm( chunk, self.max_seq_length, short_seq_prob=self.short_seq_prob, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, pad_id=self.pad_id, min_len=self.min_sequence_len, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, rng=self.rng, ) for chunk in tokenized_text_chunks ]
[docs] def file_read_generator(self, file): tokenizable_columns = {"jsonl_key": self.jsonl_key} reader = Reader(file, tokenizable_columns) for doc in reader.stream_data(): # update chars and bytes stats on base processor self.raw_chars_count += len(doc) self.raw_bytes_count += len(doc.encode("utf-8")) yield doc
[docs] def preprocessing_generator(self, doc): for sample in self.tokenize_text_auto_lm(doc): if sample == []: self.discarded_files += 1 yield sample
[docs]class SummarizationPreprocessor(HDF5BasePreprocessor): num_features = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, params): super(SummarizationPreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.use_ftfy = params["dataset"].pop("use_ftfy", False) self.ftfy_normalizer = params["dataset"].pop("ftfy_normalizer", "NFC") self.wikitext_detokenize = params["dataset"].pop( "wikitext_detokenize", False ) self.min_sequence_len = params["dataset"].pop("min_sequence_len", 10) self.input_ids_dtype = params["dataset"].pop("input_ids_dtype", "int32") self.input_mask_dtype = params["dataset"].pop( "input_mask_dtype", "int32" ) self.inverted_mask = params["dataset"].pop("inverted_mask", False) self.prompt_key = params["dataset"].pop("prompt_key", None) assert ( "jsonl_key" not in params["dataset"] ), "Jsonl key cannot be provided for SummarizationPreprocessor" self.completion_key = params["dataset"].pop("completion_key", None) if self.prompt_key is not None and self.completion_key is not None: assert ( "multi_turn_key" not in params["dataset"] ), "Must specify either both prompt + completion, or only multi_turn" assert self.eos_id is not None, "eos_id must be set for summarization." self.sep_token = params["dataset"].pop("sep_token", None) self.sep_id = None if self.sep_token: self.add_token(self.sep_token) self.sep_id = self.tokenizer.get_token_id(self.sep_token) logging.warning( f"A sep token {self.sep_token} was added to tokenizer. This " "will change the vocab size. If you are using a pretrained " "model, you will need to avoid adding this." ) self.multi_turn_key = None self.multi_turn_content_key = None
def check_valid_doc(self, doc): if self.multi_turn_key and self.multi_turn_content_key: if self.multi_turn_content_key not in doc[self.multi_turn_key][0]: logger.warning( "multi_turn_content_key not in file, file may be corrupted" ) raise ContinueLoopException else: if self.prompt_key not in doc or self.completion_key not in doc: logger.warning( "prompt_key or completion_key not in file, file may be corrupted" ) raise ContinueLoopException def clean_text(self, prompt, completion): if self.use_ftfy: prompt = ftfy.fix_text(prompt, normalization=self.ftfy_normalizer) completion = ftfy.fix_text( completion, normalization=self.ftfy_normalizer ) if self.wikitext_detokenize: prompt = wikitext_detokenizer(prompt) completion = wikitext_detokenizer(completion) return prompt, completion def get_tokenizable_columns(self): if self.multi_turn_key: return {} else: return { 'prompt_key': self.prompt_key, 'completion_key': self.completion_key, } def parse_doc(self, doc): # Case for multi-turn dialogue if hasattr(self, "multi_turn_key") and self.multi_turn_key: doc = doc[self.multi_turn_key] assert ( len(doc) % 2 == 0 ), "We assume that every prompt has a response" if ( self.multi_turn_content_key ): # allow list of strs or list of dicts doc = [x[self.multi_turn_content_key] for x in doc] prompt_comp_pairs = [ (str(doc[i]), str(doc[i + 1])) for i in range(0, len(doc), 2) ] # Case for single prompt-completion tasks else: prompt = str(doc[self.prompt_key]) completion = str(doc[self.completion_key]) prompt_comp_pairs = [(prompt, completion)] return DocObject( prompt_comp_pairs=prompt_comp_pairs, multi_modal=False, img_path=None, )
[docs] def file_read_generator(self, file): tokenizable_columns = self.get_tokenizable_columns() multi_turn_flag = self.multi_turn_key is not None reader = Reader(file, tokenizable_columns, multi_turn=multi_turn_flag) for doc in reader.stream_data(): # the exception allows a `continue` from a function try: self.check_valid_doc(doc) except ContinueLoopException: self.discarded_files += 1 continue doc_obj = self.parse_doc(doc) for prompt, completion in doc_obj.prompt_comp_pairs: self.raw_chars_count += len(prompt) + len(completion) self.raw_bytes_count += len(prompt.encode("utf-8")) + len( completion.encode("utf-8") ) yield doc_obj
[docs] def preprocessing_generator(self, doc_obj): for prompt, completion in doc_obj.prompt_comp_pairs: prompt, completion = self.clean_text(prompt, completion) prompt_encoded = self.tokenizer.encode(prompt) completion_encoded = self.tokenizer.encode(completion) sample = create_features_summarization( prompt_encoded, completion_encoded, self.max_seq_length, self.eos_id, self.sep_id, self.pad_id, min_len=self.min_sequence_len, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, ) if sample == []: self.discarded_files += 1 yield sample
[docs]class FIMDataPreprocessor(LMDataPreprocessor): num_features = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, params): super(FIMDataPreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.fim_rate = params['processing'].get("fim_rate") self.spm_rate = params['processing'].get("spm_rate") # Ensures that FIM tokens are specified in config, and that # the specified tokens are actually in the tokenizer check_fim_special_tokens(params, self.tokenizer) self.default_bos_token, self.opt_bos_tok_id = handle_bos_token_default( self.tokenizer ) self.suffix_tok_id = self.tokenizer.encode( params['processing'].get("fim_suffix_tok") )[-1] self.prefix_tok_id = self.tokenizer.encode( params['processing'].get("fim_prefix_tok") )[-1] self.middle_tok_id = self.tokenizer.encode( params['processing'].get("fim_middle_tok") )[-1]
[docs] def preprocessing_generator(self, doc): for i, sample in enumerate(self.tokenize_text_auto_lm(doc)): if sample != []: sample = fim( sample, i, self.tokenizer, self.fim_rate, self.spm_rate, self.suffix_tok_id, self.prefix_tok_id, self.middle_tok_id, self.pad_id, self.eos_id, self.opt_bos_tok_id, ) else: self.discarded_files += 1 yield sample
[docs]class VSLLMDataPreprocessor(LMDataPreprocessor): num_features = 5 use_vsl = True
[docs] def __init__(self, params): self.fold_long_doc = params["dataset"].pop("fold_long_doc", True) self.position_ids_dtype = params["dataset"].pop( "position_ids_dtype", "int32" ) super(VSLLMDataPreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.chunk_lengths = [] self.tokenized_chunks = [] self.chunk_count = 0
def _add_new_chunk(self, tokenized_text, tokenized_length): self.chunk_lengths.append(self.max_seq_length - tokenized_length) self.tokenized_chunks.append([tokenized_text]) self.chunk_count += 1 def tokenize_text(self, text): if self.use_ftfy: text = ftfy.fix_text(text, normalization=self.ftfy_normalizer) if self.wikitext_detokenize: text = wikitext_detokenizer(text) tokenized_text = self.tokenizer.encode(text) if self.eos_id is not None: tokenized_text += [self.eos_id] tokenized_text_len = len(tokenized_text) if tokenized_text_len < self.min_sequence_len: self.discarded_files += 1 return if self.rng.random() < self.short_seq_prob: tokenized_text = tokenized_text[ 0 : self.rng.randint(2, self.max_seq_length) ] tokenized_text = tokenized_text[ 0 : self.rng.randint(2, self.max_seq_length) ] tokenized_text_len = len(tokenized_text) if tokenized_text_len > self.max_seq_length + 1: if not self.fold_long_doc: self.discarded_files += 1 return for i in range(0, tokenized_text_len, self.max_seq_length): if tokenized_text_len - i < self.max_seq_length + 1: tokenized_text = tokenized_text[i:] tokenized_text_len = tokenized_text_len - i else: self._add_new_chunk( tokenized_text[i : i + self.max_seq_length + 1], self.max_seq_length, ) if tokenized_text_len < 2: return tokenized_text_len -= 1 create_new_chunk = True for idx in range(self.chunk_count - 1, -1, -1): if tokenized_text_len <= self.chunk_lengths[idx]: self.tokenized_chunks[idx].append(tokenized_text) self.chunk_lengths[idx] -= tokenized_text_len create_new_chunk = False break if create_new_chunk: self._add_new_chunk(tokenized_text, tokenized_text_len) def vsl_sample_generator(self, generation_len): for _ in range(generation_len): bin = self.tokenized_chunks.pop(0) num_pad = self.chunk_lengths.pop(0) self.chunk_count -= 1 yield create_features_auto_lm_vsl( bin, self.max_seq_length, num_pad, pad_id=self.pad_id, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, attention_span_dtype=self.position_ids_dtype, position_ids_dtype=self.position_ids_dtype, )
[docs] def preprocessing_generator(self, doc): self.tokenize_text(doc) if self.chunk_count > self.files_per_record: for sample in self.vsl_sample_generator(self.files_per_record): yield sample else: yield []
[docs]class VSLSummarizationPreprocessor(SummarizationPreprocessor): """ self.chunk_lengths stores List(List(Tuple)) The outer list is chunks, inner list is sequences, tuples are prompt + completion pairs """ num_features = 5 use_vsl = True
[docs] def __init__(self, params): super(VSLSummarizationPreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.position_ids_dtype = params["dataset"].pop( "position_ids_dtype", "int32" ) self.handle_default_add_bos = False if ( hasattr(self.tokenizer, "add_bos_token") and self.tokenizer.add_bos_token ): self.handle_default_add_bos = True self.prompt_prefix = params["dataset"].pop("prompt_prefix", None) self.completion_prefix = params["dataset"].pop( "completion_prefix", None ) self.multi_turn_key = params["dataset"].pop("multi_turn_key", None) self.multi_turn_content_key = params["dataset"].pop( "multi_turn_content_key", None ) self.eos_after_prompt = params["dataset"].pop("eos_after_prompt", False) self.bos_id = None self.chunk_lengths = [] self.tokenized_chunks = [] self.chunk_count = 0 self.init_prefix_toks()
def init_prefix_toks(self): if self.prompt_prefix is not None: self.prompt_prefix_toks = self.tokenizer.encode(self.prompt_prefix) self.prompt_prefix_toks_len = len(self.prompt_prefix_toks) if self.handle_default_add_bos: self.prompt_prefix_toks_len -= 1 else: self.prompt_prefix_toks_len = 0 if self.completion_prefix is not None: self.comp_prefix_toks = self.tokenizer.encode( self.completion_prefix ) if self.handle_default_add_bos: self.comp_prefix_toks = self.comp_prefix_toks[1:] self.comp_prefix_toks_len = len(self.comp_prefix_toks) else: self.comp_prefix_toks_len = 0 def process_default_bos_token(self, prompt_ids, completion_ids, i): if self.handle_default_add_bos: if i > 0: if self.prompt_prefix: prompt_ids = self.prompt_prefix_toks[1:] + prompt_ids[1:] else: prompt_ids = prompt_ids[1:] else: if self.prompt_prefix: prompt_ids = self.prompt_prefix_toks + prompt_ids[1:] self.bos_id = completion_ids[0] if self.completion_prefix: completion_ids = self.comp_prefix_toks + completion_ids[1:] else: completion_ids = completion_ids[1:] return prompt_ids, completion_ids def process_doc(self, doc_obj): total_len = 0 tokens = [] for i, (prompt, completion) in enumerate(doc_obj.prompt_comp_pairs): prompt, completion = self.clean_text(prompt, completion) prompt_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(prompt) completion_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(completion) prompt_ids, completion_ids = self.process_default_bos_token( prompt_ids, completion_ids, i ) total_len += ( len(prompt_ids) + len(completion_ids) + int(self.eos_after_prompt) ) total_len += 1 # for internal eos tokens tokens.append((prompt_ids, completion_ids)) if self.sep_id is not None: total_len += 1 total_len -= 1 # but we will remove the last eos token to create input/label pairs doc_obj.tokens = tokens return total_len
[docs] def vsl_pack(self, doc_obj): """ Handles the packing of sequences together based on their length. Relies on self.process_doc to calculate the lengths """ total_len = self.process_doc(doc_obj) if total_len > self.max_seq_length: logger.warning( "prompt_ids + completion_ids > max_sequence_length, skipping this example..." ) self.discarded_files += 1 return if total_len < self.min_sequence_len: logger.warning( "prompt_ids + completion_ids < min_sequence_len, skipping this example..." ) self.discarded_files += 1 return create_new_chunk = True for idx in range(self.chunk_count - 1, -1, -1): if total_len <= self.chunk_lengths[idx]: self.tokenized_chunks[idx].append(doc_obj) self.chunk_lengths[idx] -= total_len create_new_chunk = False break if create_new_chunk: self.chunk_lengths.append(self.max_seq_length - total_len) self.tokenized_chunks.append([doc_obj]) self.chunk_count += 1
def vsl_sample_generator(self, generation_len): total = 0 for _ in range(generation_len): doc_obj_pack = self.tokenized_chunks.pop(0) _ = self.chunk_lengths.pop(0) self.chunk_count -= 1 total += 1 tokens = create_features_summarization_vsl( doc_obj_pack, self.max_seq_length, self.comp_prefix_toks_len, pad_id=self.pad_id, eos_id=self.eos_id, eos_after_prompt=self.eos_after_prompt, sep_id=self.sep_id, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, attention_span_dtype=self.position_ids_dtype, position_ids_dtype=self.position_ids_dtype, ) if tokens == []: self.discarded_files += 1 continue yield tokens
[docs] def preprocessing_generator(self, doc): self.vsl_pack(doc) if self.chunk_count > self.files_per_record: for sample in self.vsl_sample_generator(self.files_per_record): yield sample else: yield []
[docs]class LlavaBasePreprocessor(SummarizationPreprocessor): num_features = 4
[docs] def __init__(self, params): super(LlavaBasePreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.multi_turn_key = params["dataset"].pop("multi_turn_key", None) self.multi_turn_content_key = params["dataset"].pop( "multi_turn_content_key", None ) self.eos_after_prompt = params["dataset"].pop("eos_after_prompt", False) self.image_key = params["dataset"].pop("image_key", None) self.multi_modal_non_image_ex_key = params["dataset"].pop( "multi_modal_non_image_ex_key", None ) self.image_token = params["dataset"].pop("image_token", None) self.num_patches = params["dataset"].pop("num_patches", None) self.image_dir = params["dataset"].pop("image_dir", None) self.bos_id = None self.handle_default_add_bos = False if ( hasattr(self.tokenizer, "add_bos_token") and self.tokenizer.add_bos_token ): self.handle_default_add_bos = True self.multi_modal_remove_text_prompt = False self.multimodal_preprocessor = True self.image_patch_start_idx = None from transformers import LlamaTokenizer, LlamaTokenizerFast if not ( isinstance(self.tokenizer, LlamaTokenizerFast) or isinstance(self.tokenizer, LlamaTokenizer) ): raise ValueError( "Currently we only support models based on Mistral and LLama-2 " "for LLaVA. We also only support this within the " "HuggingFaceTokenizer flow within the hdf5_preprocessing (as " "opposed to NeoXTokenizer etc)." )
def get_tokenizable_columns(self): return {} def collect_image_patch_start_idx(self, tokens, img_path): # Take the first multi-modal example we see, and collect the index # where the image-patches are. This is needed for the model-config # so we write it to the output-dir if (self.image_patch_start_idx is None) and (img_path is not None): input_ids = tokens[0] equal_to_pad_idxs = np.where(input_ids == self.pad_id)[ 0 ] # have to index into np.where self.image_patch_start_idx = equal_to_pad_idxs[0] else: pass def check_valid_doc(self, doc): if self.multi_turn_key and self.multi_turn_content_key: if self.multi_turn_content_key not in doc[self.multi_turn_key][0]: logger.warning( "multi_turn_content_key not in file, file may be corrupted" ) raise ContinueLoopException else: if self.prompt_key not in doc or self.completion_key not in doc: logger.warning( "prompt_key or completion_key not in file, file may be corrupted" ) raise ContinueLoopException if self.image_key: if ( self.image_key in doc and not self.multi_modal_non_image_ex_key in doc ): path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, doc[self.image_key]) if not os.path.exists(path): raise ContinueLoopException def parse_doc(self, doc): multi_modal = False img_path = None if hasattr(self, "image_key") and self.image_key: multi_modal = True # We don't always have an image; in LLaVA Phase 2 there are # text-only multi-turn dialogue examples if self.image_key in doc: img_path = doc[self.image_key] else: if ( hasattr(self, "multi_modal_non_image_ex_key") and self.multi_modal_non_image_ex_key is not None ): assert self.multi_modal_non_image_ex_key in doc # Case for multi-turn dialogue if hasattr(self, "multi_turn_key") and self.multi_turn_key: doc = doc[self.multi_turn_key] assert ( len(doc) % 2 == 0 ), "We assume that every prompt has a response" if ( self.multi_turn_content_key ): # allow list of strs or list of dicts doc = [x[self.multi_turn_content_key] for x in doc] prompt_comp_pairs = [ (doc[i], doc[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(doc), 2) ] # Case for single prompt-completion tasks else: prompt = doc[self.prompt_key] completion = doc[self.completion_key] prompt_comp_pairs = [(prompt, completion)] return DocObject( prompt_comp_pairs=prompt_comp_pairs, multi_modal=multi_modal, img_path=img_path, ) def process_doc(self, doc_obj): tokens = [] for i, (prompt, completion) in enumerate(doc_obj.prompt_comp_pairs): # in multi_modal examples the prompt will have something like: # "<image>\nWhat is the main color of the vase in the image?" # but we don't want to include <image> in the text prompt if doc_obj.img_path is not None: prompt = prompt.replace(self.image_token, "") prompt, completion = self.clean_text(prompt, completion) prompt_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(prompt) completion_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(completion) prompt_ids, completion_ids = self.process_default_bos_token( prompt_ids, completion_ids, i, doc_obj.multi_modal ) if self.multi_modal_remove_text_prompt: prompt_ids = [] tokens.append((prompt_ids, completion_ids)) doc_obj.tokens = tokens
[docs]class LlavaPhaseOnePreprocessor(LlavaBasePreprocessor):
[docs] def __init__(self, params): super(LlavaPhaseOnePreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.multi_modal_remove_text_prompt = True
[docs] def preprocessing_generator(self, doc_obj): self.process_doc(doc_obj) tokens = create_features_llava_phase1( doc_obj, self.max_seq_length, self.num_patches, pad_id=self.pad_id, eos_id=self.eos_id, bos_id=self.bos_id, eos_after_prompt=self.eos_after_prompt, sep_id=self.sep_id, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, handle_default_bos_token=self.handle_default_add_bos, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, ) if tokens == []: self.discarded_files += 1 yield [] else: img_path = [doc_obj.img_path] # First time we have a multi-modal example, we find the index # where image-patches begin and write this to a file in the # output-dir. This is used in the model config self.collect_image_patch_start_idx(tokens, doc_obj.img_path) yield (img_path, tokens)
def process_default_bos_token( self, prompt_ids, completion_ids, i, is_multi_modal ): if is_multi_modal or (self.handle_default_add_bos and i > 0): prompt_ids = prompt_ids[1:] if self.handle_default_add_bos: self.bos_id = completion_ids[0] completion_ids = completion_ids[1:] return prompt_ids, completion_ids
[docs]class LlavaPhaseTwoPreprocessor(LlavaBasePreprocessor):
[docs] def __init__(self, params): self.multi_modal_remove_text_prompt = False self.prompt_prefix = params["dataset"].pop("prompt_prefix", None) self.completion_prefix = params["dataset"].pop( "completion_prefix", None ) super(LlavaPhaseTwoPreprocessor, self).__init__(params) self.system_prompt_style = params["dataset"].pop( "system_prompt_style", None ) self.init_template_toks() self.space_id = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("▁")
def init_template_toks(self): if self.prompt_prefix is not None: self.prompt_prefix_toks = self.tokenizer.encode(self.prompt_prefix) self.prompt_prefix_toks_len = len(self.prompt_prefix_toks) if self.handle_default_add_bos: self.prompt_prefix_toks_len -= 1 else: self.prompt_prefix_toks_len = 0 if self.completion_prefix is not None: self.comp_prefix_toks = self.tokenizer.encode( self.completion_prefix ) if self.handle_default_add_bos: self.comp_prefix_toks = self.comp_prefix_toks[1:] self.comp_prefix_toks_len = len(self.comp_prefix_toks) else: self.comp_prefix_toks_len = 0 if self.system_prompt_style is not None: system_prompt_text = SYSTEM_PROMPT_REGISTRY[ self.system_prompt_style ] self.system_prompt_toks = self.tokenizer.encode(system_prompt_text) self.system_prompt_len = len(self.system_prompt_toks) else: self.system_prompt_len = 0 self.system_prompt_toks = [] def process_default_bos_token( self, prompt_ids, completion_ids, i, is_multi_modal ): if self.handle_default_add_bos: prompt_ids = prompt_ids[1:] completion_ids = completion_ids[1:] if self.prompt_prefix is not None: if self.handle_default_add_bos: prompt_ids = self.prompt_prefix_toks[1:] + prompt_ids else: prompt_ids = self.prompt_prefix_toks + prompt_ids if self.completion_prefix is not None: completion_ids = self.comp_prefix_toks + completion_ids return prompt_ids, completion_ids
[docs] def preprocessing_generator(self, doc_obj): self.process_doc(doc_obj) tokens = create_features_llava_phase2( doc_obj, self.system_prompt_toks, self.max_seq_length, self.num_patches, self.prompt_prefix_toks_len, self.comp_prefix_toks_len, eos_id=self.eos_id, pad_id=self.pad_id, bos_id=self.bos_id, space_id=self.space_id, eos_after_prompt=self.eos_after_prompt, sep_id=self.sep_id, inverted_mask=self.inverted_mask, handle_default_bos_token=self.handle_default_add_bos, input_ids_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, input_mask_dtype=self.input_mask_dtype, labels_dtype=self.input_ids_dtype, ) if tokens == []: self.discarded_files += 1 yield [] else: img_path = [doc_obj.img_path] # First time we have a multi-modal example, we find the index # where image-patches begin and write this to a file in the # output-dir. This is used in the model config self.collect_image_patch_start_idx(tokens, doc_obj.img_path) yield (img_path, tokens)