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# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import re
from typing import Tuple

import torch

from import (
from import (
from import (

[docs]class Converter_Santacoder_Attention_HF_CS(BaseCheckpointConverter_HF_CS):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rules = [ ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("c_proj", "proj_output_dense_layer"), r"\.(?:weight|bias)", ], action=transpose_key_if_2D, ), ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("q_attn", "proj_q_dense_layer"), r"\.(?:weight|bias)", ], action=transpose_key_if_2D, ), ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("kv_attn", "proj_k_dense_layer"), r"\.(?:weight|bias)", ], action=self.kv_attn_converter, ), ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("kv_attn", "proj_v_dense_layer"), r"\.(?:weight|bias)", ], action=self.assert_already_converted, ), ]
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-X.X")) @staticmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: return None def kv_attn_converter( self, old_key, new_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, action_fn_args, ): if from_index == 0: self.kv_attn_converter_hf_to_cs( old_key, new_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, action_fn_args ) else: self.kv_attn_converter_cs_to_hf( old_key, new_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, action_fn_args ) def kv_attn_converter_hf_to_cs( self, old_key, new_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, action_fn_args ): # HF represents K and V in a packed format. We need to unpack the # weight and bias tensor for CS format. k_key = new_key v_key = re.sub(r"\.proj_k_dense_layer\.", ".proj_v_dense_layer.", k_key) if new_key.endswith(".bias"): assert len(old_state_dict[old_key].shape) == 1 ( new_state_dict[k_key], new_state_dict[v_key], ) = torch.chunk(old_state_dict[old_key], 2, dim=0) elif new_key.endswith(".weight"): ( new_state_dict[k_key], new_state_dict[v_key], ) = torch.chunk( torch.transpose(old_state_dict[old_key], 0, 1), 2, dim=0 ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid key after conversion: {}".format(new_key)) def kv_attn_converter_cs_to_hf( self, old_key, new_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, action_fn_args, ): # HF represents K and V in a packed format. It also contains # special ".bias" and ".masked_bias" register buffers that need to be # initialize k_key = old_key v_key = re.sub(r"\.proj_k_dense_layer\.", ".proj_v_dense_layer.", k_key) assert ( k_key in old_state_dict ), "Expected the following key to exist! {}".format(k_key) assert ( v_key in old_state_dict ), "Expected the following key to exist! {}".format(v_key) new_state_dict[new_key] = ( old_state_dict[k_key], old_state_dict[v_key], ), dim=0, ) # Need to transpose to convert from Linear.weight -> Conv1D.weight if len(new_state_dict[new_key].shape) == 2: new_state_dict[new_key] = torch.transpose( new_state_dict[new_key], 0, 1 ) if new_key.endswith(".bias"): max_position_embeddings = action_fn_args["configs"][1]["model"][ "max_position_embeddings" ] attn_bias_key = re.sub(r"\.kv_attn\.", ".", new_key) new_state_dict[attn_bias_key] = torch.tril( torch.ones( (max_position_embeddings, max_position_embeddings), dtype=torch.uint8, ) ).view(1, 1, max_position_embeddings, max_position_embeddings) masked_bias_key = re.sub(r"\.kv_attn\.", ".masked_", new_key) new_state_dict[masked_bias_key] = torch.tensor(-1e4) def assert_already_converted( self, old_key, new_key, old_state_dict, new_state_dict, from_index, action_fn_args, ): if from_index == 0: # We should never hit this case as this key should have been matched # already assert False, "Invalid key: {}".format(old_key) else: # When we convert from CS -> HF, the proj_q_dense_layer should also handle # conversion of proj_k_dense_layer and proj_v_dense_layer since HF # represents these three layers in a packed format. We simply need # to test that the key containing the packed format has already # been converted. assert ( new_key in new_state_dict ), "Key should've been already converted: {} -> {}".format( old_key, new_key )
# This is a base converter for Santacoder that inherits from GPT-2 # CS17 converter that contains most of the rules necessary for # converting GPT-2 checkpoints. This class is meant to be used as # an action within the rules of the CS-2.0 converter below, # that catches checkpoints from Pytorch 2.0 API and PyTorchBaseModel. # It is not meant for use on its own, because this model was not # included in the codebase before release 2.0. Note that we include a # a formats() method in this class and the SantacoderLMHeadModel # converter below because it is a required method, due to the # declaration as an @abstractmethod in the BaseDictionaryConverter. # The cs-X.X in the formats() method is meant to call this to attention
[docs]class Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS(Converter_GPT2Model_HF_CS17): def attention_converter_class(self): return Converter_Santacoder_Attention_HF_CS() @staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-X.X")) @staticmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: return ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS20
[docs]class Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_HF_CS(BaseCheckpointConverter_HF_CS):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rules = [ ConversionRule( [r"lm_head\.(?:weight|bias)"], action=self.replaceKey, ), ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("transformer.", ""), Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS(), ], action=None, ), ]
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-X.X")) @staticmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: return ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS20
[docs]class Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS20(Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rules = [ # Catch checkpoints from Pytorch 2.0 API ConversionRule( [ Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS(), ], action=None, ), # Catch checkpoints from deprecated PyTorchBaseModel ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("", "model."), Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS(), ], action=None, ), ]
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-2.0")) @classmethod def converter_note(cls) -> str: return ( "{} GPT2CustomModel <-> {} GPT2LMHeadModel (configured as SantaCoder)\n" "The HF model doesn't contain a language model head while the CS " "one does. When converting to CS, the exported checkpoint will " "contain a language model head initialized to default random " "values. When converting to HF, the language model head will be " "dropped." ).format(cls.formats()[0], cls.formats()[1]) @staticmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: return ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS20
[docs]class Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_HF_CS20(BaseCheckpointConverter_HF_CS):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rules = [ # Catch checkpoints from Pytorch 2.0 API ConversionRule( [ Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_HF_CS(), ], action=None, ), # Catch checkpoints from deprecated PyTorchBaseModel ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("", "model."), Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_HF_CS(), ], action=None, ), ]
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-2.0")) @classmethod def converter_note(cls) -> str: return "{} GPT2LMHeadCustomModel <-> {} GPT2LMHeadModel (configured as SantaCoder)".format( cls.formats()[0], cls.formats()[1] ) @staticmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: return ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS20
[docs]class ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS20( ConfigConverter_GPT2Model_HF_CS20 ):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rules = [ ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey( "scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx", "scale_qk_dot_by_layer_idx", ) ], action=self.replaceKey, ), ConversionRule( ["attention_head_type"], action=BaseConfigConverter.assert_factory_fn(0, "multiquery"), ), ConversionRule( ["attention_module"], action=BaseConfigConverter.assert_factory_fn( 1, "multiquery_attention" ), ), ConversionRule( ["extra_attention_params"], action=BaseConfigConverter.assert_factory_fn( 1, {"num_kv_groups": 1} ), ), *self.rules, ] self.post_convert_defaults[0].update( { "architectures": ["GPT2LMHeadCustomModel"], "attention_head_type": "multiquery", "scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx": False, "scale_attn_weight": True, "auto_map": { "AutoConfig": "configuration_gpt2_mq.GPT2CustomConfig", "AutoModelForCausalLM": "modeling_gpt2_mq.GPT2LMHeadCustomModel", }, "model_type": "gpt2", "reorder_and_upcast_attn": False, "summary_activation": None, "summary_first_dropout": 0.1, "summary_proj_to_labels": True, "summary_type": "cls_index", "summary_use_proj": True, "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.24.0", "use_cache": True, }, ) self.post_convert_defaults[1].update( { "position_embedding_type": "learned", "attention_module": "multiquery_attention", "softmax_dtype_fp32": False, "scale_by_layer_index": False, "extra_attention_params": {"num_kv_groups": 1}, "use_projection_bias_in_attention": True, "use_ffn_bias_in_attention": True, "use_ffn_bias": True, "loss_scaling": "num_tokens", "use_bfloat16": True, }, )
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-2.0"))
########################################################### # In CS 2.1, we refactored the embedding layer. ###########################################################
[docs]class Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_CS20_CS21( Converter_GPT2LMHeadModel_CS20_CS21 ): @classmethod def converter_note(cls) -> str: return "GPT2LMHeadModel class (configured as Santacoder)"
[docs]class ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS21( ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS20 ):
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() del self.post_convert_defaults[1]["use_bfloat16"] self.post_convert_defaults[1].update({"fp16_type": "bfloat16"})
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-2.1", "cs-2.2"))
[docs] def supports_mup_conversion(self): return True
[docs]class Converter_SantacoderModel_WithoutOptionalModel_HF_CS21( Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS ):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rules = [ ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey( "wpe", "embedding_layer.position_embeddings.embed" ), "\.(?:weight|bias)", ], action=self.replaceKey, ), *self.rules, ]
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-2.1", "cs-2.2")) @staticmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: return ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS21 @classmethod def converter_note(cls) -> str: return ( "{} GPT2CustomModel <-> {} GPT2LMHeadModel (configured as SantaCoder)\n" "The HF model doesn't contain a language model head while the CS " "one does. When converting to CS, the exported checkpoint will " "contain a language model head initialized to default random " "values. When converting to HF, the language model head will be " "dropped." ).format(cls.formats()[0], cls.formats()[1])
Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS21 = Build_HF_CS_Converter_WithOptionalModel( "Converter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS21", Converter_SantacoderModel_WithoutOptionalModel_HF_CS21, derived_class=Converter_SantacoderModel_WithoutOptionalModel_HF_CS21, )
[docs]class Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_WithoutOptionalModel_HF_CS21( BaseCheckpointConverter_HF_CS ):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rules = [ ConversionRule( [r"lm_head\.(?:weight|bias)"], action=self.replaceKey, ), ConversionRule( [ EquivalentSubkey("transformer.", ""), Converter_SantacoderModel_WithoutOptionalModel_HF_CS21(), ], action=None, ), ]
@staticmethod def formats() -> Tuple[FormatVersions, FormatVersions]: return (FormatVersions("hf"), FormatVersions("cs-2.1", "cs-2.2")) @staticmethod def get_config_converter_class() -> BaseConfigConverter: return ConfigConverter_SantacoderModel_HF_CS21 @classmethod def converter_note(cls) -> str: return "{} GPT2LMHeadCustomModel <-> {} GPT2LMHeadModel (configured as SantaCoder)".format( cls.formats()[0], cls.formats()[1] ) def supports_mup_conversion(self): return True
Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_HF_CS21 = Build_HF_CS_Converter_WithOptionalModel( "Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_HF_CS21", Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_WithoutOptionalModel_HF_CS21, derived_class=Converter_SantacoderLMHeadModel_WithoutOptionalModel_HF_CS21, )