Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks.profiler

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Implements a callback to profile the model using the Cerebras Profiler."""

import json
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import cached_property
from typing import List, Optional

import cerebras.pytorch as cstorch
from cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks import Callback
from import infer_batch_size

[docs]class Profiler(Callback): """Base class for all Profiler callbacks.""" @property def perf_metrics(self) -> dict: """Returns the performance metrics collected by the profiler.""" return {}
[docs]class OpProfiler(Profiler): """Callback class that profiles the model using the Cerebras Profiler.""" def __init__( self, start_step: int = -1, end_step: int = -1, host_activities: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """ Args: start_step: Start step for profiling. end_step: End step for profiling. host_activities: List of ACT/WGT/CSX numbers to profile """ self.start_step = start_step self.end_step = end_step self.host_activities = host_activities
[docs] @contextmanager def setup_op_profiler(self, trainer): """Context manager to profile the model using the Cerebras Op Profiler.""" with cstorch.profiler.profile( schedule=cstorch.profiler.schedule( start_step=self.start_step, end_step=self.end_step ), host_activities=self.host_activities, ) as profiler: yield profiler.export_chrome_trace(trainer.model_dir / "chrome_trace.json") if profiler.appliance_response:"{profiler.get_summary()}")
[docs] def on_enter_fit( self, trainer, stack, train_dataloader, val_dataloader, loop ): stack.enter_context(self.setup_op_profiler(trainer))
[docs]class RateProfiler(Profiler): """Callback that tracks the rate of samples processed by the model measured by the client. """ def __init__(self): """Sets up the rate tracker.""" self.rate_tracker = cstorch.utils.tracker.RateTracker() @cached_property def rate(self) -> float: """Smoothed samples/second of all the samples added since last queried. This value is cached and recomputed only when the count is updated. """ return self.rate_tracker.rate() @cached_property def global_rate(self) -> float: """ Non-smoothed samples/second since the beginning of when the rate tracker as initialized. This value is cached and recomputed only when the count is updated. """ return self.rate_tracker.global_rate() @cached_property def elapsed_seconds(self) -> float: """Time (seconds) elapsed since the last reset. This value is cached and recomputed only when the count is updated. """ return self.rate_tracker.elapsed_seconds() @property def total_count(self) -> int: """Total number of samples processed since the last reset.""" return self.rate_tracker.total_count
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Clear all cached properties.""" self.__dict__.pop("rate", None) self.__dict__.pop("global_rate", None) self.__dict__.pop("elapsed_seconds", None)
[docs] @cstorch.step_closure def conditional_reset(self, trainer): """Reset the rate tracker if on first iteration.""" # We reset the tracker's start time inside a step closure here so that # the time is reset after compile and execute setup is done. # TODO: add an offset of 1 so that the time isn't ~0 when the first # rate/global_rate is computed if trainer.is_first_iteration: self.rate_tracker.reset() self.clear_cache()
[docs] @cstorch.step_closure def update(self, count): """Update the rate tracker with the count of samples processed.""" # If dataloader returns batches whose tensors have inconsistent batch sizes, # we may get a `None` count and skip it here. if count is not None: self.rate_tracker.add(count) self.clear_cache()
@property def perf_metrics(self): return { "total_samples": self.total_count, "total_time": self.elapsed_seconds, "rate": self.rate, "global_rate": self.global_rate, "samples_per_sec": self.global_rate, }
[docs] def on_before_forward(self, trainer, model, batch, args, kwargs): self.conditional_reset(trainer) # Update the rate tracker with the batch size inside a step closure self.update(infer_batch_size(batch))
[docs]class FlopUtilization(Profiler): """Callback that computes the FLOP utilization of the model.""" def __init__(self): """Initializes the FLOP utilization tracker.""" self.algo_flops = None self.supported_flops = None self.rate_profiler = None
[docs] def setup(self, trainer): self.rate_profiler = trainer.get_callback(RateProfiler)
@property def flop_utilization(self) -> Optional[float]: """Returns the FLOP utilization of the model.""" if self.algo_flops and self.supported_flops and self.rate_profiler: global_rate = self.rate_profiler.global_rate return round( (float(self.algo_flops * global_rate) / self.supported_flops) * 100, 3, ) return None @property def perf_metrics(self) -> dict: flop_utilization = self.flop_utilization if flop_utilization is not None: return {"flops_utilization": flop_utilization} return {}
[docs] @cstorch.step_closure def get_flops(self, trainer): """Get the FLOPs of the model from the compile response.""" from cerebras.pytorch.backend import current_backend_impl backend = current_backend_impl() if ( backend.is_csx and backend.appliance and backend.appliance.compile_resp ): self.algo_flops = ( backend.appliance.compile_resp.perf_info.algo_flops ) self.supported_flops = ( backend.appliance.compile_resp.perf_info.supported_flops )
[docs] def on_enter_train(self, trainer, stack, train_dataloader, loop, loop_idx): self.algo_flops = None self.supported_flops = None
[docs] def on_enter_validate(self, trainer, stack, val_dataloader, loop): self.algo_flops = None self.supported_flops = None
[docs] def on_after_forward(self, trainer, model, outputs, batch): if self.algo_flops is None or self.supported_flops is None: self.get_flops(trainer)
[docs]class SavePerformanceData(Callback): """Callback that saves the performance metrics collected by all Profiler callbacks. """
[docs] @contextmanager def save_perf_json(self, trainer): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Context manager to save the performance metrics to a JSON file.""" yield perf_metrics = { k: v for callback in trainer.get_callbacks(Profiler) for k, v in callback.perf_metrics.items() } with open(trainer.executor.artifact_dir / "performance.json", "w") as f: json.dump(perf_metrics, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
[docs] def on_enter_train(self, trainer, stack, train_dataloader, loop, loop_idx): stack.enter_context(self.save_perf_json(trainer))
[docs] def on_enter_validate(self, trainer, stack, val_dataloader, loop): stack.enter_context(self.save_perf_json(trainer))