Data Preprocessing on Cerebras Systems#


Data preprocessing is a critical step in machine learning workflows, especially when dealing with large-scale data on the Cerebras platform. This document outlines the essential components and configurations required to preprocess data effectively for various tasks, including pretraining, finetuning, and custom processing modes. The key components include setting up the data configuration YAMLs, handling input data, configuring processing parameters, and initializing tokenizers.

Data Configuration#

You can refer to some configuration files here

For detailed explanatation of each of the sections in the config file, refer to the sections below.

Setting Up the Environment#

The setup section configures the environment and parameters required for processing tasks. It includes setting up the output directory, handling input files, and determining the number of processes and the preprocessing mode.

Output Directory#

  • output_dir: Determines the directory path where output files will be saved. Defaults to ./output/ if not specified. Essential for storing all output files generated.

Handling Input Data#

  • data: This section contains input data configuration details. The parameters it takes are:

    • type: Specifies the type of data source, either huggingface or local. Determines how the input directory is set up:

      • For huggingface, the dataset is loaded using the provided configuration.

      • For local, the directory containing the input data files must be specified in the source parameter.

    • source: When using local data, this parameter specifies the directory path where input data files are located. It is mandatory for local data sources and ensures the system knows where to find the input files. When using HuggingFace dataset, it would be the dataset name in HuggingFace hub.

    • split: This argument needs to be set when processing hugging face datasets.

    • kwargs: Parameters to be passed to load_dataset when using HuggingFace dataset.

Input Files Format#

The preprocessing pipeline supports input data in various formats; namely - .jsonl, .json.gz, .jsonl.zst, .jsonl.zst.tar, .parquet, .txt and .fasta. For more details on how to structure these files, refer to the section on read hooks in the _read-hooks-section.


To optimally process the files, it is recommended that all files other than .txt contain enough text in a single file. Recommended size for each file is in the order of GBs.

If processiing smaller files with .txt format, please input a metadata file containing a list of paths for these files to better leverage multiprocessing.

Processing Setup Parameters#

  • processes: Defines the number of processes to be used for the task. Defaults to the number of CPU cores available on the system if set to 0, ensuring optimal utilization of system resources.

  • mode: Specifies the operational mode. If set to custom, it initializes a custom processing mode. This mode allows for specific configurations and customizations as per user requirements. Other modes are described in the Modes and Dataset Parameters.

  • token_generator: Used in custom mode to specify the token generator. This parameter is split to extract the token generator’s name, enabling the system to initialize and use the specified token generator during processing.

Modes and Dataset Parameters#

Mode-Specific Configurations#

The mode parameter determines dataset handling and token generator (refer to _token-generator).

The setup params section in the configuration file specifies different modes for processing the dataset. The mode determines how the dataset parameters are handled and which token generator is initialized. Below are the detailed explanations of each mode:

Pretraining Mode#

  • pretraining: This mode is used for pretraining tasks. Depending on the dataset configuration, different token generators are initialized:

    • If the dataset uses is_multimodal configuration parameter, it initializes the MultiModalPretrainingTokenGenerator.

    • If the training objective is “Fill In the Middle” (FIM), it initializes the FIMTokenGenerator.

    • If the use_vsl parameter is set to True, it initializes the VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator. Otherwise, it initializes the PretrainingTokenGenerator.

Fine-tuning Mode#

  • finetuning: This mode is used for finetuning tasks. Depending on the dataset configuration, different token generators are initialized:

    • If the dataset is multimodal, it initializes the MultiModalFinetuningTokenGenerator.

    • If the use_vsl parameter is set to True, it initializes the VSLFinetuningTokenGenerator. Otherwise, it initializes the FinetuningTokenGenerator.

Other Modes#

  • dpo: This mode initializes the DPOTokenGenerator. It is used for tasks that require specific processing under the dpo mode.

  • nlg: This mode initializes the NLGTokenGenerator. It is used for natural language generation tasks.

  • custom: This mode allows for user-defined processing.

Dataset Parameters#

In addition to the mode-specific token generators, the following dataset parameters are also processed:

  • use_vsl: A boolean parameter indicating whether to use VSL (variable sequence length) mode.

  • is_multimodal: A boolean parameter indicating whether the dataset is multimodal.

  • training_objective: Specifies the training objective which can either be fim or mlm. mlm is for masked language modeling which is a part of pretraining token generator.

  • image_dir: If the dataset is multimodal, then this parameter must be specified. It indicates

the directory path where images are stored. An error is raised if the image_dir is not provided in the dataset section of the config file.


Note that the modes are setup parameters whereas use_vsl, is_multimodal, training_objective are dataset parameters.

use_vsl is not supported for multimodal tasks.

Processing Parameters#

Initialization of Parameters#

This section initializes parameters for preprocessing tasks, setting up class attributes based on the provided configuration. Below are detailed explanations of each parameter and its role:

  • resume_from_checkpoint: Boolean flag indicating whether to resume processing from a checkpoint. Defaults to False.

  • max_seq_length: Specifies the maximum sequence length for processing. Defaults to 2048.

  • read_chunk_size: The size of chunks to read from the input data, specified in KB. Defaults to 1024 KB (1 MB).

  • write_chunk_size: The size of chunks to write to the output data, specified in KB. Defaults to 1024 KB (1 MB).

  • write_in_batch: Boolean flag indicating whether to write data in batches. Defaults to False.

  • read_hook: The path to the read hook function used for reading data. Defaults to None. User must provide the read_hook for every preprocessing run.

  • read_hook_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments for the read hook function. Must include data_keys, which specifies the keys to be used for data processing.

  • data_keys: Keys required for data processing, obtained from read_hook_kwargs.

  • shuffle: Boolean flag indicating whether to shuffle the data. Defaults to False. If True, the shuffle seed is also set.

  • shuffle_seed: The seed for shuffling data. Defaults to 0 if not specified.

  • fraction_of_RAM_alloted: Upper limit on fraction of RAM allocated for processing. Defaults to 0.7 (70% of available RAM).


The max_seq_length specified in the processing section of the data config should match max_position_embeddings in the model section in the model’s config. Also make sure the vocab_size in the model section in the model’s config matches the vocab size of the tokenizer used for data preprocessing.

Read Hook Function#

A read hook function is a user-defined function that customizes the way data is processed. This function can be specified through a configuration parameter under processing section in the config and is crucial for preprocessing datasets. The parameter fields it takes are read_hook and read_hook_kwargs.

Important Considerations#

  • Always ensure that a read hook function is provided for datasets to handle the data types appropriately.

  • Specify the read hook path in the configuration in the format module_name:func_name to ensure the correct function is loaded and utilized.

Example Configuration#

Here is how to specify a format hook function in the configuration:

  read_hook: "my_module.my_submodule:my_custom_hook"
     key1: "<key1_name>"
     key1: "<key2_name>"
    param1: value1
    param2: value2

This configuration will load “my_custom_hook” from “my_module.my_submodule” and bind data_keys, param1 and param2 with the respective values.

Tokenizer Initialization#

Tokenizer Types and Initialization#

This section describes how the tokenizer is initialized based on the provided processing parameters. The initialization process handles different types of tokenizers, including HuggingFace tokenizer, GPT-2, NeoX, and custom tokenizers.

Configuration Parameters#

  • huggingface_tokenizer: Specifies the HuggingFace tokenizer to use.

  • custom_tokenizer: Specifies the custom tokenizer to use. The way to specify custom tokenizer is same as any other custom module - you can use module_name:tokenizer_name. gpt2tokenizer and neoxtokenizer are provided as special case, custom tokenizers for legacy reasons. For more details about custom tokenizers, refer to - _custom-tokenizer-section.

  • tokenizer_params: A dictionary of additional parameters for the tokenizer. These parameters are passed to the tokenizer during initialization.

  • eos_id: Optional. Specifies the end-of-sequence token ID. Used if the tokenizer does not have an eos_id.

  • pad_id: Optional. Specifies the padding token ID. Used if the tokenizer does not have a pad_id.

Initialization Process#

  1. Handling Tokenizer Types:

    • HuggingFace Tokenizer: Initialized using AutoTokenizer from HuggingFace.

    • Custom Tokenizer: For custom tokenizers, initialized from the user-provided module and class.

  2. GPT-2 and NeoX Tokenizers:

    • Kept as custom tokenizers because they require custom vocab and encoder files for initialization which are located in ModelZoo. Note that you can still use HuggingFace tokenizers for GPT2 and NeoX. But, these tokenizers exist for legacy reasons.

  3. Override IDs:

    • Override the eos_id and pad_id if specified in the processing parameters. Ensure that the eos_id and pad_id provided in the configuration match the tokenizer’s eos_id and pad_id, if available.

    For GPT-2 tokenizers, make sure the pad_id is set to the same value as the eos_id.

Example Configurations#

HuggingFace Tokenizer#

  huggingface_tokenizer: "bert-base-uncased"
    param1: value1
    param2: value2

This configuration will initialize the specified HuggingFace tokenizer with specific parameters.

GPT-2 Tokenizer#

GPT-2 and NeoX tokenizers are treated as custom tokenizers because they require specific vocab and encoder files for initialization. These files must be provided through the tokenizer_params.

  custom_tokenizer: "gpt2tokenizer"
    vocab_file: "path/to/vocab.json"
    encoder_file: "path/to/merges.txt"

NeoX Tokenizer#

  custom_tokenizer: "neoxtokenizer"
    encoder_file: "path/to/encoder.json"

Custom Tokenizer#

  custom_tokenizer: ""
    param1: "param1"
    param2: "param2"

Output Files Structure#

The output directory will contain a bunch of .h5 files as shown below:

├── checkpoint_process_0.txt
├── checkpoint_process_1.txt
├── data_params.json
├── output_chunk_0_0_0_0.h5
├── output_chunk_1_0_0_0.h5
├── output_chunk_1_0_16_1.h5
├── output_chunk_0_0_28_1.h5
├── output_chunk_0_0_51_2.h5
├── output_chunk_1_0_22_2.h5
├── output_chunk_0_1_0_3.h5
├── ...
  • data_params.json is the file which stores the parameters used for generating this set of files.

  • checkpoint_*.txt can be used for resuming the processing in case the run script gets killed for some reason. To use this file, simply set the resume_from_checkpoint flag to True in the processing section inside the configuration file.

Statistics Generated After Preprocessing#

After preprocessing has been completed, a bunch of statistics are generated in data_params.json. These are:

Attributes and Descriptions#




The average number of bytes per sequence after processing


The average number of characters per sequence after processing


The number of files discarded during processing because the resulting number of token IDs were either greater than the MSL or less than the min_sequence_len


The token ID used to signify the end of a sequence


Number of tokens on which loss is computed


The total number of examples (sequences) that were processed


Non pad tokens


The total number of bytes after normalization (e.g., UTF-8 encoding)


The total number of characters after normalization (e.g., lowercasing, removing special characters)


The total number of tokens that were masked (used in tasks like masked language modeling)


The total number of padding tokens used to equalize the length of the sequences


Total number of tokens


The token ID used as padding


The number of files successfully processed after tokenizing


The total number of bytes before any processing


The total number of characters before any processing


The number of files that were successfully processed without any issues


The total number of raw docs present in the input data


The number of raw docs that were skipped due to missing sections in the data


The size of the vocabulary used in the tokenizer


By understanding and correctly implementing these components, users can optimize their preprocessing workflows, leading to more efficient and effective model training and evaluation on the Cerebras platform.

What’s Next?#

Now that you’ve mastered the essentials of data preprocessing on Cerebras Systems, dive deeper into configuring your input data with our detailed guide on Input Data Configuration on Cerebras Systems. This guide will help you set up and manage local and HuggingFace data sources effectively, ensuring seamless integration into your preprocessing workflow.

Additionally, explore the various read hooks available for data processing. These read hooks are tailored to handle different types of input data, preparing it for specific machine learning tasks. Understanding and utilizing these read hooks will further enhance your data preprocessing capabilities, leading to better model performance and more accurate results.