Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks.flags

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"""Callbacks related to perf/debug flags in cstorch.backends."""

from copy import deepcopy

import cerebras.pytorch as cstorch
from cerebras.appliance.utils.debug_args import get_debug_args
from cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks import Callback

_MISSING = object()

[docs]class GlobalFlags(Callback): """Callback to set global perf/debug flags with no scoping. This has side effect on all runs. To scope to a given run, use scoped flags instead. """ def __init__(self, **flags): """ Args: flags: Dictionary of debug/performance flags to set The keys must be the full path to the flag after cstorch.backends, e.g. "csx.debug.debug_args". """ self.flags = deepcopy(flags)
[docs] def pre_setup(self, trainer): for k, v in self.flags.items(): _set_flag(k, v)
class _ScopedFlags(Callback): """ Callback to set perf/debug flags in the global scope. """ def __init__(self, **flags): """ Args: flags: Dictionary of debug/performance flags to set The keys must be the full path to the flag after cstorch.backends, e.g. "csx.debug.debug_args". """ self.flags = deepcopy(flags) self.original_flags = {} @staticmethod def get_flag(flag): """ Set a flag in the global perf/debug flags. """ flag_class = cstorch.backends if "." in flag: scope, attr = flag.rsplit(".", 1) for s in scope.split("."): flag_class = getattr(flag_class, s) else: attr = flag return getattr(flag_class, attr, _MISSING) @staticmethod def set_flag(flag, value): """ Set a flag in the global perf/debug flags. """ flag_class = cstorch.backends if "." in flag: scope, attr = flag.rsplit(".", 1) for s in scope.split("."): flag_class = getattr(flag_class, s) else: attr = flag if value is _MISSING: delattr(flag_class, attr) else: setattr(flag_class, attr, value) def _set_all_flags(self): """Set all the flags passed in the constructor.""" if self.original_flags: return for k, v in self.flags.items(): # Save the original flag to be able to restore it later self.original_flags[k] = _get_flag(k) # Set the new flag value _set_flag(k, v) def _restore_all_flags(self): """Restore all the flags to their original values.""" for k, v in self.original_flags.items(): # Restore the original flag value _set_flag(k, v) self.original_flags.clear()
[docs]class ScopedTrainFlags(_ScopedFlags): """ Callback to set global perf/debug flags within the training scope. The overwritten flags are restored after training is complete """
[docs] def on_train_start(self, trainer, model, train_dataloader, loop, loop_idx): self._set_all_flags()
[docs] def on_train_end(self, trainer, model, loop, loop_idx): self._restore_all_flags()
[docs]class ScopedValidateFlags(_ScopedFlags): """ Callback to set global perf/debug flags within the validation scope. The overwritten flags are restored after validation is complete """
[docs] def on_validate_start(self, trainer, model, val_dataloader, loop): self._set_all_flags()
[docs] def on_validate_end(self, trainer, model, loop): self._restore_all_flags()
[docs]class DebugArgsPath(Callback): """ Callback to load debug args from a file. """ def __init__(self, debug_args_path: str): """ Args: debug_args_path: Path to the debug args file. """ self.debug_args_path = debug_args_path
[docs] def setup(self, trainer): debug_args = get_debug_args(self.debug_args_path) cstorch.backends.csx.debug.debug_args.MergeFrom(debug_args)
def _get_flag(flag): """Set a flag in the global perf/debug flags.""" flag_class = cstorch.backends if "." in flag: scope, attr = flag.rsplit(".", 1) for s in scope.split("."): flag_class = getattr(flag_class, s) else: attr = flag return getattr(flag_class, attr, _MISSING) def _set_flag(flag, value): """Set a flag in the global perf/debug flags.""" flag_class = cstorch.backends if "." in flag: scope, attr = flag.rsplit(".", 1) for s in scope.split("."): flag_class = getattr(flag_class, s) else: attr = flag if value is _MISSING: delattr(flag_class, attr) else: setattr(flag_class, attr, value)