Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.chunk_data_preprocessor

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module implements a generic data preprocessor called `ChunkDataPreprocessor`.
It internally uses `DataFrame` and `DataReader` to read and process data.

import glob
import json
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import time
from multiprocessing import Event, Lock, Process, Queue, Value, cpu_count
from multiprocessing.synchronize import Event
from threading import Event, Thread
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.utils.utils import check_and_create_output_dirs
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.data_reader import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.lm_data_token_generator import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.hdf5_preprocessing.utils import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.tokenizers.BPETokenizer import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.tokenizers.HFTokenizer import (

from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.dpo_data_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.fim_data_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.lm_vsl_data_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.nlg_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.summarization_data_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.nlp.chunk_data_processing.summarization_vsl_data_token_generator import (  # noqa

[docs]def get_compression_factor(filename: str) -> int: """ Calculate and return the compression factor based on a file's extension. Args: filename (str): The name of the file. Returns: int: Compression factor. Returns 3 for all compressed and parquet formats, otherwise returns 1 for uncompressed formats. """ compressed_formats = [ ".jsonl.zst", ".jsonl.zst.tar", ".json.gz", ".parquet", ] for format in compressed_formats: if filename.endswith(format): return 3 # compression factor for compressed/parquet formats return 1 # default factor for uncompressed formats
[docs]def update_progress( pbar: tqdm, progress_counter: Value, total_chunks: int, start_time: float, stop_event: Event, ) -> None: """ Update the progress bar based on the current progress. Args: pbar (tqdm): The progress bar instance. progress_counter (Value): A shared counter to track progress across processes. total_chunks (int): Total chunks to process. start_time (float): The start time of the process. stop_event (Event): Event to signal when to stop updating progress. Returns: None """ while not stop_event.is_set(): progress = progress_counter.value if progress > pbar.n: num_processed = progress - pbar.n pbar.update(num_processed) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time_per_chunk = elapsed_time / pbar.n estimated_remaining = avg_time_per_chunk * (total_chunks - pbar.n) # Update progress bar description with processed/total chunks pbar.set_description(f"Processing {pbar.n}/{total_chunks} chunks") # Update the progress bar postfix with avg processing time and estimated time pbar.set_postfix( avg_time=f"{avg_time_per_chunk:.4f}s/chunk", est_remaining=f"{estimated_remaining:.2f}s", refresh=True, ) time.sleep(0.5)
[docs]class ChunkDataPreprocessor:
[docs] def __init__(self, params, logger): """ Initialize the class with given parameters and logger. Args: params (dict): Configuration parameters. logger (Logger): Logging interface. """ self.params = params self.logger = logger self.json_params_file = None self.running_avg_processing_time = 0 self.chunks_processed = 0 self.process_params()
[docs] def process_params(self) -> None: """ Process parameters by calling various initialization methods. """ self.setup_output_directory() self.handle_metadata_files() self.process_setup_params() self.process_dataset_params() self.process_processing_params() self.initialize_miscellaneous_attributes() self.check_unused_params()
[docs] def setup_output_directory(self) -> None: """ Set up the output directory based on provided configuration. """ self.output_dir = self.params["setup"].get("output_dir", "./output/") if not self.params["processing"].get("resume_from_checkpoint", False): check_and_create_output_dirs(self.output_dir, filetype="h5")"\nWriting data to {self.output_dir}.\n") self.json_params_file = os.path.join( self.output_dir, "data_params.json" ) self.checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "checkpoint.txt") dump_args(self.params, self.json_params_file)
[docs] def handle_metadata_files(self) -> None: """ Handle metadata files based on provided configuration. """ metadata_files = self.params["setup"].pop("metadata_files", None) if metadata_files: metadata_files = metadata_files.split(",") input_dir = self.params["setup"].pop("input_dir", None) self.input_files = sorted( get_files(input_dir=input_dir, metadata_files=metadata_files) )
[docs] def process_setup_params(self) -> None: """ Setup the number of processes based on provided configuration. """ self.processes = self.params["setup"].pop("processes", 0) if self.processes == 0: self.processes = cpu_count() ds_processor = self.params["setup"].pop( "dataset_processor", "LMDataPreprocessor" ) token_generator_map = { "LMDataPreprocessor": "LMDataTokenGenerator", "SummarizationPreprocessor": "SummarizationTokenGenerator", "CurationCorpusPreprocessor": "SummarizationTokenGenerator", "FIMDataPreprocessor": "FIMTokenGenerator", "NLGPreprocessor": "NLGTokenGenerator", "VSLLMDataPreprocessor": "VSLLMDataTokenGenerator", "VSLSummarizationPreprocessor": "VSLSummarizationTokenGenerator", "DPOPreprocessor": "DPOTokenGenerator", } self.token_generator_name = token_generator_map[ds_processor]
[docs] def check_unused_params(self) -> None: """ Check for any unused parameters and log them as warnings. """ unused_setup_params = [ key for key in self.params["setup"].keys() if key != "output_dir" ] if unused_setup_params: self.logger.warning( f"\nThe following setup params are unused: {', '.join(unused_setup_params)}" ) if self.params["dataset"]: self.logger.warning( "The following dataset params are unused: " + ", ".join(self.params["dataset"].keys()) )
[docs] def process_dataset_params(self) -> None: """ Process dataset specific parameters. """ dataset_params = self.params["dataset"] self.jsonl_key = dataset_params.pop("jsonl_key", None) # Summarization specific fields self.prompt_key = dataset_params.pop("prompt_key", None) self.completion_key = dataset_params.pop("completion_key", None) self.chosen_key = dataset_params.pop("chosen_key", None) self.rejected_key = dataset_params.pop("rejected_key", None) self.multi_turn_key = dataset_params.pop("multi_turn_key", None) self.multi_turn_content_key = dataset_params.pop( "multi_turn_content_key", None ) if self.token_generator_name in [ "LMDataTokenGenerator", "FIMTokenGenerator", "VSLLMDataTokenGenerator", ]: assert ( self.prompt_key is None and self.completion_key is None ), f"Prompt/Completion key can't be provided when performing LM or FIM tasks. Provided prompt_key: {self.prompt_key}, completion_key: {self.completion_key}" elif self.token_generator_name in [ "SummarizationTokenGenerator", "VSLSummarizationTokenGenerator", ]: assert ( self.jsonl_key is None ), f"jsonl key can't be provided when performing summarization tasks. Provided jsonl_key: {self.jsonl_key}" self.sep_token = dataset_params.get("sep_token", None) self.data_keys = {} if self.prompt_key and self.completion_key: self.data_keys = { "prompt_key": self.prompt_key, "completion_key": self.completion_key, } elif self.jsonl_key: self.data_keys = {"jsonl_key": self.jsonl_key} elif self.multi_turn_key: self.data_keys = {"multi_turn_key": self.multi_turn_key} if self.multi_turn_content_key: self.data_keys.update( {"multi_turn_content_key": self.multi_turn_content_key} ) elif self.chosen_key and self.rejected_key: self.data_keys = { "chosen_key": self.chosen_key, "rejected_key": self.rejected_key, } if self.prompt_key: self.data_keys.update({"prompt_key": self.prompt_key}) ## Set default keys if keys not available if not self.data_keys: if self.token_generator_name == "DPOTokenGenerator": self.data_keys = { "prompt_key": "prompt", "chosen_key": "chosen", "rejected_key": "rejected", } ## these are default dpo keys elif self.token_generator_name == "NLGTokenGenerator": self.data_keys = { "prompt_key": "context", "completion_key": "completion", } elif self.token_generator_name == "LMDataTokenGenerator": self.data_keys = { "jsonl_key": "text" } ## default jsonl key is text ## initialize the final data statistics self.final_data_stats = { "discarded": 0, "processed": 0, "successful": 0, "raw_chars_count": 0, "raw_bytes_count": 0, "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, "normalized_chars_count": 0, "normalized_bytes_count": 0, "examples": 0, "average_chars_per_sequence": 0, "average_bytes_per_sequence": 0, } # Initialize checkpoint data stats self.checkpoint_data_stats = { "discarded": 0, "processed": 0, "successful": 0, "raw_chars_count": 0, "raw_bytes_count": 0, "num_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, "normalized_chars_count": 0, "normalized_bytes_count": 0, "examples": 0, "average_chars_per_sequence": 0, "average_bytes_per_sequence": 0, }
[docs] def process_processing_params(self) -> None: """ Process the processing parameters and initialize relevant class attributes. """ processing_params = self.params["processing"] self.output_name = processing_params.pop("output_name", "examples") self.resume_from_checkpoint = processing_params.pop( "resume_from_checkpoint", False ) self.max_seq_length = processing_params.get("max_seq_length", 2048) self.max_chunk_size = processing_params.pop("max_chunk_size", 1024)"\nChunk size in kB: {self.max_chunk_size}.\n") self.display_pbar = processing_params.pop("display_pbar", True) self.write_in_batch = processing_params.pop("write_in_batch", False) self.shuffle = processing_params.get("shuffle", False) if self.shuffle: self.shuffle_seed = processing_params.get("shuffle_seed", 0) self.writer_process_num = (self.processes - 1) // 2 else: self.writer_process_num = math.ceil((self.processes - 1) / 10) self.tokenize_process_num = self.processes - 1 - self.writer_process_num self.initialize_tokenizer(processing_params) if self.sep_token: self.add_token(self.sep_token) self.logger.warning( f"A sep token {self.sep_token} was added to tokenizer. This " "will change the vocab size. If you are using a pretrained " "model, you will need to avoid adding this." ) # Create tokenizer queues for each tokenizer process self.tokenizer_queues = None if self.tokenize_process_num > 0: # Set up communication queues self.tokenizer_queues = [ Queue(maxsize=50) for _ in range(self.tokenize_process_num) ] self.writer_queues = [ Queue(maxsize=50) for _ in range(self.tokenize_process_num) ] self.stats_queue = Queue() if isinstance( self.token_generator, LMDataTokenGenerator ) and not isinstance(self.token_generator, VSLLMDataTokenGenerator): self.prefix_queue = Queue()
[docs] def add_token(self, token): """Add token to the tokenizer Args: token (str): token to be added to the tokenizer """ if self.tokenizer_type == "gpt2tokenizer": self.tokenizer.add_token(token) elif self.tokenizer_type == "neoxtokenizer": self.tokenizer.add_token([token]) elif self.tokenizer_type == "huggingfacetokenizer": self.tokenizer.add_token([token])
[docs] def initialize_tokenizer(self, processing_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Initialize tokenizer based on the provided `tokenizer_type` parameter. Args: processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ self.tokenizer_type = processing_params.pop( "tokenizer_type", "none" ).lower() assert ( self.tokenizer_type != "none" ), "`tokenizer_type` is missing, please provide it using `args.tokenizer_type`." if self.tokenizer_type == "gpt2tokenizer": self.initialize_gpt2tokenizer(processing_params) elif self.tokenizer_type == "neoxtokenizer": self.initialize_neoxtokenizer(processing_params) elif self.tokenizer_type == "huggingfacetokenizer": self.initialize_huggingfacetokenizer(processing_params) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.tokenizer_type} is not implemented. Acceptable values are: `gpt2tokenizer`, `neoxtokenizer`, `huggingfacetokenizer`." ) # Override eos id and pad id from user args if ( processing_params.get("eos_id") is not None ): # important as id could be set to 0 f"Overriding the eos id {self.eos_id} from the tokenizer with supplied eos id: {processing_params['eos_id']}." ) self.eos_id = processing_params["eos_id"] self.pad_id = processing_params[ "eos_id" ] # set pad id same as eos id if processing_params.get("pad_id") is not None: f"Overriding the pad id {self.pad_id} from the tokenizer with supplied pad id: {processing_params['pad_id']}." ) self.pad_id = processing_params["pad_id"] if ( self.pad_id != self.eos_id and self.tokenizer_type == "gpt2tokenizer" ): f"Pad id {self.pad_id} supplied from command line is different from eos id {self.eos_id}. For GPT2 tokenizer, pad id and eos id must be the same. Setting pad id to eos id." ) self.pad_id = self.eos_id if self.token_generator_name == "NLGTokenGenerator": self.token_generator = getattr( sys.modules[__name__], self.token_generator_name )(self.max_seq_length) else: self.token_generator = getattr( sys.modules[__name__], self.token_generator_name )(self.params, self.tokenizer, self.eos_id, self.pad_id)
[docs] def initialize_gpt2tokenizer( self, processing_params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Initialize GPT-2 tokenizer. Args: processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ vocab_file = processing_params.pop("vocab_file", None) encoder_file = processing_params.pop("encoder_file", None) self.tokenizer = BPETokenizer(vocab_file, encoder_file) assert ( vocab_file ), "`vocab_file` is missing, please provide it using `args.vocab_file`." assert ( encoder_file ), "`encoder_file` is missing, please provide it using `args.encoder_file`." self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.get_token_id("<|endoftext|>") self.pad_id = self.tokenizer.get_token_id("<|endoftext|>")
[docs] def initialize_neoxtokenizer( self, processing_params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Initialize Neox tokenizer. Args: processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ encoder_file = processing_params.pop("encoder_file", None) assert ( encoder_file ), "`encoder_file` is missing, please provide it using `args.encoder_file`." self.tokenizer = HFTokenizer(encoder_file) self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.eos_id self.pad_id = ( self.eos_id if self.tokenizer.pad_id is None else self.tokenizer.pad_id )
[docs] def initialize_huggingfacetokenizer( self, processing_params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Initialize Hugging Face tokenizer. Args: processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ from transformers import AutoTokenizer self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( processing_params.pop("huggingface_tokenizer"), token=processing_params.pop("auth_token"), ) self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id self.pad_id = ( self.eos_id if self.tokenizer.pad_token_id is None else self.tokenizer.pad_token_id )
[docs] def initialize_miscellaneous_attributes(self) -> None: """ Initialize miscellaneous attributes. """ self.n_examples = ( 0 ## stores the total number of sequences in the current dataset )
[docs] def get_params_file(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the path to the JSON parameters file. Returns: str: Path to the JSON parameters file. """ return self.json_params_file
[docs] def get_output_dir(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the output directory path. Returns: str: Path to the output directory. """ return self.output_dir
[docs] def calculate_total_size(self) -> int: """ Calculate the total size of all input files, taking compression factors into consideration. Returns: int: The total size of all input files in bytes. """ total_size = sum( os.path.getsize(file) * get_compression_factor(file) for file in self.input_files ) return total_size
[docs] def calculate_total_chunks(self, total_size: int) -> int: """ Calculate the total number of chunks based on the given total size and the predefined max chunk size. Parameters: total_size (int): The total size of the data in bytes. Returns: int: Total number of chunks. """ max_chunk_size_bytes = self.max_chunk_size * 1024 return math.ceil(total_size / max_chunk_size_bytes)
[docs] def read_checkpoint(self, num_writers) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """ This function reads the checkpoint args from the created checkpoint file. Parameters: num_writers: The number of writer processes """ # Collect all the stats from previous processing # Pattern to find checkpoint stats JSON files checkpoint_pattern = os.path.join( self.output_dir, 'checkpoint_process_stats*.json' ) # Read and aggregate stats from each file for stats_file in glob.glob(checkpoint_pattern): with open(stats_file, 'r') as file: stats_data = json.load(file) for key in self.checkpoint_data_stats: if key in stats_data: self.checkpoint_data_stats[key] += stats_data[key] process_checkpoints = [(0, 0, 0) for process in range(num_writers)] root, extension = os.path.splitext(self.checkpoint_path) for pid in range(num_writers): process_checkpoint_path = root + f'_process_{pid}.txt' if self.resume_from_checkpoint and os.path.isfile( process_checkpoint_path ): try: with open(process_checkpoint_path, "r") as file: file_idx, doc_idx, hdf5_idx = [ int(i) for i in", ") ] process_checkpoints[pid] = (file_idx, doc_idx, hdf5_idx) f"Process {pid} resuming from file number: {file_idx}, " f"and number of hdf5 files written = {hdf5_idx}" ) except Exception as e: # if checkpoint path is at initialization, # file may exist, but no data might be written in the file # in that event, do not do anything, go to the final return self.logger.error(e) return process_checkpoints
[docs] def verify_hdf5_files(self, chunk_data) -> None: """ This function verifies the whether the hdf5 files have been written correctly. Parameters: chunk_data: The df chunk which needs to be written to a hdf5 file """ ## check that the expected shape of data matches and ## the indices in the data is less than voacb size chunk_number, df_chunk = chunk_data vocab_size = self.get_vocab_size() if isinstance( self.token_generator, (VSLLMDataTokenGenerator, VSLSummarizationTokenGenerator), ): expected_shape = (5, self.max_seq_length) elif isinstance( self.token_generator, DPOTokenGenerator, ): expected_shape = (6, self.max_seq_length) else: expected_shape = (3, self.max_seq_length) data_arr = np.concatenate(df_chunk.tokenized_data, axis=0) data_shape = data_arr.shape assert data_shape[1:] == expected_shape or self.max_seq_length == -1, ( f"Error in dataframe with number {chunk_number}, conversion is corrupted as the " f"shape of example is unexpected. Expected:" f" {expected_shape}, received {data_shape[1:]}." ) assert (data_arr < vocab_size).all(), ( f"Error in dataframe with number {chunk_number}, conversion is corrupted as the " f"input ids are greater than vocab size." f"Please ensure that a correct tokenizer is used " f"and the eos_id and pad_id are correct within the " f"tokenizer vocabulary size." )
[docs] def write_remaining_prefix(self, chunk_locks, pid) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ This function writes the prefix remaining after processing LMData when pack_sequences is set to true. Parameters: chunk_locks : List of locks for appending to hdf5 files during shuffling pid: Process id of the current process """ ## write remaining prefix from all processes for LMData tasks when pack sequences is set to true if not ( self.token_generator_name == "LMDataTokenGenerator" or self.token_generator_name == "FIMTokenGenerator" ): return else: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_{pid}_{0}_{0}_{0}.h5", ) prefix_sequences = 0 prefix_stats = { "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, } if self.shuffle: np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed) prefix = [] sentinels_received = 0 while True: curr_prefix = self.prefix_queue.get() if curr_prefix is None: sentinels_received += 1 if sentinels_received == self.tokenize_process_num: break else: prefix = prefix + curr_prefix if len(prefix) > 0: ( encoded_prefix, prefix_stats, ) = self.token_generator.encode_leftover_prefix(prefix) if len(encoded_prefix) > 0: base_name, extension = os.path.splitext(output_file_name) chunk_number = int(base_name.split('_')[-1]) df_chunk = DataFrame(self.data_keys) df_chunk.tokenized_data.append(encoded_prefix) chunk_data = chunk_number, df_chunk self.verify_hdf5_files(chunk_data) if not self.shuffle: with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: df_chunk.save_to_hdf5(h5f, self.write_in_batch) prefix_sequences += int(h5f.attrs["n_examples"]) else: n_examples = df_chunk.append_to_hdf5( self.output_dir, self.total_chunks, pid, chunk_locks, ) prefix_sequences += n_examples self.final_data_stats["loss_valid_tokens"] += prefix_stats[ "loss_valid_tokens" ] self.final_data_stats["num_tokens"] += prefix_stats[ "num_tokens" ] self.final_data_stats["num_pad_tokens"] += prefix_stats[ "num_pad_tokens" ] self.final_data_stats["non_pad_tokens"] += prefix_stats[ "non_pad_tokens" ] self.final_data_stats["num_masked_tokens"] += prefix_stats[ "num_masked_tokens" ] self.final_data_stats["examples"] += prefix_sequences
[docs] def shuffle_second_pass(self, file_list, progress_counter, pid) -> None: """ This function performs the second pass of shuffling. Parameters: file_list: List of hdf5 file paths to shuffle progress_counter: A shared counter to track progress across processes. """ np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed + pid) for file_path in file_list: with h5py.File(file_path, 'r+') as hf: data = hf["data"] data_array = data[:] np.random.shuffle(data_array) data[...] = data_array progress_counter.value += 1
[docs] def split_shuffle_second_pass(self): """ This function divides the output hdf5 files into different processes and prepares them for the second pass of shuffling. """ ## Perform the second pass of shuffling:"The second pass of shuffling has started") hdf5_file_list = sorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "*.h5")) ) hdf5_file_list_length = len(hdf5_file_list) chunk_size = hdf5_file_list_length // self.processes file_list_per_process = [ hdf5_file_list[i * chunk_size : (i + 1) * chunk_size] for i in range(self.processes) ] remainder = hdf5_file_list_length % self.processes for i in range(remainder): file_list_per_process[i].append( hdf5_file_list[self.processes * chunk_size + i] ) progress_counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) start_time = time.time() shuffle_processes = [ Process( target=self.shuffle_second_pass, args=( file_list_per_process[i], progress_counter, i, ), ) for i in range(self.processes) ] for proc in shuffle_processes: proc.start() with tqdm( total=hdf5_file_list_length, desc="Processing", dynamic_ncols=True ) as pbar: stop_event = Event() progress_thread = Thread( target=update_progress, args=( pbar, progress_counter, hdf5_file_list_length, start_time, stop_event, ), ) progress_thread.start() for i, proc in enumerate(shuffle_processes): proc.join() stop_event.set() progress_thread.join()
[docs] def stats_collation(self, num_writer_processes) -> None: """ This function collates the stats obtained from the different writer processes into a combined final stats Parameters: num_writer_processes: Number of writer processes """ sentinels_received = 0 while True: data_stats = self.stats_queue.get() if data_stats == None: sentinels_received += 1 if sentinels_received == num_writer_processes: break # Exit loop after receiving all sentinels else: for key in data_stats: self.final_data_stats[key] = ( self.final_data_stats[key] + data_stats[key] ) if self.resume_from_checkpoint: # Update final_data_stats with aggregated values for key in self.checkpoint_data_stats: self.final_data_stats[key] += self.checkpoint_data_stats[key] # Calculate average bytes and chars per sequence if examples > 0 to avoid division by zero if self.final_data_stats["examples"] > 0: self.final_data_stats["average_chars_per_sequence"] = math.ceil( self.final_data_stats["raw_chars_count"] / self.final_data_stats["examples"] ) self.final_data_stats["average_bytes_per_sequence"] = math.ceil( self.final_data_stats["raw_bytes_count"] / self.final_data_stats["examples"] )
[docs] def process_files( self, file_paths, process_idx, checkpoint_args, progress_counter, chunk_locks, ) -> None: """ Process the given files, tokenize the data chunks, and save to HDF5 format. Parameters: file_paths: list of file_paths. process_idx: Index of current process among all process spawned for file split checkpoint_args (Tuple[int, int, int]): File index, doc start index, and hdf5 index. progress_counter (Value[int]): Shared counter tracking number of processed chunks. chunk_locks : List of locks for appending to hdf5 files during shuffling """ cum_data_stats = { "discarded": 0, "processed": 0, "successful": 0, "raw_chars_count": 0, "raw_bytes_count": 0, "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, "normalized_chars_count": 0, "normalized_bytes_count": 0, "examples": 0, } total_examples = 0 if self.shuffle: np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed + process_idx) # Initial setup reader = Reader( file_paths, max_chunk_size=self.max_chunk_size * 1024, keys=self.data_keys, ) file_idx, doc_start_idx, hdf5_written = checkpoint_args process_chunk_number = hdf5_written checkpoint_args = (file_idx, doc_start_idx) for df_chunk in reader.stream_data(checkpoint_args): # Tokenize chunk df_chunk.tokenize(self.token_generator) for key in df_chunk.data_stats: cum_data_stats[key] += df_chunk.data_stats[key] if df_chunk.tokenized_data == []: process_chunk_number += 1 # Update progress counter progress_counter.value += 1 continue # Save chunk to HDF5 if not self.shuffle: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_{process_idx}_{df_chunk.file_idx}_{df_chunk.start_doc_idx}_{process_chunk_number}.h5", ) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: df_chunk.save_to_hdf5(h5f, self.write_in_batch) cum_data_stats["examples"] += int(h5f.attrs["n_examples"]) else: n_examples = df_chunk.append_to_hdf5( self.output_dir, self.total_chunks, process_idx, chunk_locks, ) cum_data_stats["examples"] += n_examples root, extension = os.path.splitext(self.checkpoint_path) process_checkpoint_path = root + f'_process_{process_idx}.txt' process_stats_path = root + f'_process_stats_{process_idx}.json' checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.end_doc_idx + 1 if isinstance( self.token_generator, (VSLLMDataTokenGenerator, VSLSummarizationTokenGenerator), ): checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.start_doc_idx with open(process_checkpoint_path, "w") as file: file.write( f"{df_chunk.file_idx}, {checkpoint_doc_idx}, {process_chunk_number+1}" ) dump_args(cum_data_stats, process_stats_path) process_chunk_number += 1 # Update progress counter progress_counter.value += 1 if isinstance( self.token_generator, LMDataTokenGenerator ) and not isinstance(self.token_generator, VSLLMDataTokenGenerator): if self.token_generator.prefix != []: self.prefix_queue.put(self.token_generator.prefix) self.prefix_queue.put(None) self.stats_queue.put(cum_data_stats) self.stats_queue.put(None)
[docs] def file_split_process_dataset(self) -> None: """ Process the dataset by splitting files across multiple processes. """ start_time = time.time() self.tokenize_process_num = self.processes total_size = self.calculate_total_size() self.total_chunks = self.calculate_total_chunks(total_size) process_file_lists = [[] for _ in range(self.processes)] process_checkpoints = self.read_checkpoint(self.processes) hdf5_files_written = sum( [checkpoint_args[-1] for checkpoint_args in process_checkpoints] ) for idx, file in enumerate(self.input_files): target_process = idx % self.processes process_file_lists[target_process].append(file) # Setup the shared progress counter progress_counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", hdf5_files_written) if self.shuffle and self.processes > 1: lock_pool_size = cpu_count() chunk_locks = [Lock() for _ in range(lock_pool_size)] else: chunk_locks = None processes = [ Process( target=self.process_files, args=( files, pid, process_checkpoints[pid], progress_counter, chunk_locks, ), ) for pid, files in enumerate(process_file_lists) ] for p in processes: p.start() # Using tqdm for progress bar with tqdm( total=self.total_chunks, desc="Processing", dynamic_ncols=True ) as pbar: stop_event = ( Event() ) # To signal the progress update thread when to stop progress_thread = Thread( target=update_progress, args=( pbar, progress_counter, self.total_chunks, start_time, stop_event, ), ) progress_thread.start() self.stats_collation(self.processes) self.write_remaining_prefix(chunk_locks, self.processes) # Wait for all processes to finish for p in processes: # TODO: We had to add a timeout here # as a workaround to avoid hanging at the # join. We need to figure out a better # solution. p.join(timeout=1e-6) end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time stop_event.set() # Signal the progress update thread to stop progress_thread.join() # Wait for the progress update thread to finish if self.shuffle: self.split_shuffle_second_pass() end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time f"The process_dataset function took {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds to complete." )
[docs] def reader_process(self, checkpoint_args: Tuple) -> None: """ Reads data from input files and distributes them to the tokenizer queues. Args: checkpoint_args (Tuple[int, int, int]): File index, doc start index, and hdf5 index. """ reader = Reader( self.input_files, max_chunk_size=self.max_chunk_size * 1024, keys=self.data_keys, ) file_idx, doc_start_idx, hdf5_idx = checkpoint_args checkpoint_args = (file_idx, doc_start_idx) chunk_number = hdf5_idx # Initialize chunk number counter for df_chunk in reader.stream_data(checkpoint_args): # Distribute chunks in a round-robin fashion across tokenizer queues # while making sure the first chunk is given to first tokenizer process tokenizer_queue = self.tokenizer_queues[ (chunk_number - hdf5_idx) % (self.tokenize_process_num) ] tokenizer_queue.put( (chunk_number, df_chunk) ) # Send chunk number with df_chunk chunk_number += 1 # Place sentinel values in each tokenizer queue to indicate end of reading for tq in self.tokenizer_queues: tq.put(None)
[docs] def tokenizer_process(self, idx: int) -> None: """ Tokenizes data and forwards the tokenized data to the writer queue. Args: idx (int): Queue ID to forward tokenized chunks of data. """ while True: try: chunk_data = self.tokenizer_queues[idx].get() if chunk_data is None: # Sentinel value indicates termination if isinstance( self.token_generator, LMDataTokenGenerator ) and not isinstance( self.token_generator, VSLLMDataTokenGenerator ): if self.token_generator.prefix != []: self.prefix_queue.put(self.token_generator.prefix) self.prefix_queue.put(None) self.writer_queues[idx].put(None) break ( chunk_number, df_chunk, ) = chunk_data # Unpack chunk number and data frame chunk df_chunk.tokenize(self.token_generator) self.writer_queues[idx].put((chunk_number, df_chunk)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f'Exception in tokenizer process {os.getpid()}: {e}' )
[docs] def writer_process( self, progress_counter: "Value[int]", num_sentinels: int, writer_idx: int, chunk_locks, ) -> None: """ Process that writes tokenized data to HDF5 format. Args: progress_counter (Value[int]): Shared counter tracking number of processed chunks. num_sentinels : Number of sentinels to be received for the current writer process writer_idx : The index of the current writer process chunk_locks : List of locks for appending to hdf5 files during shuffling """ cum_data_stats = { "discarded": 0, "processed": 0, "successful": 0, "raw_chars_count": 0, "raw_bytes_count": 0, "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, "normalized_chars_count": 0, "normalized_bytes_count": 0, "examples": 0, } total_examples = 0 sentinels_received = 0 tokenizer_idx = writer_idx if self.shuffle: np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed + writer_idx) while True: try: chunk_data = self.writer_queues[tokenizer_idx].get() ## We need to allocate the writer queues to writer processes in a round robin fashion. ## When the writer queue index (aka tokenizer_idx) goes beyond the total writer queues(aka self.tokenize_process_num) reset it to the current writer process index(aka writer_idx). tokenizer_idx = tokenizer_idx + self.writer_process_num if tokenizer_idx >= self.tokenize_process_num: tokenizer_idx = writer_idx if chunk_data is None: sentinels_received += 1 if sentinels_received == num_sentinels: break continue chunk_number, df_chunk = chunk_data if self.resume_from_checkpoint: h5_files = sorted( glob.glob(self.output_dir + f"/output_chunk_*.h5") ) for h5file_name in h5_files: ( hdf5_file_idx, hdf5_start_doc_idx, hdf5_idx, ) = os.path.splitext(h5file_name)[0].split("_")[-3:] if hdf5_idx == chunk_number: ## remove the previously file and over ride it os.remove(h5file_name) break for key in df_chunk.data_stats: cum_data_stats[key] += df_chunk.data_stats[key] if df_chunk.tokenized_data == []: progress_counter.value += 1 continue else: self.verify_hdf5_files(chunk_data) if not self.shuffle: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_{writer_idx}_{df_chunk.file_idx}_{df_chunk.start_doc_idx}_{chunk_number}.h5", ) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: df_chunk.save_to_hdf5(h5f, self.write_in_batch) cum_data_stats["examples"] += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) else: n_examples = df_chunk.append_to_hdf5( self.output_dir, self.total_chunks, writer_idx, chunk_locks, ) cum_data_stats["examples"] += n_examples root, extension = os.path.splitext(self.checkpoint_path) process_checkpoint_path = root + f'_process_{writer_idx}.txt' process_stats_path = root + f'_process_stats_{writer_idx}.json' checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.end_doc_idx + 1 if isinstance( self.token_generator, (VSLLMDataTokenGenerator, VSLSummarizationTokenGenerator), ): checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.start_doc_idx with open(process_checkpoint_path, "w") as file: file.write( f"{df_chunk.file_idx}, {checkpoint_doc_idx}, {chunk_number+1}" ) dump_args(cum_data_stats, process_stats_path) progress_counter.value += 1 except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f'Exception in writer process {os.getpid()}: {e}' ) self.stats_queue.put(cum_data_stats) self.stats_queue.put(None)
[docs] def task_split_process_dataset(self) -> None: """ Split the dataset processing tasks across multiple processes. """ start_time = time.time() total_size = self.calculate_total_size()"Total size of dataset: {total_size} bytes") self.total_chunks = self.calculate_total_chunks(total_size) f"Approximate number of chunks to process: {self.total_chunks}" ) process_checkpoints = self.read_checkpoint(self.writer_process_num) sorted_process_checkpoints = sorted( process_checkpoints, key=lambda x: x[-1] ) checkpoint_args = sorted_process_checkpoints[0] hdf5_files_written = checkpoint_args[2] progress_counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", hdf5_files_written) # Log process information"Total processes: {self.processes}")"Reader processes: 1")"Tokenizer processes: {self.tokenize_process_num}")"Writer processes: {self.writer_process_num}") if self.shuffle and self.writer_process_num > 1: lock_pool_size = 128 chunk_locks = [Lock() for _ in range(lock_pool_size)] else: chunk_locks = None chunks_per_writer = [ (self.tokenize_process_num // self.writer_process_num + 1) if i < self.tokenize_process_num % self.writer_process_num else (self.tokenize_process_num // self.writer_process_num) for i in range(self.writer_process_num) ] # Initialize and start processes tokenizers = [ Process( target=self.tokenizer_process, args=(idx,), ) for idx in range(self.tokenize_process_num) ] writers = [] for idx in range(self.writer_process_num): writers.append( Process( target=self.writer_process, args=( progress_counter, chunks_per_writer[idx], idx, chunk_locks, ), ) ) for t in tokenizers: t.start() for w in writers: w.start() # Use tqdm for the progress bar with tqdm( total=self.total_chunks, desc="Processing", dynamic_ncols=True ) as pbar: stop_event = Event() progress_thread = Thread( target=update_progress, args=( pbar, progress_counter, self.total_chunks, start_time, stop_event, ), ) progress_thread.start() self.reader_process(checkpoint_args) for t in tokenizers: # TODO: We had to add a timeout here # as a workaround to avoid hanging at the # join. We need to figure out a better # solution. t.join(timeout=1e-6) self.stats_collation(self.writer_process_num) self.write_remaining_prefix(chunk_locks, self.writer_process_num) for w in writers: w.join() stop_event.set() progress_thread.join() if self.shuffle: self.split_shuffle_second_pass() end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time f"The process_dataset function took {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds to complete." )
[docs] def process_dataset(self) -> dict: """ Process the dataset either through file split or task split methods. """ data_stats = None if self.processes < 3: self.file_split_process_dataset() else: self.task_split_process_dataset() return self.final_data_stats
[docs] def get_vocab_size(self): """Get tokenizer vocabulary size Returns: vocab_size (int): text to tokenize """ if self.tokenizer_type == "gpt2tokenizer": vocab_size = len(self.tokenizer.encoder) elif self.tokenizer_type == "neoxtokenizer": vocab_size = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.get_vocab_size() elif self.tokenizer_type == "huggingfacetokenizer": return len(self.tokenizer) return vocab_size