Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks.numerics

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Provides a callback which setups up and utilizes the DumpContext, a debug
utility for dumping activations and gradients on a CPU/GPU run, and setting up
debug names for dumped WSE activations to be automatically correlated.

from contextlib import nullcontext
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from warnings import warn

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.dump_context import DumpContext
from cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks import Callback

[docs]class DumpActivations(Callback): """Callback to dump activations for CPU/GPU runs.""" def __init__( self, outdir: Optional[str] = None, buffer_steps: Optional[int] = None ): """ Args: outdir: The output directory at which to dump the activations buffer_steps: If given, flush to a new .npz file after this many steps. """ self._outdir = outdir self._buffer_steps = buffer_steps self._dump_ctx = None
[docs] def setup(self, trainer): if trainer.backend.is_csx: warn( "Activation dumping is not supported on CSX." "Disabling activation dumping for this run." ) self._dump_ctx = nullcontext() self._dump_ctx.flush = lambda: None else: outdir = Path( self._outdir if self._outdir else trainer.model_dir / "act_dumps" ) self._dump_ctx = DumpContext( outdir, trainer.model, self._buffer_steps, )
[docs] def on_train_batch_start(self, trainer, model, batch, batch_idx): self._dump_ctx.__enter__()
[docs] def on_train_batch_end(self, trainer, model, outputs, batch, batch_idx): self._dump_ctx.__exit__()
[docs] def on_train_end(self, trainer, model, loop, loop_idx): self._dump_ctx.flush()
[docs] def on_validate_batch_start(self, trainer, model, batch, batch_idx): self._dump_ctx.__enter__()
[docs] def on_validate_batch_end(self, trainer, model, outputs, batch, batch_idx): self._dump_ctx.__exit__()
[docs] def on_validate_end(self, trainer, model, loop): self._dump_ctx.flush()